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Why are negative comments permitted at all?

May 27, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

It's spelled amendment.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

^^ I'm not reading all that, but I'll respond to this bit with a link

*"Real women are out of the question." *

May I present this: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/

Turns out that there's women on there. Plenty of them. Admittedly bodybuilding is a majority male pursuit and Reddit is a majority male site, but women enjoy posting and interacting on there because the mods delete dumb and ignorant things when they get posted.

You're not wrong that this is a digital man cave though. I guess that it's just sad that "Girls With Muscle" is a site where... girls with muscle... overwhelmingly do not want to participate.

Doesn't have to be that way. Would be awesome if it wasn't. It's odd to me how everyone just accepts this as fact. As if women don't use the internet and female bodybuilders wouldn't be interested in a site that caters to female bodyubuilding.

May 28, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Doesn't have to be that way.

It would ruin everything, at a great cost.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

With comments like

Rambling textbook-length posts by Zarklephaser.

It's clear that it's you who is doing the trolling here. As a bonus, you even resort to the usual reddit-tier argument of "your proper argument/post is too long!! I won't be responding to actual effort!!" You've also brought up transsexuals several times across the forums, for no other reason than to seemingly start flamewars. In short: go troll somewhere else.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

^ my dude…

1) Zarklephaser is absolutely infamous for his enormously long worded responses . This isn’t my solo hot take. But maybe you’re new here.

2) I didn’t bring up trans people. I never mentioned them at all when starting this thread. Didn’t stop others from bringing it up.

Unlike other people on here, I’m not obsessed with trans folks. IDK why certain dudes have to bring them up constantly. I’m just pointing out that it happened.

3) suggesting a ban on negative comments isn’t trolling. It’s a moderation choice. Plenty of spots on Reddit and IG do exactly this.

4) it was an idea. I get that people don’t like it. I get that it won’t happen.

In a perfect world I’d enjoy this site and enjoy threads that are visited by beautiful athletic women who feel comfortable here. This was a thought on how to help get there

But instead, I guess we can roll with no women at all and guys taking pot shots at chicks who don’t look how they want them to look, and someone bitching about trans people even when they’re not being discussed.

Cool, I guess.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

Whenever anyone asks WHY DON'T MORE WOMEN WANT TO TALK ON THE FORUM?!? I'll just post a link to this discussion as Exhibit A.


Generally speaking, it is Gresham‘s Law at work; just substitute postings for currency.

May 28, 2024 - permalink


Generally speaking, it is Gresham‘s Law at work; just substitute postings for currency.

The greatest irony that I see here is that for as adored muscular women are, there is also quite a bit of distain towards them.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

^^ I'm not reading all that, but I'll respond to this bit with a link

*"Real women are out of the question." *

May I present this: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/

Turns out that there's women on there. Plenty of them. Admittedly bodybuilding is a majority male pursuit and Reddit is a majority male site, but women enjoy posting and interacting on there because the mods delete dumb and ignorant things when they get posted.

You're not wrong that this is a digital man cave though. I guess that it's just sad that "Girls With Muscle" is a site where... girls with muscle... overwhelmingly do not want to participate.

Doesn't have to be that way. Would be awesome if it wasn't. It's odd to me how everyone just accepts this as fact. As if women don't use the internet and female bodybuilders wouldn't be interested in a site that caters to female bodyubuilding.

I’ll be honest I don’t think half the the self posts of women are actually the women themselves.

I reported a 2 day old account who posted about their recent show and I found the woman on IG who said she had never posted that on Reddit and it was a fake document. My original report got me a ban which means to me there is a mod there pretending to be these women for some reason. They always have brand new accounts, respond to a handful of comments and never post again. And the comments there are relatively Tame

May 29, 2024 - edited May 29, 2024 - permalink

(...)there is a mod there pretending to be these women for some reason.

Oh, I can think of a few reasons - all of them very alike. XD It's Reddit, after all.

But there's the fact people use Reddit for many things, and the "Bodybuilfding" subreddit may be one of their various stops when they enter the site. Perhaps the (actual) women who post there do it after browsig other stuff. When you enter GWM, it's for one subject and one subject only.

May 29, 2024 - permalink

Oh, I can think of a few reasons - all of them very alike. XD It's Reddit, after all.

But there's the fact people use Reddit for many things, and the "Bodybuilfding" subreddit may be one of their various stops when they enter the site. Perhaps the (actual) women who post there do it after browsig other stuff. When you enter GWM, it's for one subject and one subject only.

except for the dozens of guys that have come through her pretending to be a woman or a specific woman to get their rocks off in role play

Jul 12, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I think a far bigger problem is the extremely disrespectful behavior of some users.

Jul 12, 2024 - permalink

This thread is about negativity towards women, not towards other users, which is a different topic.

Jul 12, 2024 - edited Jul 12, 2024 - permalink

Don’t compare/confuse negative/positive and respectful/disrespectful

Jul 12, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by alexandry
Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

Because there are so many comments that the administrator cannot control them all.

Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

Because there are so many comments that the administrator cannot control them all.

they should not be controlled, period. it boggles my mind how many people actively WANT this, just incredible

Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

they should not be controlled, period. it boggles my mind how many people actively WANT this, just incredible

Blips, I think that the person who used the word 'controlled' simply used the wrong word. 'Managed' would have been a better word.

GWM is a privately held website and, as such, the Moderators of the website can do what they want regardless of the expectations naive people have that choose to actively ignore reality and complain that their rights are being trampled upon. It is a Priviledge to be allowed to post comments on GWM. It is not a right.

Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

Blips, I think that the person who used the word 'controlled' simply used the wrong word. 'Managed' would have been a better word.

GWM is a privately held website and, as such, the Moderators of the website can do what they want regardless of the expectations naive people have that choose to actively ignore reality and complain that their rights are being trampled upon. It is a Priviledge to be allowed to post comments on GWM. It is not a right.

You’re right. But the idea that my opinion is more important than yours is ridiculous. Negative is subjective. If the website did censor everything, I mean what is anyone gonna do about it? Nothing because it’s their private website. However, to feel so entitled and think that your opinion is the one that matters just shows how selfish so many people are. I hope what the previous poster meant is just that, he hopes everyone on this site understands that it’s a site discussing muscular women and their physical appearance. It’s an opinion based website so it’s disappointing to think anyone would assume their opinions are more important than anyone else’s.

Jul 17, 2024 - edited Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

You’re right. But the idea that my opinion is more important than yours is ridiculous. Negative is subjective. If the website did censor everything, I mean what is anyone gonna do about it? Nothing because it’s their private website. However, to feel so entitled and think that your opinion is the one that matters just shows how selfish so many people are. I hope what the previous poster meant is just that, he hopes everyone on this site understands that it’s a site discussing muscular women and their physical appearance. It’s an opinion based website so it’s disappointing to think anyone would assume their opinions are more important than anyone else’s.

Great point Nbunited. But, knowing Human Nature as we do, it is disappointing to see people posting their opinion as if such were the final word and rejecting all other opinions. At the same time it is no surprise at all.

Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

Have you seen that funny video of two dogs barking at each other when they are separated by a fence ? and when the fence opens, they stop barking, and when it closes again, they resume barking.

that's exactly what people do on internet, while they are protected by their anonymous nickname, they bark freely.

internet has always been full of haters and trolls, and will always be.

now, even if you hide them with moderation, they still exist and it does not mean that nobody has negative opinions, but it gives the illusion that nobody has negative opinions, and gives a false sense of reality.

in some cases, it could be a bad thing, as it could make some people delusional about the subject, and social medias and internet is really goood at making people delusional.

the main problem is, the line between proper moderation and excessive moderation (fascism) is a very thin line, people will start shouting "first amendment, freedom of speech!"

not everyone has the same understanding of a negative comment, such as for example : "She was cute years ago, and now PEDs ruined her face". Some people will think it's a reasonably objective, non-disrespectful comment, some other people will get triggered mad by it.

it's almost impossible to draw a line for moderation that will satisfy everyone. it's sad but true.

Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

Have you seen that funny video of two dogs barking at each other when they are separated by a fence ? and when the fence opens, they stop barking, and when it closes again, they resume barking.

that's exactly what people do on internet, while they are protected by their anonymous nickname, they bark freely.

internet has always been full of haters and trolls, and will always be.

now, even if you hide them with moderation, they still exist and it does not mean that nobody has negative opinions, but it gives the illusion that nobody has negative opinions, and gives a false sense of reality.

in some cases, it could be a bad thing, as it could make some people delusional about the subject, and social medias and internet is really goood at making people delusional.

the main problem is, the line between proper moderation and excessive moderation (fascism) is a very thin line, people will start shouting "first amendment, freedom of speech!"

not everyone has the same understanding of a negative comment, such as for example : "She was cute years ago, and now PEDs ruined her face". Some people will think it's a reasonably objective, non-disrespectful comment, some other people will get triggered mad by it.

it's almost impossible to draw a line for moderation that will satisfy everyone. it's sad but true.

Hey Bolorny what you say is very true. And all of that makes Moderating a Commentary Section of a website such as GWM all the more difficult. Still, when a town is ravaged by a severe storm, things get cleaned up and stuff gets fixed. This example is just to show that there are ways to reduce damage / conflict after the fact.

Jul 17, 2024 - edited Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

Question for the mods.

I follow a ton of "shout-out" accounts for FBB's on Instagram, and most of them have a policy against any negative comments. This is due to the open garden, lowest common denominator nature of social media. They could post of the prettiest photo of Vladi, and some idiot will reply with "THAT's A MAN BABY!"

But it made me think: why not simply have that policy here? Why are any negative comments allowed on images of girls with muscle?

Look, I imagine that there's a few goals for every image posted:

1) Highlight the achievements of a muscular woman 2) Get eyeballs and clicks on site advertisements 3) Provide arousing eye candy for guys and girls who are attracted to muscular women

And when I click on a photo and see someone bitching about tattoos, or PED side effects, or the model's politics or sexuality, it's just a buzzkill.

Not to mention, I think we'd all like the women themselves to visit the site and enjoy having their pictures posted on it. Can't be a good experience for those ladies to see their pics getting hated on. I can't imagine that would make them want to participate more.

I understand that you can't personally monitor every single comment, but I think a blanket statement of "no bad vibes" and a disclaimer that negative commenters face a permanent ban would probably do a lot. I'm all for free speech but this is a private site and not a social discussion platform. You can allow or forbid whatever discourse that you want.

I agree with you Muscle-Toez. But the Management of this website prefers a more laissez-faire environment where 'certain' kinds of behaviour are actively discouraged (What that might be is still a mystery). As you say, it is the prerogative of the website managers to do what they think is best.

Jul 17, 2024 - permalink

There are some great comments on here and some unnecessarily aggressive or demeaning ones - but that's my opinion. Others may have other perspectives.

So why not just implement comment up/down voting and let the crowd be the judge? Works very well for Reddit most the time, though it obviously doesn't remove the need for some moderation.

This thread is going in circles, and as has been pointed out the owners of this site can make the necessary changes, or they can choose to leave it as it is. Their call, but FWIW I hope such a feature is added ASAP.

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