You can't tell anything by looks. What is more, just because somebody doesn't look like they've lifted a weight in their life,it doesn't mean they don't use gear. In my former gym there were quite a few guys and gals who were using all kinds of weird stuff and were still in a pretty bad shape.
yup and pretty much less on photos where size is not what you might think it is
Kristina Moser claimed being natural. I admit I believe her. She is quite small, with a thick morphology, which make her appearing big on few pictures.
Kristina Moser claimed being natural. I admit I believe her. She is quite small, with a thick morphology, which make her appearing big on few pictures.
I don't believe it. The shoulders and massive legs are a dead giveaway. Many people don't understand that literally almost 100% of the people involved in any kind of fitness/bodybuilding at the amateur or professional level are on some kind of PED's. They may not all start out that way, but in order to keep up with everyone else, they eventually have to, or get left in the dust. I think a lot of the people that visit this site have an extremely skewed perspective on what a female can achieve naturally, because they're so used to seeing all of these top 1% or 2% alpha females that are nearly all on some type of gear.
She could be natural, she looks big but that's pump + angles + lightning + good insertions
Her strength is very unimpressive, she can barely bench 135 unassisted, 225 squat for a few reps (and that's while staying at 25%+ bodyfat), these are natty numbers
I agree that lighting and angles can help, but I've seen video of her too. Not natural. And you don't necessarily need to have high-level lifts to be on gear. You can train your body for different types of strength and looks. Just because you're muscular doesn't necessarily mean you're strong. Being on gear encourages you to lift lighter for tons of reps, because you don't need to lift heavy to make your muscles grow. Plus your muscles will outpace the ability of your joints and ligaments to keep up with the weight, so to prevent injury, many with drug assistance have to lift lighter (for them) with higher rep volume to prevent injury.
8 pages of speculation. That's pretty impressive, lol.
It's not to say that the discussions haven't been interesting. They have. A lot of good educated insights here. There just aren't many facts from what I've seen. Yes I've seen numbers being thrown about, but no sources as to where those numbers came from. These sources can go a long way in backing up your argument. Food for thought. I'm not singling anyone out, this is just my general take on this thread.
Tomoko Kanda is natural. As a JBBF competitor they would have come down hard on her if they even thought she was using; Japanese FBBs who use tend to compete on the Western circuit.
Yeah I remember this cool guy Ron Sabatini who used to have this comprehensive Geocities (!!) blog on Japanese FBB as he lived in Japan. He would explain that the Japanese fed would knock hard and be very strict on doping, especially with regards to women hence why Japanese FBB were way softer in comparison with their Western counterparts. Below is current best Japanese FBB Satoko Yamanouchi, who is pushing 60 and has been competing for nearly two decades:
She is well defined but not that big.
Yurie Iijima is former FBB who won multiple national contests in the 80s before jumping on buffier grounds and the troubles with the fed started. But she turned pro in the early 90s so she could focus on competing in the US.
The Japanese FBB federation doesn't have more resources than the IOC to apply tests, and yet there is PED in the Olympics.
They can only reduce, caught the worst offenders.
The Japanese FBB federation doesn't have more resources than the IOC to apply tests, and yet there is PED in the Olympics.
They can only reduce, caught the worst offenders.
Fair enough, but the underlying issue there is rather cultural and societal attitudes toward women with muscles in Japan, and that, for many decades.
Every time ive claimed that a certain woman was clean and had proof, because she passed drug dests and competed in natural competitions, there have always been self proclaimed experts who have told me the tests can be got round, and no one believes them. Some people just want to believe women can't build any any significant amount of muscle without assistance, and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.
There are literally pictures of her on this site with captions written by her where she admits to drug use lmao
When and what did she start taking? I had no idea
Firsthand information, my friend Stacy is steroid free. I have known her for awhile.
Proper nutrition and gym is her lifestyle for long time. She lives like a nun, gym is her monastery. She is not interested in showing off or compete. Her friends like me and others are pushing her to document her achievements. I think her muscles are extremely dense and she is extremely strong compared to many fbbs. I think it is impressive that she stays around 70kg at 172cm while having small bones.
Tomoko Kanda is natural. As a JBBF competitor they would have come down hard on her if they even thought she was using; Japanese FBBs who use tend to compete on the Western circuit.
Kortney Olson "in her prime" (2010 or so) went by "All Natural KO" and I haven't reason to doubt her. A few years back she experimented with steroids for a competition but has since stopped.
Both of these ladies were pretty damn big in prime condition. Nowhere near as huge as Natalya or your favorite top-tier FBB, but far more muscular than an average woman of similar height. I think they may represent close to the top end of how big a natural woman can get, and it's quite impressive indeed.