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Dating female bodybuilders question and the ultimate answer

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Did I ask you or anyone for money?

You wrote this:

The joker said: if you are good at something, dont do it for free. ... Contact me directly if you wish and I will have the courtesy to respond to your question.

which I understood to mean you want people to PM you and then you will give them your "advice", but not for free.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

On the contrary.

It has been taken out of proportion lol.


No one is getting asked anything related to cash... relax.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

On the contrary.

It has been taken out of proportion lol.


No one is getting asked anything related to cash... relax.

Glad you cleared that up.

Heaven forbid someone pay you money for advice on women when you have in fact never touched or been within 3 feet of a woman other than your mom.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink


That was a good one.

You actually made me laugh out loud. You want my attention?

I know your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant.

And by the way, did you know that you are the reason your mom swallows now?

Oh she didnt tell you?

She told me she couldn't believe how the fuck are you the sperm that won?

Ask her

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink


That was a good one.

You actually made me laugh out loud. You want my attention?

I know your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant.

And by the way, did you know that you are the reason your mom swallows now?

Oh she didnt tell you?

She told me she couldn't believe how the fuck are you the sperm that won.

Ask her

@trevorphillips9 From this reply you seem to have hit a nerve!


Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

OP got a lot of hate from mad juiceheads lol, you guys are just angry because you have been lifting to get women, OP was right about one thing golddigger or not, 99,9% of women would chose financially secure wimp over fitness guy with no or low financial security

If you guys are 100% sure that it's other way around then show us pictures of you with your "Fit" girlfriends, you can blur the faces, you are just trash talkers who get pride by taking down OP while being nobody's in real life hahaha

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@Michelilny Thats great that this thread has been helpful for you to determine that women generally prefer 'financially secure' men. I think the point that most posters have been making is there are a few other factors at play as well in human relationships (including muscular women) such as personality and shared interests. For most of us thats based on some actual experience with other people and its realllly unlikely even a tiny fraction of what OP is writing about himself is anything other than total BS.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@scottabc I didnt write much about myself other than descriptive details of being 6'1, which is not far fetched. There are humans beings walking around at 7 feet tall.

There are millions of Polyglots in the world.

For instance, if you dad is American and your mom is French and you grow up in Japan, its only normal that one would speak multiple languages.

These situations exist in the world.

Other than that, I dont see where I mentioned being the majority shareholder in Apple or Mercedes Benz.

THATS NOT what I wrote.

Perhaps to you, the part that irked you, is me dating multiple FBBs.

Some spend their hard earned money online jerking off to FBBs.

Some pay to have arm wrestling session etc.

Some actually get to date and $€¥£ them.

But I know one thing, we all dont have the same opportunities.

You have never heard of a man having multiple girlfriends?

Ooh because its FBBs I am writing about, it must is a lie.

You probably dont have enough stamps on your passport, which keeps you narrow minded.

Small world.

Move out of town. Out of state or country, travel and broaden your horizon.

Thank me later 🍷

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

It is amusing and more than a little mystifying to see the level of knee-jerk vitriol and snark being hurled at the OP, with even our usually levelheaded admin blowing things way out of proportion.

Being loaded will get you women, with no guarantee of a deep, loving relationship or that you'll get every single individual woman you might want. Shocker. Let's pile on the OP and imply the thread is bait for some sort of Nigerian scam, or that he only ever dated "Palmela Handerson", and use lots of facepalm and eyeroll emojis to show him exactly what's what.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Guys, you all might calm the fuq down, nobody’s gonna change others opinion. We all are different, we all have different experiences and we all spend our money in the way we think is best for us. Let’s eventually spend our time with positive vibes, we can express ourselves avoiding rudeness, trying instead to share our opinion and experiences politely. We might agree or disagree, trust or not but I would invite you all to chill out a bit. There’s no need to start any fight. Btw just my 2 cents.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Y'all are coming at the OP pretty fierce, but some of y'all are talking about what the man brings to the table (besides money), but what does she bring?

Again, a nice body is great, but some have mentioned buying her supplements, gear, food, etc., but it shouldn't be your job to supply those to her, she should be meeting you halfway. It's the 21st century guys, if she doesn't have the means to at least somewhat support herself and her chosen lifestyle, look elsewhere.

Nov 12, 2021 - permalink

I'm taking the time to respond to this thread out of respect for the others who have put genuine time and effort into crafting thoughtful responses (such as damagecontrol, Gatsby, muscleflexin, and the others).

There are multiple layers going on in this thread-- here's my general take:

OP has discovered something for himself. He appears to be of the opinion that he has discovered something that no one else around here has noticed, which is (basic summary): "If you have a bit of money and are willing to spend it on experiences that appeal to certain women, you will get the attention of those women." With that came some bits of decent advice, such as:


So stop being afraid of asking a FBB for date and thinking that only a muscular man has the potential to get her.

(Fine idea: open your mind and act with confidence)

combined with


So fellas, get your money right and the rest will follow.


The summary of my post is simply that FBBs can be had, you just need to have access to money, and you don't need to work out neither to get them, as most men tend to think

Francis_R1: I clicked on this thread and stayed with it because I was actually interested in what you had to say. I stand corrected in my assumption that OP's previous posts involved seeking a FBB for a long term meaningful relationship. It is clear from his further posts he simply meant superficial meetings and casual dating. Again, fine.

However, many younger guys here are working through their attraction to muscular women, and while dating, they are trying to figure out how to have a long term meaningful relationship with a person who meets their physical ideals. Keeping that point in mind, many well-written responses addressed this very concern, and pointed out a lack of depth in OP's overall idea. Rather than engaging in a meaningful discussion about how relationships can vary in depth depending on one's phase of life, and instead of taking this as an opportunity for further discussion, OP assumed and insinuated that we:

However, it is not your fault. I understand that people are on different levels at certain things.

  • Are intellectually inferior;

Perhaps to you, the part that irked you, is me dating multiple FBBs.

  • all want to date multiple FFBs and are envious of his secret formula;

You probably dont have enough stamps on your passport, which keeps you narrow minded.

  • We are untravelled and inexperienced about how the world works and therefore have small-minded opinions;

I so wish I could put your fingers out use for a few weeks to teach you some manners.

  • deserve physical threats?

And of course, this gem:


Are you 2 the admins for this website?

If you are, I am worried.

And I have noticed that you are quite the haters.

I think this thread got attention because the topic is meaningful to those who wish to find a female companion who keeps a fit and muscular physique. Some of us have been able to "crack the code" and find such a woman. This concern and longing is real. Like many things in life, it seems extremely complicated or even unattainable until a person learns how to see the big picture and prioritize choices.

OP: Instead of throwing insults back and forth and trying to be superior, listen to what some of the commenters are adding to the discussion. You might reach a phase in life where you want more than superficial dating. Believe us, you will then need more than money or stamps in your passport.

Nov 12, 2021 - permalink

Nov 13, 2021 - edited Nov 13, 2021 - permalink


"OP: Instead of throwing insults back and forth and trying to be superior, listen to what some of the commenters are adding to the discussion. You might reach a phase in life where you want more than superficial dating. Believe us, you will then need more than money or stamps in your passport."

First of all, I wasn't the instigator of the insults.

I am polite unless provoked. I am more of a Magneto then a Professor X (salute to all Marvel fans out here)

If you go back to the genesis of the thread, anyone could see who started the insults. I am not shocked you are calling me out and not the "admins".

You highlight my response to the initial insults by the others.

You probably don't want to be cancelled.

I get it.

But you don't have to brown nose neither.

We have buried the hatchet in the last 24h in the thread.

To quote Jesus: "Father forgive them for they not know what they do".

As for the superior analysis coming from me that you allude to, I don't think I was bragging or flaunting with the goal to "mock" anyone.

I was pointing at his shortcomings.

The stamp on his passport quote, If you are ambitious (and I believe most people are), you should be motivated by it.

Never getting out of your state will never give you the same life experiences as one who does travel.

If that is an insult or if you feel hurt by it, tough.

As for your point of view: "You might reach a phase in life where you want more than superficial dating. Believe us, you will then need more than money or stamps on your passport".

The keyword is superficial dating.

I repeat: "Superficial dating".

It appears superficial to you because not everyone, myself included, have dreams of marrying a FBB.

Moreover, my advise does not have to change your end decision if marrying an FBB is what you seek.

I don't need a FBB wife.

As for now, I have a need to date ladies or girlfriend (s) that are FBBs.

My current passion is to date and "enjoy" the company of FBBs.

I am getting to live my fantasies my way.

I will NOT walk the altar with a FBB (personal choice and that's another conversation).

When I decide to marry a woman, it will not be a FBB who will be the mother to my children.

Now, in your case for example:

I take it that you are a man.

And you are here looking for love.

Real love.

I will presume you dont lift weights.

You seek a relationship that would grow and perhaps lead to a marriage and kids scenario type of situation.

And you would like to have a FBB as a partner/girlfriend/spouse.


What are you going to do about it? How would you achieve this goal?

Will you join a gym perhaps? (you need money to do that, but that's feasible. So lets say you obtain a gym membership).

You now have a gym card, great.

Your ultimate goal is to meet a FBB at this gym.

Now you are wondering: Am I too skinny? I think I need to build muscles.

Or perhaps you are thinking: I am fat, and need to lose weight, then build muscles.

Perhaps you are already athletic and that's awesome.

Whatever the scenario.

All that stress and questions "hoping" to achieve your goal.

But hey, why not? Women are great motivating tools to drive a man's ambition.

In the meanwhile, you better also hope that you are charming, with a great personality, funny, witty, masculine (this is a fbb we are after, stay with me), attractive to the eye of the beholder (that's for her to choose), and that you pick her interest when she asks you what do you do for a living, or where do you live etc.

Remember, you are not the only man with the goal of seducing this chick.

You are looking for a serious relationship.

There are also plenty of men who are trying to apply for the vacancy (if she is single and seeking a relationship).

What qualifications do you bring to the table to enable you apply for the job and be a standout candidate? (apathetically speaking).

You are going to need more that that body of yours, muscles or smile that you throw at her. She gets those everyday.

Do not believe for one second that your kindness will suffice.

A woman will tell you that you are the kindest man she has ever met, but will date the bad boy next door.

Bear in mind, a lot of the FBBs that you see here with their boyfriends/husbands have known each other before they started the bodybuilding lifestyle. This is a different case.

Teenage girls like boys because of their looks. Women like men based on security (lots of scenarios in that word).

What are your other options?

You need to lure a fbb.

Attend bodybuilding contests and take photos backstage with the ladies?

Join a bodybuilding community?

You see where I am going with this.

You can do all that. And good luck to you.

Or, you get your finance sorted, I call it "financial muscle" and you avoid all the nonsense that only contains false hope in it, with no guaranteed success.

For men who love to workout and be muscular, and live that bodybuilding lifestyle, ignore me. You have you own point of views.

For men who are not into the muscle/gym culture, but wish to date or marry a fbb, Do not join the gym with false hope nor develop a muscular complex and waste your valuable time and psyche.

If a website existed, where the female bodybuilders you see on this website could register and seek for serious relationships, the "muscular male" options will NOT be a must for these ladies.

Get your finance sorted.

They will come, FBBs or not.

So @asianfitness, when I will no longer need "superficial" dating, I will have a wife at home, stamps on my passport to reminisce on, along with 2 Dobermans with a Mini Me.

I would not have wasted my time, but instead, I would have fulfilled my fantasies.

Nov 13, 2021 - permalink

Call me crazy but the 2 dobermann part is my fav 🙈 maybe cuz I love them :)

Nov 13, 2021 - permalink

Ok I was a little harsh, apologies OP.

Nov 13, 2021 - permalink

Apologies accepted @trevorphillips9

Nov 14, 2021 - permalink

everyone complains about mods deleting comments and locking threads but then threads with legitimate questions turn into pissing contests and ad homs.

Let's continue with the good stuff, and glad y'all could wrap that amicably :)

Nov 14, 2021 - permalink

@Francis_R1, You never actually told us how you met these muscular women that you are dating from different countries. Did you meet them on line, at a show, going out to clubs? How did they learn about your financial success? It’s true that financial success is helpful for dating women. One has the means to impress these women with expensive experiences. However, I think women who are overly impressed with material wealth are either superficial or cunning. While wealth can get you attention, it wouldn’t lead to a meaningful emotional relationship or even a meaningful friendship.

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

For sure. GUYS, UNDERSTAND SOMETHING. Women want a guy that is a good and decent human being. Absolutely some women are looking for certain character qualities or certain physical qualities. But I have dated a few female bodybuilders and the last thing on their list typically is money… And I’m not even sure if they are overly concerned with your physical look. They might want you to be athletic or trim at best. Most of them are looking for someone who they just enjoy being with. Here’s what you ACTUALLY should do. Be nice, ask a lot more about who they are than talk about yourself. Don’t really bring up the bodybuilding thing unless they want to talk about it. It’s not about money, it’s typically not even about luxe, it’s about being a decent human being and a man. They want to the same bullshit any other female wants. I promise you, if you, they’ll pick the guy who is 5’10 170 over 5’8 240 if the skinny guy treats them the right way. Hate to burst anyones bubble who thinks it takes muscle or money. It just does not. > What a bullshit thread.

Nov 15, 2021 - edited Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

@Jammin1994 Financial muscles will get you dates/relationships with a lot more chicks than you would believe. I stand by it.

How many decent human beings cant even attract a love interest? being a good human being line is redundant nowadays.

And by the way, I am talking about going on dates with FBBs. If you needed to go out with the baddest chick on GWM by next week, providing she is single, what will you do? tell her:

"Hi, my name is @Jammin1994, I am 5'10 with a nice smile and a great personality"? You think this process would work?

If this is the best method, we would all have the women of our dreams in our arms.

I am not here telling folks how a long lasting relationship like Cinderella's is made of, and that a woman will not like you because of your personality.

This is for the guys who wish to date FBBs, maybe it is your birthday in 2022, and you want to tick the bucket list, or the young fella wo asked: "How much money do I need to care for a FBB in one the the threads."

@Scythian "While wealth can get you attention, it wouldn’t lead to a meaningful emotional relationship or even a meaningful friendship."

This is absolutely true and out of so many languages, you chose to speak facts. Absolutely true statement.

But don't be afraid of wealth. These things goes both ways my friend.

I can counter and say: "Being broke will never get you the attention, nor would it lead to a meaningful emotional relationship or even a meaningful friendship with a woman." Facts.

At least with "financial muscles" you can make your dreams/fantasies come true.

It gives you the confidence to do what you want when you want.

I am big on living one's fantasies. I am not here for those seeking marriage and never ending love advice.

This is the difference.

Your quote :"However, I think women who are overly impressed with material wealth are either superficial or cunning". Another fact.

However, it depends what you are seeking from these chicks my friend.

If it is a wife you are after, you may play it down pretend that you are the average guy, and hope your "personality" works on her.

But from my own experience, when I tried it, It was not enough at times to stand out from the crowd.

Remember, these chicks have men constantly praising them, telling them how great they look etc, men all over their DMs.

Try walking to a fbb at a gym and introduce yourself to her, then let me know how that goes.

If you attend a bodybuilding contest, and ask to take a picture with one the ladies, they automatically assume you are a fan. Any further advances, they will think you are a creep.

Your quote: "You never actually told us how you met these muscular women that you are dating from different countries".

That is the easiest part.

Lets start this way: Are all FBBs from one single country? Answer is no.

Now being Polyglot helps in my case.

Some people have girlfriends in different cities/state or village depending on where you are from.

For instance, if you are in the U.S, it is not far fetched to date in L.A, Miami and Vegas. The only scenario here is you are most likely going to communicate in English, unless la chica de Miami solo habla español.

How do you meet a woman in the 21st century?

I have met 1 once at a club, a bikini fbb (When the world was still a normal place to go clubbing and I am no longer into the club scene).

Besides, you are hardly going to see a woman bodybuilder (Ms Olympia type) walk in and out of a nightclub.

I also would not recommend going clubbing or to a gym as for this, as I have stressed often.

The key is to avoid having to work too hard for it.

I meet them online. Straight to the source.

I am friends with some, and some follow me back, as they like what they see first. I doubt it is because of my great "personality" at first.

As an adolescent, I used to believe that my personality, charms or intellect were key ingredients to help impress/seduce a woman. It does help, but that chick you fantasise about? that's another game.

Until, as an adult, I saw that big fat bald guy walk the beach with one the finest FBB/physique lady I ever seen.

Whether that lady was a fbb or not, it didn't matter anymore. Right there and then, I understood how the game is played.

So while she works out, get yourself some "financial muscle".

Peace and love fellas.

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

@Jammin1994 and other posters in this thread tell the truth. @Francis_R1 of course you will get women’s attention being financially successful. However, I think your argument is a bit cynical. I bet that fat bald guy is probably held in contempt by the stunning buff woman as they walk on the beach unless he is attractive to her for more than his money. I know women who like really smart guys. Good sense of humor goes a long way in meeting women. For me, life is about experiences as well but pure materialism is unsatisfying. I think from this thread we can agree that some women will be attracted to materialism. But many responders feel that dating a woman, even an FBB (casually) purely based on materialism would be somewhat unfulfilling.

I also want to suggest that you can cast a wide net while searching for women on line. Maybe a few buff women were impressed by a profile indicating financial success but maybe many were not impressed. Regardless, this approach works for you and we should appreciate your perspective.

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

@Scythian Thank you. Top man

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