Yes Asian women all seem to have godtier lvl thighs (Brazilians are a strong second) I’ve never seen a Asian woman who didn’t have those massive genes they’re all genetically blessed in that department if not in strength then visually 🤤 🥰
Agreed, there's something about the visual when it comes to (east) Asian GWM. Brazilians certainly have the mass, but many IMHO seem to lack the muscle separations and definition. Not all. And many seem to focus on getting huge thighs and butts, while largely ignoring their upper bodies. Take Taneth Montero for example - I think she's Venezuelan, so 'Iberian' rather than Brazilian if you go back far enough I guess: she has enormous thighs, but her quads aren't that well defined and her upper body is disproportionately underdeveloped. Compare her arms and shoulders to say, Yan Hong's or JiaJia Shi's and there's no contest. See pic attached. (I know, you can find pics to support any viewpoint). The Asians don't seem to go for the big synthol-inflated butts, either. I'm happy to be convinced otherwise on any of the above, of course.
Hi guys, I'm constantly amazed at the lower body development the new wave of Asian GWM display -- Big Jijia Shi, Yan Hong, Chenqui Liu to name just three, and I used to wonder if the weight they put up in lower body lifts was maybe less than it looked, but now I accept that these Asian women are genuinely super-strong in the legs. And I've seen it first-hand. There are three Asian girls regularly working out at the gym I visit. Mid-20s, Chinese, all lifting heavy with leg presses, RDLs, squats and leg extensions, and they have amazing legs and glutes. I jumped on the leg extension rig after one a few weeks back. Pin was in the stack where she'd left it. Couldn't complete a single rep, and she'd been smashing them out like it was nothing at all. I chatted with her about it recently. She said she's been playing soccer and lifting since she was a kid, and says she's "genetically strong" in the lower body as both her brother and father were amateur MBB. But she conceded she was weak in the upper body, and envied the weight males curl, bench etc. She added she needed to "go light" sometimes otherwise her thighs grow too big! It was fascinating getting her take on things. Sorry, guys, no photos, not that I asked... Anyways, just thought I'd share. Anyone else have similar experiences?