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Empty Bra Cups

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Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Is there anything hotter than ladies melting their boobs away for muscle?

I love it when they are totally flat and can not fill out even a tiny AA bra - the cups are still bulging and empty.

Nov 09, 2021 - edited Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Ive always wondered about women who lose all of their breasts when building their pecs, if they regret losing their breasts, or are they so proud of their muscular chests that it doesn't bother them? I guess the ones who aren't bothered don't get implants.

Dena westerfield

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Great thread!

Some empty bras, some girls not even bothering with a bra.

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink
Nov 09, 2021 - edited Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

I like it when they own it, like Dena above, rather than wearing something hard/formed that gives the illusion of boobs

Virginia Sanchez is another good example

Nov 09, 2021 - edited Jan 05, 2022 by chipperpip - permalink

jackie_p pondered:

Is there anything hotter than ladies melting their boobs away for muscle?

Well, I once tried this homemade chicken casserole which hadn't cooled off

I love it when they are totally flat and can not fill out even a tiny AA bra - the cups are still bulging and empty.


[EDIT: Fixed one link that was broken due to a merge. -Chipperpip]

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink
Nov 09, 2021 - permalink
Nov 10, 2021 - permalink
Nov 10, 2021 - permalink

We need some before and after pics here to show the loss of breasts and gaining of pecs. And here's some more Anja Schreiner, one of my fave flatties.

Nov 10, 2021 - permalink

@phil33 sure...

Nov 10, 2021 - permalink

This is an awesome thread! Love the term "empty bra cups".

Nov 10, 2021 - edited Nov 10, 2021 - permalink
Nov 10, 2021 - permalink

Cat Donnelly

Nov 10, 2021 - permalink

Love this feed. There are some old timers that are all pecs and their chest could be mistaken for a man if you didn't see their faces (e.g. Katka Kyptova, Collete Guimonde) but are still super hot. There are several girls in HerBiceps that are flat as a board and would have trouble filling out even a AAA cup bra. Some of these have ripped pecs, but some have focused on their biceps or abs. All are sexy as hell. Some names: Natasha Simpson Michelle Allies Annie LeMay Ripped Riley (pre implants) Bri Marshall Andrea Swanson Whitney Haycock to name a few. You can judge for yourself on their website for free.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 12, 2021 - permalink

Such a turn on


Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Yes we Need this 🤩> We need some before and after pics here to show the loss of breasts and gaining of pecs. And here's some more Anja Schreiner, one of my fave flatties.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

I'm so glad everyone likes this theme!

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

Couple of blasts from the past!

Pavla Brantalova

Mary Roberts

Susan Myers

Mishay Santos

Sandra Blackie

Christa Bauch


Colette Guimond

Sharon Bruneau

Kristy Hawkins

Amy Myers

Nov 11, 2021 - permalink

I spent so much time with that issue of WPW with Pavla Brantalova on the cover.

Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink
Nov 11, 2021 - edited Nov 11, 2021 - permalink
Nov 11, 2021 - permalink
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