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How big can a steroid free fbb be?

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Aug 12, 2021 - permalink

Most of girls in this site are using some enhancing substance, like 97% of them. Even someone like Carolyne Marquez claims to be natural, that is plain ridiculous. And nor Natasha nor Kristy are natural, no freaking way.

Carolyn Marquez admitted being on SARMs.

Aug 12, 2021 - permalink

probably the very least of what she's on, and the only thing she's able to shill publicly. anyone competing and winning in an NPC show is taking SOMETHING. If she was better at posing (aka whenever she figures out her lat spread) she will be a very competitive entry

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by Fbblov88
Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

Stage level can not be free. Big and no fat can not be free.

I think Jessica Gunian is free. She has got good genes. Not possible for some girls to reach such level free without good genes.

This is definitely doable without steroids. I had a Korean girlfriend that I got into lifting and she was bigger than this naturally. Sadly I let her go because conversation was lacking but ended up never being quite as satisfied in a relationship again.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics just finished. The female athletes were buff and steroid free. Not real big but muscular and beautiful. Check out Lisa Carrington and the other female single canoe competitors. And, the track and field especially the sprinters, divers etc. Natural and sustainable and functional buff physiques. I prefer this over the typical FBB type. A woman can definitely get muscular without drugs.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics just finished. The female athletes were buff and steroid free. Not real big but muscular and beautiful. Check out Lisa Carrington and the other female single canoe competitors. And, the track and field especially the sprinters, divers etc. Natural and sustainable and functional buff physiques. I prefer this over the typical FBB type. A woman can definitely get muscular without drugs.

LMAO, no they weren't.

Drug testing in the Olympics is a joke. Marion Jones passed 160 drug tests before she admitted to using steroids. I'm sure there are some sports where the competitors are natty, but track and field sure as hell isn't one of them.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

LMAO, no they weren't.

Drug testing in the Olympics is a joke. Marion Jones passed 160 drug tests before she admitted to using steroids. I'm sure there are some sports where the competitors are natty, but track and field sure as hell isn't one of them.

The sobering truth is, the more funding you have, the more you can cheat the tests. I actually think Marion Jones was one of the best athletes of all time. But she was screwed by the system, screwed by greed.

Aug 13, 2021 - edited Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

The sobering truth is, the more funding you have, the more you can cheat the tests. I actually think Marion Jones was one of the best athletes of all time. But she was screwed by the system, screwed by greed.

Completely agree.

It's why Usain Bolt will never test positive, but anybody with a brain knows he isn't clean. If you look at the list of top 100 meter times and cross out the names of sprinters who have tested positive for steroids, it looks like this:

Nothing suspicious there, nothing at all.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

Completely agree.

It's why Usain Bolt will never test positive, but anybody with a brain knows he isn't clean. If you look at the list of top 100 meter times and cross out the names of sprinters who have tested positive for steroids, it looks like this:

Nothing suspicious there, nothing at all.

NGL It still hurts to watch those tearfull Marion Jones apologies knowing every major rival of her was on a similar regiment.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

NGL It still hurts to watch those tearfull Marion Jones apologies knowing every major rival of her was on a similar regiment.

Truth. The IOC wants to have their cake and eat it too. They want these enhanced athletes to continue to push the boundaries of human athletic achievement, but they also want to maintain the illusion that it's drug free. They really need to drop the charade and stop selectively ruining peoples' lives. It'd be one thing if the testing was comprehensive and egalitarian, then you could point to a "cheater" and condemn them, but it's all a farce. Everyone is cheating and they just play along until they need a sacrificial lamb or someone is dumb enough to actually get caught.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

the best way i heard it described (and maybe i already said it in this thread) is that steroid testing is really a test of competence. anyone worth their salt will have their athletes off whatever their on in time for any testing, and they KNOW they will be tested around the Olympics and if they win. same for any sport. And i'm pretty sure "random" tests are only that way for a select few so it looks like they are actually doing them randomly. only amateurs get caught which is so hilarious because in crossfit it happens all the time now, and they look dumb as hell, meanwhile everyone else gets away with it

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

Sports organizations can't do otherwise. Even if they tried harder, the tests can only go so far. It also costs money and constant surveillance would impact the athlete's mental health.

The tests at least discourage the unbelievable unhealthy level of free for all scenarios. Athletes would die like flies, the sport would lose advertising money, be judged criminal. Professional sports are already unhealthy and injury-prone as it is.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

NGL It still hurts to watch those tearfull Marion Jones apologies knowing every major rival of her was on a similar regiment.

I kind of felt the same when Lance Armstrong admitted on Oprah to PED use.

Yeah, he is a gigantic asshole, but he wasn’t doing anything that the rest of his teammates and competitors were doing. The ones who are caught are just the sacrificial lambs.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

Stage level can not be free. Big and no fat can not be free.

I think Jessica Gunian is free. She has got good genes. Not possible for some girls to reach such level free without good genes.

She’s also been training for a long time. The results you see from her are not uncommon from those who train for years.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

i think for normal women who train hard and consistently for years, Jessica is the normal. They look athletic and fit just standing around but if they make a move that flexes something, or flex at all, then you see all the hard work. My friend has been training consistently for about 8-9 years and its very clear she lifts, but unless she flexes her legs or anything else she looks very fit. seeing her flex was pretty mind blowing.

that being said, if you know someone before and then after, and don't see much in between, even that much change can seem really dramatic, even more if they have a pump

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

I had a female relative who went from gymnast to just liking to workout who had really good shoulders, delts and arms. I doubt she was on anything because between gymnastics and the gym she was lifting for about 12 years or more. She lifted when training for gymnastics at a young age. Flexed for me once, felt the arm and it was real hard.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

Stage level can not be free. Big and no fat can not be free.

I think Jessica Gunian is free. She has got good genes. Not possible for some girls to reach such level free without good genes.

She is def natty and women can be bigger than her... thats where genetics come into place and also one would need to know her training/eating/sleeping regime as well cause these all affect size/gains

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

I think Ida is natural. She has pretty big muscles and thickness but she has soft contours and lacks that thin skinned spider vein look. Also she has a beautiful feminine face and smile. Depending on genetics, hard work and good diet, women can achieve this level of muscularity naturally.

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink

I think Ida is natural. She has pretty big muscles and thickness but she has soft contours and lacks that thin skinned spider vein look. Also she has a beautiful feminine face and smile. Depending on genetics, hard work and good diet, women can achieve this level of muscularity naturally.

Dude, having a “beautiful feminine face and smile” doesn’t mean anything 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Aug 13, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Aug 14, 2021 - permalink

I grew up when muscles on girls was absolute TABOO! However, there were 3 girls in my high school who were quite muscular. Thick, very developed muscles. No high school girls lifted weights, way back then, so these superior females had great genetics and maybe a higher level of testosterone?? I would love to have seen them in this day and age, lifting weights. Distant memories of some young women who rocked my world many years ago. 🤯🤪🥰💪

Aug 14, 2021 - permalink

I think Ida is natural. She has pretty big muscles and thickness but she has soft contours and lacks that thin skinned spider vein look. Also she has a beautiful feminine face and smile. Depending on genetics, hard work and good diet, women can achieve this level of muscularity naturally.

No. She’s absolutely on something. Nothing super intense but definitely something. Jessica Gunian is probably natural especially since she hasn’t really grown much in a while. She seems to have a nice, athletic base them keeps working on it little by little. She’s basically the same body type as my wife who’s definitely never taken anything. My wife has bigger legs but that’s just genetic. Just about everyone on this site is on something. Obviously a few outliers but most are.

Aug 14, 2021 - permalink

You can't tell anything by looks. What is more, just because somebody doesn't look like they've lifted a weight in their life,it doesn't mean they don't use gear. In my former gym there were quite a few guys and gals who were using all kinds of weird stuff and were still in a pretty bad shape.

Aug 14, 2021 - permalink

Yeah, a girl of my gym (who appears on this site) is competing in the bikini category, so very slim girl with lean muscles, is also on weird illégal stuff.

Aug 14, 2021 - edited Aug 14, 2021 - permalink

The human species has some of the widest range of sizes in the mammal world. In addition to testosterone, size/strength is also a function of how much/how long the pituitary gland outputs HGh. Of course that doesn't give the fantasy "ripped" bulging-with-hard muscle look that I see cited repeatedly, but it does provide the necessary foundation. With billions of women on earth, even 1%'ers are common enough that we encounter them... especially since the Internet.

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