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Dating female bodybuilders question and the ultimate answer

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

@Scythian: Thank you-- you have summarized my sentiments better than my planned response would have done.

@Francis_R1: I read your initial post as narrow-minded, and I have since changed my view as you have communicated your broader perspective. Just to correct one of your assumptions:

It appears superficial to you because not everyone, myself included, have dreams of marrying a FBB.

It appears superficial to me not because you do or do not have "dreams of marrying a FBB." It appears superficial to me because you yourself have all but written such is the case: your current modus operandi generates a temporal relationship experience, most certainly not for the purposes of developing a long term commitment. Thus, I used the word "superficial" in contrast to the type of dating one pursues when looking for a long term committed relationship. Nothing more than that.

Thanks for the intriguing thread.

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

This has been a fascinating thread to read. Thank you to all who have made meaningful contributions to this conversation. However @Francis_R1 you still haven’t really explained how you meet these girls. You say you meet them online, but that’s kind of a fuzzy answer. I would like to know more details so that I can attempt to replicate the same process. I too have experienced a great deal of financial success hence I should be able to do that.

For example, how do you structure your online profile? Do you specifically state you are looking for a FBB? What do you say in it, and what themes do you emphasize? How do you create desire and curiosity? I’m not asking for a verbatim word-for-word readout but rather the structure or formula you use to lead these girls down the path toward actually agreeing to meet you for a date?

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

A lot of men here often ask the question: What does it takes to date a female bodybuilder? and often guys are of the mindset that one needs to hit the gym or be Mr Olympia.

Well, the truth is: YOU DO NOT NEED to hit the gym to meet a FBB.

You just need to have money or doing well financially and the rest will fall in place.

All women love a man/partner who makes a lot of money, and contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a bodybuilder to scoop a female bodybuilder.

Yes it will make a difference to be in the community and have more opportunities to meet and brush shoulders with FBBs.

But that's about where it stops.

Meeting and dating are not the same thing.

And besides, if you are known in the community, then you can only date 1 woman at time, as you will be known and exposed.

Nevertheless, pumping iron and taking steroids is not the key required to lure any woman, regardless of whether it is a FBB or not.

You would be surprised, but a lot of these FBBs I see, don't actually have male bodybuilders as boyfriends/partners, nor are the women that much into the male bodybuilders.

A few of the younger FBBs have male bodybuilders boyfriends, that comes with the customary dog/Pitbull. ( These types of relationships are often to maximise the dollar with no wish for children in the future).

The FBBs that are mothers, with children, often have normal husbands as they got into bodybuilding after they had children.

Again, contrary to popular belief, when it comes to FBBs, none of them are rich and there isn't money to be made by competing or even attending a gym. ( Hence why a lot of the FBBs are online selling the good, with the exception of 1 or 2 who are born into money, think Cindy Landolt)

The female form of sponsorship often comes in free material stuff or exercise supplements. (A few exception to those who are personal trainers to celebrities, and earn a decent living that way).

The FBBs rarely do have rich husbands, particularly the heaviest ones that are Ms Olympia build.

A tiny few have hit the lottery through hypergamy but not many.

So stop being afraid of asking a FBB for date and thinking that only a muscular man has the potential to get her.

So fellas, get your money right and the rest will follow.

FBBs or any type, you can have them all.

Just tell them where you would like to take them for dinner and and you can thank me later.

Good luck gentlemen

This might have been your experience brother, but very different to mine.

FBB's tend to be attracted physically to fellow gymgoers. Not necessarily BB types, but physically fit men. I dated a Physique IFBB competitor and wasn't wealthy at the time. We had seen each other at the gym and traded hellos. After training one evening, I went straight over to her and asked her out. Simple as that.

Gym girls are like most other girls. They want a confident, assertive man. Money is a bonus if it's in the mix.

Forget what PC Karen culture says, women want a man who is a man. Determined. Assertive. Confident. A Protector. A Provider.

Also loving, fun, passionate. But primarily a provider and protector.

If you disagree that's cool, this has been my experience. :-)

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

women want a man who is [...] Determined. Assertive. Confident. A Protector. A Provider. [...] But primarily a provider and protector.

Heh. Apologies for truncating your reply, but even though your experience might have been different, you're agreeing with the OP nonetheless.

Nov 15, 2021 - edited Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

@BuffBabesRule Your experience is valuable and it is your story to tell. I respect your experience.

There are a lot of approach to this.

One has to suit what is best for what he seeks.

You mentioned that you met a fbb at the gym. Meaning that you had a gym membership and were attending a gym, where you met a fbb.

Do you think she accepted your advances based on your muscles and looks?

I don't go to the gym, although I exercise plenty. There are a lot of people who prefer other sporting activities than lifting weights.

So what would your advise for me be? for a man like me who wants to date a fbb by Christmas for example?

I have no will to join a gym to become muscular or in hope of finding a fbb at the gym.

What are your suggestions for me?

Another question: the fbb you dated, did she have a social media platform with followers, like the woman on on this website? because these ones are the most narcissistic of the bunch. They become picky when choosing potential boyfriend candidates.

"Women want a man who is Determined. Assertive. Confident. A Protector. A Provider. But primarily a provider and a protector. Also loving, fun, passionate. But primarily a provider and protector."

No where in there do I see the "muscular man/ fitness freak" criteria listed in what women want.

I repeat: you do not need to hit the gym, be in that lifestyle or have muscles to date a fbb.

@Hsvfbb My profile is one of me and the adventures I do, places I go etc.

Nothing over the top, but cultured and full of discovery ;-)

I will tell you one fact: believe it or not.

2 weeks ago, a Physique fbb posted a photo of herself, wearing nothing but a white jeans booty short and a bra. (She is on GWM, and has competed on stage. She is from Texas). You know the type, you can imagine.

The type that gets all the comments from guys and we all drool over the photo.

Now, this fbb and I, We follow each other on social media.

I sent her a message: "You look like you are ready to hit St Tropez. Both You and your shorts. I will be your tour guide".

This one line, was the start of my wish to see her in the South of France (Things have been taken care of and confirmed) for my birthday in April (I am an Aries).

Now, should I still join a gym? what do you think? I surely didn't need muscles on my body to put myself in this position. ( I am athletic, it needs to be stressed).

I am charming yes, but so are the millions of other men out there.

As the song goes: "I aint saying she is a gold digger, but she aint messing with no....you know the rest"

Nov 15, 2021 - edited Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

Most of the divided opinions in this thread seem to stem from the mixup between "casual relationships" and "love of my life" situations. While I would certainly like a long term relationship with a fit/muscular woman, I can from personal experience attest to the fact that the OP "modus operandi" works quite well. I have been able to casually date muscular women way beyond my own league based solely on the fact that money invested could provide them with an (apparently) interesting enough incentive and experience. Marriage? Definitely not, but certainly enjoyable times for both invovled (beyond just sessioning).

And oh, besides money you actually need to be able to carry out a reasonable conversation as well.

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

Someone must be paying you by the word to write these posts.


... unless... ?

Nov 15, 2021 - edited Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

Come on @Chainer. If I wrote I was dating Jennifer Lawrence or Beyonce, you could call me on my bullshit.

But like I said, these physique chicks are not exclusive when you have financial muscle.

Do you know what puzzles me?

Why are you of the mindset that these FBBs cant be reached?

These scenarios seem to be mind blowing to some of you.

Do you know how many men from Dubai fly chicks out there for their amusement?

I am shocked. You sound as if you were a monk and just discovered how the world is a few days ago.

I mean that in a polite way.

You know what, dont believe anything. I am not a politician seeking to be elected :-)

@Hfsvfbb Live your life. Enjoy yourself.

@MuscLen 🍻 I see you playboy ;-)

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

Heh. Apologies for truncating your reply, but even though your experience might have been different, you're agreeing with the OP nonetheless.

Not how I meant it, but I can see how it could be seen this way.

Problem with forums, you can't communicate tone.

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

@FRANCIS, I'm not saying you need to be a certain way, I'm telling you my opinion based on my experience.

Do you need to hit the gym? Of course not.

Might it increase your chances with GWM? Probably.

Question: Have you actually successfully asked out many girls?

If yes, you don't need my advice.

If no, do it and see what happens. More time doing and less time posting for advice will get you what you want.

Nov 15, 2021 - permalink

@BuffbabesRule 🍻 I thank you for your input and for sharing your experience.

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

I'm a new member but not new to the world of bodybuilding or dating fbbs and fitness babes.

What Francis_R1 is doing in his approach is fine by me. Each to their own. Live your fantasies. I've never met an FBB that did not rather enjoy both muscle and money. Don't we all?

Some guys (and gals too) pay to play in a myriad of forms - and some do not. I fall into the latter category, though I am by no means incapable of paying for women with muscle - if I chose to.

I've just never had to. I'm a male athlete, 6'3 240 lbs., admittedly just silly handsome and good-natured, easy with people, especially ladies. I smile a lot. I'm friendly and have mastered the art of self-deprecating humour that gets women - man, maybe even you - laughing. It's quite disarming.

My advice to dating women is simple. Use what works for you. Figure that out. Know thyself.

Yeah, good advice. We're in similar boats HUMMERFAN. I think the key point here FRANCIS is 'go do it' and 'live your fantasties'. :-)

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

Francis_R1 wrote that he is 6 foot 1, 90kg athletic man, and he offers trips to European luxury resorts. He makes this offers to women that are well versed in taking schmoe money in exchange for services.

I have no problem with that but the title of the thread is misleading

Correct title should be: Ultimate guide to sugar-dadding FBBs by a tall athletic man.

Nov 16, 2021 - edited Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

@Ovi33. We are all entitled to our opinion.

Yours is as valid as the next person.

A man will always pay/spend money when it comes to women.

There are simply different levels to things.

Have you ever paid for a woman to board a flight and come to you? Its an exciting feeling.

It makes you feel powerful.

Some guy is on Herbiceps, spending his hard earned cash, and constantly jerking off to a FBB on camera.

Thats where his hopes and fantasy stop.

(However, that FBB is still being financed. Just in another format).

Some takes things further.

As for the sugar dating quote, a sugar daddy is typically characterised by an older wealthier person and a younger person in need of financial assistance in a mutually beneficial relationship

I am 35 years old.

Do I qualify as a sugar daddy? Maybe in 20 years.

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

@Ovi33. We are all entitled to our opinion.

Yours is as valid as the next person.

A man will always pay/spend money when it comes to women.

There are simply different levels to things.

Have you ever paid for a woman to board a flight and come to you? Its an exciting feeling.

It makes you feel powerful.

Some guy is on Herbiceps, spending his hard earned cash, and constantly jerking off to a FBB on camera.

Thats where his hopes and fantasy stop.

Some takes things further.

As for the sugar dating quote, a sugar daddy is typically characterised by an older wealthier person and a younger person in need of financial assistance in a mutually beneficial relationship

I am 35 years old.

Do I qualify as a sugar daddy? Maybe in 20 years.

Lighten up guys.

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

Have you ever paid for a woman to board a flight and come to you? Its an exciting feeling.

It makes you feel powerful.

Paying someone to hang out with me would make me feel the opposite of powerful. More like pathetic, but that's just me. No offense.

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

@trevorphillips9 I agree with your mindset, and your mindset applies when love and friendship is involved.

That would be aweful to pay in order to buy love.

My case is that of no strings attached.

I am not out here looking for love. I am not looking to marry.

There are no love letters or midnight poems being read.

I am paying for a result.

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

I hear you.

I feel the same way about escorts and prostitution in general. I have no moral issues with people doing it I just would not be able to do it myself. Feels incredibly sad and empty to me but again just my opinion.

Nov 16, 2021 - edited Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

I sympathise how you feel about this imperfect world we live in.

Nevertheless, who is talking prostitution?

I think we need to stay on point. There is nothing about prostitution here but opportunities my friend.

I never advise on prostitution. I AM NO expert in that field 🀣🀣🀣

You being able to fly a chick out to you doesnt make her a prostitute.

Even if sex is involved later at some point.

Would you pay for a chick to get a cab to your place?

Whats the difference with a plane ticket?

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

I sympathise how you feel about this imperfect world we live in.

Nevertheless, who is talking prostitution?

I think we need to stay on point. There is nothing about prostitution here but opportunities my friend.

I never advise on prostitution. I AM NO expert in that field 🀣🀣🀣

You being able to fly a chick out to you doesnt make her a prostitute.

Even if sex is involved later at some point.

Bro, SHUT UP!! You're trolling every answer that doesn't fit with your narrative.

Trevor's right - this is prostitution. You're paying for a result, just like you said. You are obviously an expert in this field if you do this.

Are you posting this to get social interaction?!

Your OP has already been answered many times' over - you're continuing this pointless troll because you're bored.

Nov 16, 2021 - edited Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

"Bro SHUT UP."

I felt as if you were about to turn green or something.

And I wasn't even talking, so I was confused by your order.

Calm down, take a deep breath and then hold it for about twenty minutes.

But hey, look how smart my brother @Buffbaberules is, you can never be like him.

And I wasnt aware that it is forbidden for me to keep writing on here.

You dont have to be angry my "bro".

If you dont like it, you dont have to be on this thread.

You have options, I hope you know that.

Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.

Relax, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" And the father replied, "I don't know, son, I'm still paying for it."

Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

@asianfitnessfan πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

Nov 16, 2021 - edited Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

I never advise on prostitution. I AM NO expert in that field 🀣🀣🀣

You being able to fly a chick out to you doesnt make her a prostitute.

Even if sex is involved later at some point.

Again, I'm not judging or looking down on you, or prostitution. Or sex workers

But, you said this:

My case is that of no strings attached.

I am not out here looking for love. I am not looking to marry.

There are no love letters or midnight poems being read.

I am paying for a result.

You're paying women to be in your company and you have no interest in a romantic relationship. How is this not a paid escort? And if there is sex involved, prostitution?

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