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Natural pecs or implants which one do you like?

Mar 10, 2021 - permalink

Natural all the way. There are a couple exceptions like Lisa Bickels and Michelle Ralabate. Their implants aren't over the top and actually complement their physiques.

Mar 10, 2021 - permalink

Natural only for me, thanks. I understand why some ladies choose enhancement, but it never looks quite right since silicone was banned. Saline just doesn't hold a natural shape.

Still, it's their choice and if it makes them feel better about themselves... It isn't like they'd respond to me any differently than if someone was holding a turd under their noses either way.

Mar 11, 2021 - permalink

Personally to me natural thick pecs looks & feels much better than implants like annie/lindsey cope/sarah hayes etc. Implants look odd & turns me off

Not to forget this magnificent woman sexy af

Mar 11, 2021 - permalink

Hard for me to choose one over the other. What I don't like though, are somewhat objectively bad implant jobs or a bad case of sagged out natural breast skin hanging of of pecs

Mar 11, 2021 - permalink

Hard for me to choose one over the other. What I don't like though, are somewhat objectively bad implant jobs or a bad case of sagged out natural breast skin hanging of of pecs

This is exactly how I feel.

Mar 12, 2021 - edited Mar 13, 2021 - permalink


EDIT: to which I'd add -- if I can't recognise them as implants, then there's no problem. Implants which are OBVIOUSLY implants are the turn-off.

Mar 12, 2021 - permalink

I get the feeling that only people that prefer the natural look are actually writing here.

That said, I'm all for a natural looking chest. So when there are clear sings of an augmentation, I am definitely put off.

On top of that, a good combination of natural breasts + pecs is imho the hottest thing you can find on a human body. Well, it's hard to rank these things... let's say "among the hottest things".

Mar 12, 2021 - permalink

Interesting so far. Most seem to prefer natural. So, then why is it that a majority of the ladies with pics on here have implants?

Mar 12, 2021 - edited Mar 12, 2021 - permalink

Women do what they consider adequate by other women. You may call it sexist, but that's scientifically proven by evolutionary biology. Of course fbbs are non standard in terms of looks but for some reason the belief that fake boobs "restore" their classically perceived femininity is still popular among them.

I'm all for natural non-implant women.

Mar 15, 2021 - permalink

natural, every time.

Back when Mandy Squires was in contest shape (or near) i was imploring anyone who frequented HBC to visit her, because for my money she has one of the best modern natural chests, and you never know when a window will close. Recently, Kate Hart got implants (leading up to her wedding) right when she was really starting to pack on mass. Very few women have great implants: Kristina Moser, for example, got great work done and they look natural at first, second, and third glance. Or Angie Salvagno (well, at least her first round). There are few others that get really good work done

Mar 15, 2021 - permalink

natural, every time.

Back when Mandy Squires was in contest shape (or near) i was imploring anyone who frequented HBC to visit her, because for my money she has one of the best modern natural chests, and you never know when a window will close. Recently, Kate Hart got implants (leading up to her wedding) right when she was really starting to pack on mass. Very few women have great implants: Kristina Moser, for example, got great work done and they look natural at first, second, and third glance. Or Angie Salvagno (well, at least her first round). There are few others that get really good work done

This is why i love the natural meat, she can make them hard & soft enough for her man to squeeze them & have fun

Mar 16, 2021 - permalink

Natural for me. I think large silicon implants look ridiculous.

Mar 29, 2021 - permalink
Mar 30, 2021 - permalink

^^^ The only implants I object to are the ones which obviously LOOK like implants. Which, unfortunately, is most of them.

Mar 30, 2021 - permalink

the overboard ones are...overboard

Mar 30, 2021 - permalink

The point at which the pec line and the implant line ceases to have a smooth transition, they just look bad.

Theresa Ivancik is a good example of a bad boob job on a bodybuilder.

Maybe off season when there's more fat in the area the lines blend better, but still a natural chest looks better on a lady with a muscular chest

Alina Popa is another example of a woman who looked far better with no boobs than she does with fake boobs, again due to her large pecs

Mar 30, 2021 - permalink

Else that I'm not as sophisticated and discerning a lad as you clearly are...

Mar 30, 2021 - permalink

IMO examples of good ones are Angie Salvagno (I’m partial to the first set), Alexis Ewers (first set), Lauren Quinn, Kristina Moser, Kristina Parks

Mar 30, 2021 - permalink

The point at which the pec line and the implant line ceases to have a smooth transition, they just look bad.

Theresa Ivancik is a good example of a bad boob job on a bodybuilder.

Maybe off season when there's more fat in the area the lines blend better, but still a natural chest looks better on a lady with a muscular chest

Alina Popa is another example of a woman who looked far better with no boobs than she does with fake boobs, again due to her large pecs

Dana semesh lisa cross Karyn they still look better than others with implants

Mar 31, 2021 - edited Oct 05, 2021 by cgsweat - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
Mar 31, 2021 - edited Oct 05, 2021 by cgsweat - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
Mar 31, 2021 - permalink

She was immensely strong

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