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Natural pecs or implants which one do you like?

Apr 02, 2021 - permalink

I like the implants most fbbs have small breasts so i think its a improvement but if they already had medium sized breasts i don't like it.

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

I'm ok with some implants. When they get comically large it is a huge turnoff. natural pecs are great too.

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

Wow! Who's this?

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

Wow! Who's this?

Sumyra Ford

Apr 14, 2021 - permalink

Not picky. I can appreciate both.

Apr 16, 2021 - permalink

Natural for sure. I've have lost interest in every single one of my favorite fbb's that got implants.

Apr 16, 2021 - permalink

I don't really like any artificial parts.

Apr 16, 2021 - permalink

I like both but I think Vanessa Dominguez had a good job https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1512723/

Apr 17, 2021 - permalink

If I can touch them, they are real! Implants or not!

Apr 17, 2021 - permalink

Bilateral upper ventral tumors and dermal lesions are equally grotesque disfigurements. I guess a unilateral upper ventral tumor would be even more grotesque, but I haven't seen a woman affected by one. The disease that causes the dark blue or black (usually, sometimes red or green) dermal lesions has a greater variety of symptoms.

I use "Landolt" as a noun and a verb for grotesquely disproportionate "implants." Verb: She looked great until she was landolted. Noun: Eww! Look at the landolts on that woman!

The hard hemispheres and cylinders are the worst, but it's a rare "implant" that isn't a landolt.

Real breasts are almost 100% fat, large breasts are lots of fat, so the answer to the question, "Do these bags o' chemicals make me look sexy?" is "No, they make you look fat!"

Apr 17, 2021 - permalink

Did you just call implants tumors and compare them to disease?

Your post is unnecessary rude and insulting; don't do this.

Apr 25, 2021 - permalink

I am definitely on the side of no implants, give me all muscle any time.

Apr 25, 2021 - permalink

Just because a mountain is man made doesn't mean it's not fun to climb it.

I'm ok with either. I would say I prefer natural but my lizard brain probably looks at the girl with the boobs and doesn't much care if they are fake. I don't like when they get comically large.

May 07, 2021 - permalink

Pure pec meat only for me.

May 07, 2021 - permalink

Generally I prefer none, but it depends on the woman and depends on the implants. Some look pretty decent, provided they stay clothed. Topless I'd say 90%+ of them don't look so great.

May 11, 2021 - permalink

Natural and meat pecs! No discussion

May 11, 2021 - edited Oct 05, 2021 by cgsweat - permalink

Michelle Ralabate is another one of my favorites and another example of a decent boob job. Especially the way she can just make them ripple and flex like actual pecs.

She is one of my favorites !! I have some of your videos and I'm looking for more !!

May 12, 2021 - permalink

Both, but if implants are done well it looks great.

May 12, 2021 - permalink

Natural all the way -- implants look ridiculous...

May 13, 2021 - permalink

Why is this even a question? Natural of course. Smetimes I find implants interesting out of morbid curiosity when they look extremely ridiculous. But I'd never even consider seriously dating a woman with implants.

May 13, 2021 - permalink

Only shredded pecs. No implants, no breasts.

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