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Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

I wish I could marry this woman

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

at the risk of sounding like a complete weirdo i stepped into an elevator at my office building once, and sherlyn was standing there and asked me to be her valentine. she had brought me a whole basket of chocolate hearts but then i woke up and realized it was a all a dream. i used to read word-up magazine. salt and peppa and heavy d up in the limousine. hangin' pictures on my wall...every Saturday rap attack Mr. Magic Marley Marl...

Sherlyn had that effect on people, absolutely love her.

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by marcez
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

cant wait til sherry hits the stage in 2024! she got massive this offseason

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

She can show off without having to put on heels or get all dressed up.

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

Awesome delts!

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

milf alert

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

Sarah is underrated IMO

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

Sarah is underrated IMO

She is!

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
Apr 20, 2024 - permalink
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