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Dating female bodybuilders question and the ultimate answer

Nov 16, 2021 - edited Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

If I answer your question, @BuffBabesRule might order me to shut up again.

I am now petrified.

I hope he didn't identify himself in the "Herbiceps guy" I alluded to in the scenario earlier.

This has been fun, experiences have been shared. A lot of agreements and disagreements, a few harsh words here and there, with a quite a lot of angry people at times.

But hey, c'est la vie.

At the end of the day, we can all agree: "Buff babes, do rule indeed" ;-)

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

Basically your advice is just hire prostitutes br0.

Nov 17, 2021 - permalink

"Bro SHUT UP."

I felt as if you were about to turn green or something.

And I wasn't even talking, so I was confused by your order.

Calm down, take a deep breath and then hold it for about twenty minutes.

But hey, look how smart my brother @Buffbaberules is, you can never be like him.

And I wasnt aware that it is forbidden for me to keep writing on here.

You dont have to be angry my "bro".

If you dont like it, you dont have to be on this thread.

You have options, I hope you know that.

Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.

Relax, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

You are trolling. What a waste of time.

Nov 17, 2021 - permalink

See, this exactly describes what I found annoying about your posts:

Francis_R1 wrote that he is 6 foot 1, 90kg athletic man, and he offers trips to European luxury resorts. He makes this offers to women that are well versed in taking schmoe money in exchange for services.

I have no problem with that but the title of the thread is misleading

Correct title should be: Ultimate guide to sugar-dadding FBBs by a tall athletic man.

You could have been forthcoming about this from the start. Then my reaction would have been: OK, this guy knows what he wants, has money, and pays for it; good for him. People could have asked relevant follow-up questions, like how do you find women who are open to this kind of proposal, how much money do you spend, etc, and you could have answered or not depending on your comfort level.

Instead you obfuscated all of this by writing walls of text, half of which consists of useless rhetorical questions that make it seem like some sort of self-help advice that you are sagely dispensing, and yes, money is important but there is something totally mysterious that lets you go from having money to getting dates. And yes, you put "dating" in the subject line, whereas now it's sounding more like a mutually beneficial business arrangement between you and these women, aka, sugar daddying. Which, again, is totally fine, as long as you are not trying to pass it off as something that it's not by writing confusing posts.

Maybe now that we've cleared that up we can have a more productive conversation.

Nov 17, 2021 - permalink

You could have been forthcoming about this from the start. Then my reaction would have been: OK, this guy knows what he wants, has money, and pays for it; good for him. People could have asked relevant follow-up questions, like how do you find women who are open to this kind of proposal, how much money do you spend, etc, and you could have answered or not depending on your comfort level.

This is sort of what I was trying to get at in my earlier response to @Francis_R1. These are really good questions and you've done a better job articulating them than I did. However I don't think he was deliberately obfuscating his position.

I'd really like to hear more about how he gets from point A to point B using his method. I have achieved way more financial success than most men I know, but I'm only 5 feet 4 inches (162 cm) tall. And I have narrow shoulders and a small frame even when I'm in shape and am at optimal muscle gain. I've struggled with getting girls my entire life because of these things, especially because of my height. Knowing the OP is 6 feet 1 inch tall takes the wind out of my sails and reduces the optimism I felt after reading the earlier comments in this thread.

Sure I can buy sex from escorts or whatever but there's something special about pulling a FBB. Part thrill, part ego, part arousal. It's only happened twice in my life (I'm nearly 50). Once I bought it from a FBB escort. The second time I just got lucky by being in the right place at the right time.....which isn't a formula I can control or replicate.

I am grateful for @Francis_R1 for creating this thread. It's a topic that hits very close to home for me. But I just wish he provided more visibility into how he does what he does.

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