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Does verified PED usage change your opinion?

What do you think about models who admit to PED usage? (309 total votes)

I don't care either way (165, 53.4%)
I'm more attracted to them (I appreciate the honesty) (121, 39.2%)
I'm less attracted to them (PED usage isn't attractive) (23, 7.4%)
Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

This site is full of models claiming to be natty, when we know that the vast majority of them are likely taking something. It's only a rare few who actually verify their PED usage, for example in one of the HB VODs Gaby Hejna owns up to using (her quote is she's "a little bit" natural).

There's arguably a commercial benefit to claiming to be natty when you're not, but what are your opinions of those who admit to their usage? Does it make you less or more attracted to them, or do you not care?

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

I don't really care.

After seeing before and after pics on reddit I'm convinced that 60%-70% of really fit/buff people are taking of have taken them. People at the gym you wouldn't think were on gear are on test or anavar at least. I go to two gyms with pretty strong bodybuilding cultures and I see men and women who are likely on PEDs everytime I work out. I saw three women's IFBB pros at the same time once - it's practically impossible to become an IFBB pro without drugs. I'm definitely still attracted to them.

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

I look at it on a case-by-case basis. They are not going for that much money or cheating as in pro sports because the prize money is minimal. I don't like the deep voices or male features of course. There are some girls who take them and still look feminine. Those are the ones I like. I would say 100% of the top fbbs and other levels use something and that is from experience. Many admit it the last 20 years or so.

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

No but some of the side effects are bad

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by ronnie_cuba
Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

This site is full of models claiming to be natty, when we know that the vast majority of them are likely taking something. It's only a rare few who actually verify their PED usage, for example in one of the HB VODs Gaby Hejna owns up to using (her quote is she's "a little bit" natural).

There's arguably a commercial benefit to claiming to be natty when you're not, but what are your opinions of those who admit to their usage? Does it make you less or more attracted to them, or do you not care?

Not many girls on this site claim natural lol . In fact most are pretty open on it

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

doesn't require a strong verification for PED use, but actively claiming to be natty when under clear PED use is really fucking stupid. dishonesty is always unattractive.

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

doesn't require a strong verification for PED use, but actively claiming to be natty when under clear PED use is really fucking stupid. dishonesty is always unattractive.

I'm in the same boat. I don't mind those who use and simply choose not to talk about it, but those going out of their way to claim "140% natty" while obviously being on a truck load of gear are annoying. Hence, my vote goes to "Less attracted to those on gear actively lying about it."

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

I don't care if people use or not. Just be honest.

Being honest means that if you use, don't compete in drug-free organizations or contests.

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

Why would it? Pretty much everyone on here is juicing.

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

I automatically assume everyone, except for the slightly muscular girls here are on PEDs, so nope

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

No, I don't care.

The only think that bothers me concerning PEDs is the guys who speculate about who's on them incessantly and insist they know one way or the other. It's the most annoying, inane back and forth ever. Probably me least favorite thing here. I don't even read the comments most of the time because of it. WHO CARES? If they look feminine and hot and don't sound like Barry White or have a disgusting clit-dick, then it's all good.

Nov 11, 2024 - permalink

Don't we all expect them to be on PEDs? What's the big deal?

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

I don’t care unless she looks like a dude. It would give me pause if there was relationship potential. If her beautiful physique is enhanced by steroids, at some point she will stop using.

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

I changed my vote from I don't care to being more attracted to them. The honesty is sexy. Lying about obvious PED usage is a bit repulsive.

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

I changed my vote from I don't care to being more attracted to them. The honesty is sexy. Lying about obvious PED usage is a bit repulsive.

These girls have families and friends. There is good reason to lie in some cases. It doesn't bother me greatly. You can pretty much be sure the girl is on PEDS....like 99.99% in pro bodybuilding or aspiring to that level. The testing rate is about 1% or less. Why do they have to admit it? Many do. It used to be much worse since roids were very outlawed at one time and still are in many places. Why admit it if you live in one?

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

Don't care. I love PED's. I use them myself and have gotten insane benefits from them over the past 3 years. Would recommend!

It's cool when BB'ers admit their usage, but it doesn't necessarily impress me.

I understand when they don't admit it. It's technically not legal. That's a concern for some.

I think it's ridiculous to judge anyone in fitness or bodybuilding for using them, because they are literally required equipment for anyone - male or female - to be competitive. Other sports are different.

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

These girls have families and friends. There is good reason to lie in some cases. It doesn't bother me greatly. You can pretty much be sure the girl is on PEDS....like 99.99% in pro bodybuilding or aspiring to that level. The testing rate is about 1% or less. Why do they have to admit it? Many do. It used to be much worse since roids were very outlawed at one time and still are in many places. Why admit it if you live in one?

My problem is that some women go out of their way to lie. Whether they use is nobody's business, but then they go on social media preaching about being natural. For what?

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

Why would it? Pretty much everyone on here is juicing.

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

When I'm on here, I want to see big muscles, curves, fancy physiques etc. that I don't see in everyday life. I'll admit to using this board as a way of satisfying a kink to some degree. What I like to see here has not really much to do with what is a natural looking human physique. This look usually goes hand in hand with PEDs, often also with cosmetic surgery.

My long time gf who also hits the gym hard at least 4 times a week (powerbuilding and been doing that for many years now) is pretty much as muscular as the natural way allows you to...

So, what I'm trying to say is, I really don't come on here looking for natural, so I voted "I'm more attracted", even though I don't really care much about the steroids aspect. It's not part of my kink but ALL women that fit this kink use PEDs.

Nov 12, 2024 - permalink

Most women on here take the juice/needle so it's not surprising. I don't necessarily like it because the huge juicer girls are not my thing at all. You as the user (male or female) of steroids and HGH make that choice. If you don't care to read (or do read and still take the stuff) about the inherent risks then that's on you.

Nov 15, 2024 - permalink

I don't care. Its their personal choice and I won't discriminate between those that do and those that don't.

Nov 15, 2024 - permalink

It turns me on when they glorify steroids, and are proud of being "enhanced". It's lame when they try to lie about obvious and apparent PED abuse.

Nov 15, 2024 - permalink

I like it when they are honest about it. But I think they have every right to answer "No Comment" to that question.

My only real objection to the "Fake Natty's" is when they market snake-oil supplements and their "secret" workout plans to impressionable teenagers for way too much money.

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