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Dating female bodybuilders question and the ultimate answer

Nov 10, 2021 - permalink

Sorry but OP reads like someone who has never been in a relationship in their life and their one and only date was Palmela Handerson.

Nov 10, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@asianfitnessfan I am not trying to paint FBBs as gold diggers. I need to make this clear.

@cgsweat I am a realist and I write based on experience. What do you think women are looking for in men? Your funny side? you being kind because you open and hold the door for them?

You don't have to accept my point of view. Nevertheless, this is my truth. Whether I am right or wrong to you.

All women prefer a man who is a good earner, FBB or not, and this is not something I have come up with, it is how I have found the world to function.

My point is NOT that a male should be fat or obese, with bad health style, and could still pull a FBB.

Any woman, FBB or not, would prefer a man with a healthy lifestyle.

How to quickly date a FBB. without joining a gym or trying to be her friend on social media, hoping that she notices you and gives you her time.

Remember, there are lots of men out there commenting and liking her pictures.

You think joining a gym is the solution to get noticed by the FBB?

I am currently casually dating/hanging out with 4 Physique FBBs (and counting) from different parts of the globe, who are on GWM, and have competed on stage at some point and none of their boyfriends/ex husbands are/were bodybuilders.

A lot of you will call me a liar/troll or call my statement a fantasy.

I will not care one bit.

Moving on with my point, how is possible for me to do date these ladies? I don't lift weights or ever attended a contest show to meet these ladies.

Granted, I am 6 foot 1, 90kg today (10kg added during lockdown), with an athletic frame.

One of these FBB I am dating, doesn't even like the men bodybuilders for the fact that most are short while she stands at 5'9.

Is it my charm? The sweet words that I tell them? or maybe being a polyglot the reason I am able to be in this situation? is it my height and the fact that I have an athletic body?

On the contrary.

The fact is I am able to "pay" for the "problem" I have: The love of dating FBBs.

Paying meaning creating the opportunity to date these women or being in their company.

Do you just want to date a FBB or a few?

None of these FBBs have requested for me to become a bodybuilder nor do I have the complex to start taking PEDs, as I have no interest in building muscles.

How many men in here have access to a gym or a gym membership card but cant seem to pull a FBB?

How often do you see/meet a FBB at your gym?

Do you think that these FBBs have time to be seduced while they are at the gym working out?

Think of the film Scarface, when Tony Montana tells Manolo:" In this country, first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girl".

To summarise, I will advise, again based on experience, and for the young man out there especially, as the older one cant be saved, or for men who have a liking/fantasy to have or to be with a FBB, but is not willing to start lifting weight in order to find a FBB at a gym, or for men who are unsure of themselves and wonder if they need to start joining a gym or start to juice to pull a FBB, work hard and get you some cash (You don't need millions) and the world is yours.

For any obese or out of shape men out there, 2022 is coming. Start exercising, lose some weight and boost your confidence.


Nov 10, 2021 - permalink

Well, the truth is: YOU DO NOT NEED to hit the gym to meet a FBB.

You just need to have money or doing well financially and the rest will fall in place.

If reading this doesn't make you pause, then you seriously need to reevaluate what you think women are looking for in a relationship (not just FBB's).

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

I have dated a bodybuilder or 2 in my lifetime. Every since I hit puberty I have been attracted to muscular women. However, it’s the woman herself muscles are just a bonus. Yes any man should be financially stable before pursuing a relationship period. But, many forget a female bodybuilder is just a woman that takes care of her body. A woman that is dedicated and puts in the work to build muscle. They are not a product that can be purchased. Who would want a woman that you have to buy? Just be patient and try to ignore the muscles until you know her.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

I mean, for a troll post, it's not bad. Guy's putting in the effort. I genuinely laughed at several points during his last post, and humor is good in this dark, cold, cynical world.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Think of the film Scarface, when Tony Montana tells Manolo:" In this country, first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girl".

Jesus H Christ. Congratulations on being yet another dude who got the completely wrong message from that movie. You do know how the movie ends, right?

Good God man, if JFK’s skull was as thick as yours, he would have survived getting shot πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@Gatsby28 The Scarface line is not to be taken literraly. Moreover, I cant do anything about your insult towards me. It has been typed and posted on a forum. I so wish I could put your fingers out use for a few weeks to teach you some manners. But what to do? There are lots of keyboard warriors nowadays.

From one player to another, RIP JFK

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

I so wish I could put your fingers out use for a few weeks

Yeah mang, bury that coch a roach

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

A lot of men here often ask the question: What does it takes to date a female bodybuilder? and often guys are of the mindset that one needs to hit the gym or be Mr Olympia.

By all means, do hit the gym. You don't have to be Flex Wheeler, but putting in a modicum of effort into taking care of your body goes miles with these ladies. Be sure to be clean and well groomed, too.

Show interest in their lives, both in and out of the gym. I swear, once I dropped some casual remarks to an fbb once that suggested I knew something about the sport and the work that went into it, and she was ready to mount me and ride me to orgasm (which she later did). Some of these girls are starved for quality male company -- much more used to schmoes. Not being an an asshole or an obvious schmoe also gives you enormous advantage.

If you end up in a serious relationship with an fbb, she will be somewhat higher maintenance than your average woman (provided you want her to remain an fbb). Unless she's Kristy Hawkins smart and making shittons of money herself, all the supps, diet, gear, and gym memberships she needs in order to stay jacked are going to really eat into her finances, which means you may have to open your wallet and pool your resources with hers to help support her muscle needs.

But you don't have to be rich to catch her eye. Fiscal responsibility helps, though, as it would with any woman; if you're playing the ponies every weekend or maxing out your credit cards all the time, that's going to send instability signals that women pick up on. Women who are considering you for a partner are constantly picking up on and integrating information about you to know: does he care about me and my goals? Can I depend on him? They think long term, and fbbs really are no different in this regard.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

This whole post reeks of Red Pill Vibes............

think Cindy Landolt

Should somebody tell him??? 🀣🀣🀣

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@asianfitnessfan I am not trying to paint FBBs as gold diggers. I need to make this clear.

@cgsweat I am a realist and I write based on experience. What do you think women are looking for in men? Your funny side? you being kind because you open and hold the door for them?

You don't have to accept my point of view. Nevertheless, this is my truth. Whether I am right or wrong to you.

All women prefer a man who is a good earner, FBB or not, and this is not something I have come up with, it is how I have found the world to function.

My point is NOT that a male should be fat or obese, with bad health style, and could still pull a FBB.

Any woman, FBB or not, would prefer a man with a healthy lifestyle.

How to quickly date a FBB. without joining a gym or trying to be her friend on social media, hoping that she notices you and gives you her time.

Remember, there are lots of men out there commenting and liking her pictures.

You think joining a gym is the solution to get noticed by the FBB?

I am currently casually dating/hanging out with 4 Physique FBBs (and counting) from different parts of the globe, who are on GWM, and have competed on stage at some point and none of their boyfriends/ex husbands are/were bodybuilders.

A lot of you will call me a liar/troll or call my statement a fantasy.

I will not care one bit.

Moving on with my point, how is possible for me to do date these ladies? I don't lift weights or ever attended a contest show to meet these ladies.

Granted, I am 6 foot 1, 90kg today (10kg added during lockdown), with an athletic frame.

One of these FBB I am dating, doesn't even like the men bodybuilders for the fact that most are short while she stands at 5'9.

Is it my charm? The sweet words that I tell them? or maybe being a polyglot the reason I am able to be in this situation? is it my height and the fact that I have an athletic body?

On the contrary.

The fact is I am able to "pay" for the "problem" I have: The love of dating FBBs.

Paying meaning creating the opportunity to date these women or being in their company.

Do you just want to date a FBB or a few?

None of these FBBs have requested for me to become a bodybuilder nor do I have the complex to start taking PEDs, as I have no interest in building muscles.

How many men in here have access to a gym or a gym membership card but cant seem to pull a FBB?

How often do you see/meet a FBB at your gym?

Do you think that these FBBs have time to be seduced while they are at the gym working out?

Think of the film Scarface, when Tony Montana tells Manolo:" In this country, first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girl".

To summarise, I will advise, again based on experience, and for the young man out there especially, as the older one cant be saved, or for men who have a liking/fantasy to have or to be with a FBB, but is not willing to start lifting weight in order to find a FBB at a gym, or for men who are unsure of themselves and wonder if they need to start joining a gym or start to juice to pull a FBB, work hard and get you some cash (You don't need millions) and the world is yours.

For any obese or out of shape men out there, 2022 is coming. Start exercising, lose some weight and boost your confidence.


OMG have you met many or any women?? You can't lump and generalize them like that. The fit women I meet, know and have known intimately are very different from each other in so many ways. You can't look at them flash your wallet and think you're in... a lot of women I've known would think you're an asshole. Granted I never met a women who wanted an out of work freeloader, but a big bank account doesn't mean that much to women if there's nothing else like kindness, ability to make her laugh, a good heart and even physical attractiveness. If you've got one or some of these or other qualities the big bankroll is just a bonus. Again, there are those women out there that want the money first, but definitely not near a majority in my experience.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@Francis_R1 words can sounds rude or provocative but it's just straight talk, and I think I've got his point.

He's been talking about dating/hanging four girls all around the world, he's not been talking about love or long term relationships. Then everything can happen indeed.

But the point is that he's been spending his money to have the opportunity to travel and meet these girls, not so different from any other no IFBB girl.

I have the feeling that most of you are confusing the real love or deep relationship with the casual dating opportunities he's talking about (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Francis).

Based on my life experiences (I'm almost 50), long term relationships most of the time start with a very mix of events, with people meeting accidentally and for some reasons feeling like they had something in common, often a second meet is almost casual as well, but even more, it's something happening when not expected at all.

It's equally true that when in my life my cash flow was at its top I had also pretty much more opportunities to meet people, girls, and true, dating a couple of fitness girls as well, even if in my case it was something more occasional.

Generally talking the financial freedom give you some more opportunities, nothing new.

I know a couple, she's a real goddess, tall, feminine, beautiful, strong, he's just the average guy, kinda massive but fat, definitely not into weight lifting, not even taller not even the richest guy, just ok. They are married for over ten years or more and they are super fine. Actually he's just a cool guy you would love to spend your time sharing a beer or two because he's a brilliant funny one too. Not sure how exactly they met but for sure it was one of those accidental things sometimes happening in our life.

When I used to go to the gym I had the chance to date few of the girls there, after all it's easier to start a conversation. But I was in the gym for myself, I mean, I was not going to the gym to date but for my wellness, dating a couple of them was the consequences of being in a place where I was sharing the same interest with other people, in fact I also met few nice guys we became good friends with.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Also, something curiosly not said yet. Assuming that most guys would love to date a muscular girl cuz attracted by her muscles and willing to worship them, it's not granted that a muscular girl like that stuff. Some of them, many of them, just like to have sex like any other girl, without getting an obsessive attention for their muscles, which for some of them is gonna be just weird. Can sound strange but it's true. I don't have dozen and dozen of direct experiences - I don't like to lie - but even in those few I had, some regular girls, fit with decent muscles - not working out - had a better attitude on feeling cool with having their muscles flexed for me than others training with outstanding muscles.

Shortly, dating a IFBB doesn't grant you to satisfy your muscles "fetish" or at least not accordingly with your expectations.

Paying for sessions is a completely different story, and extra paying to date is not so far away lol (forgive my not requested ironic moment and take it easy πŸ˜‡)

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@Shemuscle Thank you. You understood me. Some are confusing real love and dating. Perhaps it due to your maturity that you get it. Enough said.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

I think the best way to impress a muscular girl or boy is that you should have the better knowledge of exercise and should haveee good knowledge of an supplements. maybe this way you can impress a girl or boy, and one more thing should know who was the winner of the best bodybuilding competitor. I am not a bodybuilder or a fan of bodybuilding, but I like to go to gym have some decent muscular body just to keep myself happy. and I think the best supplement to consume is Gnc supplement. and i also like Gnc return policy. i hope this comment was useful.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@Shemuscle Thank you. You understood me. Some are confusing real love and dating. Perhaps it due to your maturity that you get it. Enough said.

Yeah totally got your point.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

I think the best way to impress a muscular girl or boy is that you should have the better knowledge of exercise and should haveee good knowledge of an supplements. maybe this way you can impress a girl or boy, and one more thing should know who was the winner of the best bodybuilding competitor. I am not a bodybuilder or a fan of bodybuilding, but I like to go to gym have some decent muscular body just to keep myself happy. and I think the best supplement to consume is Gnc supplement. and i also like Gnc return policy. i hope this comment was useful.

Sounds more like a hidden sponsorship post lol

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by dexerino
Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Gatsby28 is doing God's work in injecting some sanity into these threads over and over.

@Francis_R1 you typed a lot of words in your post that are so vague as to barely say anything useful at all. How exactly was it that you turned money into dating FBBs? As in, how did you spend your money to that end?

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@GAtsby28 is rude. He can type his opinion as much as he likes as long as he doesnt cross the line. I am from a different generation and dont play the keyboard warrior type of game.

@Chainer As for you, you write that I barely say anything useful at all and type words that are so vague lol.

Some men are jerking off right now to FBBs on Herbiceps. (That alone involves money).

How exactly did I turn money into dating FBBs?

Since the thread begin to now, I guess I really didnt write anything useful at all.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Yeah, you didn't really. You went from "have money" to "date FBBs" without meaningfully describing anything in between. You listed a bunch of things you don't do (go to gym/shows) but that's not as useful as listing what you actually do.

You just need to have money or doing well financially and the rest will fall in place.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

The joker said: if you are good at something, dont do it for free.

You are funny and enquisitive and I respect that.

Deep down you want to learn, dont do it with an ego.

However, I will no long provide any further details, at least publicly on this thread.

Contact me directly if you wish and I will have the courtesy to respond to your question.

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Eh, I get the feeling that you can't provide more details because you don't have any, and if you made some up then your posts would be even more transparently false than they already are.

The joker said: if you are good at something, dont do it for free.

So now it's not just BS posts but scamming people out of their money, too? Sign me up!

I hope everyone reading this realizes that this is one of those fake self-help gurus who sells you on their One Secret Method (tm) and when it inevitably doesn't work, they find a way to make it your fault because You Must Not Have Been Following It Correctly.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

@Chainer. Did I ask you or anyone for money?

Did you see me advertise a business on the site?

I posted my original message to help some people.

You and your friend take every film quote I write literally.


I refused to answer your question publicly, which I am entitled to do.

Here we go with the smear campaign.

Are you 2 the admins for this website?

If you are, I am worried.

And I have noticed that you are quite the haters.

However, it is not your fault. I understand that people are on different levels at certain things.

I am not even upset. I sympathise.

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