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LegLover232's Usual Shtickie Shtick

5 days ago - edited 5 hours ago - permalink

Split from Are muscular women mainstream now? to avoid derailing it

Yeah, they are. Or rather, they are becoming more and more celebrated than they were in the past. Unfortunately, men who love muscular women remain just as unpopular as ever. Even among muscular women such men are freely mocked and ridiculed. When those men are not regarded with suspicion and dread, that is.

5 days ago - permalink

Yeah, it is. Unfortunately, men who love muscular women remain just as unpopular as ever. Even among muscular women such men are freely mocked and ridiculed. When those men are not regarded with suspicion and dread, that is.

Men who fetishize and act socially stunted and inappropriate around muscular women are mocked and ridiculed.

Men who are attracted to buff women who actually know how to behave around and talk to women are not

5 days ago - edited 5 days ago - permalink

Men who fetishize and act socially stunted and inappropriate around muscular women are mocked and ridiculed.

Men who are attracted to buff women who actually know how to behave around and talk to women are not

Translation, if a weaker man wants to gain her trust and respect, he's gonna have to play the role of her gay best shopping friend. Preferably one who speaks with a nasally voice and replete with effeminate hand gestures.

“Oh girl, I just love your nails. And where did you get that handbag, I am sooo envious!”

5 days ago - permalink

Men who fetishize and act socially stunted and inappropriate around muscular women are mocked and ridiculed.

Men who are attracted to buff women who actually know how to behave around and talk to women are not


It's not the fact that you're into muscular girls that gets most of these guys ridiculed. It's the fact that they don't know how to talk to women or act around them. Or they go onto their IG or TikTok accounts and make moronic comments and creep the girls out.

i.e. "CAN YOU THROAT LIFT A MAN????" "Do yOuR biCePs eVeR RiP OuT oF yOuR cLoThEs???"

Honestly THOSE incel 14 year olds (or adults with the maturity of a 14 year old) kinda ruin it for the rest of us.

5 days ago - permalink

Men who fetishize and act socially stunted and inappropriate around muscular women are mocked and ridiculed.

Men who are attracted to buff women who actually know how to behave around and talk to women are not

Need to start an Instagram challenge/theme: "He can do both."

If you enjoy your fetish AND know how to communicate in a way that makes you interesting? #chefskiss

5 days ago - edited 5 days ago - permalink


It's not the fact that you're into muscular girls that gets most of these guys ridiculed. It's the fact that they don't know how to talk to women or act around them. Or they go onto their IG or TikTok accounts and make moronic comments and creep the girls out.

i.e. "CAN YOU THROAT LIFT A MAN????" "Do yOuR biCePs eVeR RiP OuT oF yOuR cLoThEs???"

Honestly THOSE incel 14 year olds (or adults with the maturity of a 14 year old) kinda ruin it for the rest of us.

If you are weaker (or worse, shorter and weaker) than she is, it won’t matter how suave and sophisticated you are, it ain’t gonna do you no good once she learns of your attraction to stronger women.

No woman wants to be stronger than a man. Especially not her man.

Like they would say in “Siempre en Domingo”:

Fuera! Fuera! Fuera! (Get out! Get out! Get out!)

3 days ago - permalink

If you are weaker (or worse, shorter and weaker) than she is, it won’t matter how suave and sophisticated you are, it ain’t gonna do you no good once she learns of your attraction to stronger women.

No woman wants to be stronger than a man. Especially not her man.

Like they would say in “Siempre en Domingo”:

Fuera! Fuera! Fuera! (Get out! Get out! Get out!)

LOL yeah except for Angela Yeo and Abbie Jimenez and Paige Sandgren and Chelsea Dion and a bunch of other couples that I saw at the Olympia last week and that I see at Golds Gym Venice on the regular.

But I guess you know better huh?

I'm honestly not sure that you've ever met a real human woman before.

3 days ago - permalink

LOL yeah except for Angela Yeo and Abbie Jimenez and Paige Sandgren and Chelsea Dion and a bunch of other couples that I saw at the Olympia last week and that I see at Golds Gym Venice on the regular.

But I guess you know better huh?

I'm honestly not sure that you've ever met a real human woman before.

If you go through his comments you’ll find he has a history of posting stuff that would only come straight out of an incel. Honestly pretty concerning.

3 days ago - edited 3 days ago - permalink

LOL yeah except for Angela Yeo and Abbie Jimenez and Paige Sandgren and Chelsea Dion and a bunch of other couples that I saw at the Olympia last week and that I see at Golds Gym Venice on the regular.

But I guess you know better huh?

I'm honestly not sure that you've ever met a real human woman before.

If these stronger-woman-weaker-man romances are such a vastly celebrated thing among our beloved GWMs, why don’t these women ever honor or praise or encourage them, then? These women love and respect their frail little chosen ones, do they not? Why have I not heard these women utter a kind word about the weaker men who so passionately adore them and whom these women supposedly adore in return?

There’s something wrong with this picture.

3 days ago - permalink

If you go through his comments you’ll find he has a history of posting stuff that would only come straight out of an incel. Honestly pretty concerning.

Oh I agree. Any man who wishes to be passionately loved and desired by a sexy, beautiful woman far, far more powerful than himself must be tarred and feathered and made an example of. Away with the heretic!

3 days ago - permalink

Leglover appears to be some kind of troll. you do see most athletic women mostly sticking to even stronger men not all of them of course some are even dominant. but the problem is that since muscular women are so rare your chances of meeting one without is already tiny. and then you actually need to be attractive to her. muscular men are very common I see though guys all the time. but I only saw one woman on par with them she was jogging and clearly had no time to talk to a random stranger. if she did there was probably a 70% chance she has a boyfriend. and then there can be many random reason why she is not attracted to me like being weak or not tall or not rich enough. or she doesn't like how my face looks or other minor things about my life style or personality it's understandable but women like her are so rare. I myself have a few things I don't like like when they have pet dogs seems like almost 50% of the population has a dog. it's a personal problem that I have. this was the first time since I was born that I saw a woman like that. I was 27 so at this rate I will see another one like her when I am 54 and 81 years old. I am not a Virgin but I am quite mediocre in terms of attractiveness so I really can't be picky. if a woman is attracted to me if I reject her I may not be able to get another girlfriend for many years.

3 days ago - permalink

If these stronger-woman-weaker-man romances are such a vastly celebrated thing among our beloved GWMs, why don’t these women ever honor or praise or encourage them, then? These women love and respect their frail little chosen ones, do they not? Why have I not heard these women utter a kind word about the weaker men who so passionately adore them and whom these women supposedly adore in return?

There’s something wrong with this picture.

I don't get what your agenda is here.

A lot of women DO indeed like men who are taller and larger than them. Lots of guys like women who are shorter and smaller than them. Welcome to humanity, I guess.

And I'm going to assume that you've never seen an FBB in person, because if you did, you'd realize that they're mostly about 5'6" and mostly like 150lb. A man would have a very difficult time exceeding the proportions and conditioning of an FBB. But he wouldn't have a hard time exceeding the overall size and physical strength of one.

What the hell is stopping you from lifting and eating right and being the strong man that they're into?

I'm not here to shame people who are skinny or overweight or lazy or whatever. Bodybuilding isn't for everyone. You don't have to be a huge fit guy to like huge fit women.

But I am going to shame LegLover who simply bitches and moans about this all of the freaking time. Like these women owe him something just because he gets off on them. Like they're somehow shallow or bad because they like men who prioritize fitness as well.

It's honestly pathetic. Join a gym and stop complaining.

3 days ago - permalink

Leglover appears to be some kind of troll. you do see most athletic women mostly sticking to even stronger men not all of them of course some are even dominant. but the problem is that since muscular women are so rare your chances of meeting one without is already tiny. and then you actually need to be attractive to her. muscular men are very common I see though guys all the time. but I only saw one woman on par with them she was jogging and clearly had no time to talk to a random stranger. if she did there was probably a 70% chance she has a boyfriend. and then there can be many random reason why she is not attracted to me like being weak or not tall or not rich enough. or she doesn't like how my face looks or other minor things about my life style or personality it's understandable but women like her are so rare. I myself have a few things I don't like like when they have pet dogs seems like almost 50% of the population has a dog. it's a personal problem that I have. this was the first time since I was born that I saw a woman like that. I was 27 so at this rate I will see another one like her when I am 54 and 81 years old. I am not a Virgin but I am quite mediocre in terms of attractiveness so I really can't be picky. if a woman is attracted to me if I reject her I may not be able to get another girlfriend for many years.

I can’t tell if you are being serious. It sounds like you’re being superficial. Obviously looks matter, but not as much as you think. Some people are not interested in a relationship at their point in life. If you want to be in a relationship, you should like who you are as a person and be happy with what you bring to the table. Don’t focus on getting a girlfriend that’s exhausting. Focus on building relationships and connecting with people because that goes a longer way

3 days ago - edited 3 days ago - permalink

I can’t tell if you are being serious. It sounds like you’re being superficial. Obviously looks matter, but not as much as you think. Some people are not interested in a relationship at their point in life. If you want to be in a relationship, you should like who you are as a person and be happy with what you bring to the table. Don’t focus on getting a girlfriend that’s exhausting. Focus on building relationships and connecting with people because that goes a longer way

Not every man just wants to have contacts instead of affection or companionship. Why is it men are expected to settle only for cold, heartless, mercenary business transactions with the women they love instead of love?


3 days ago - permalink

I can’t tell if you are being serious. It sounds like you’re being superficial. Obviously looks matter, but not as much as you think. Some people are not interested in a relationship at their point in life. If you want to be in a relationship, you should like who you are as a person and be happy with what you bring to the table. Don’t focus on getting a girlfriend that’s exhausting. Focus on building relationships and connecting with people because that goes a longer way

i mean that muscular women are so rare its pointless to try to hope to get a muscular girlfriend

3 days ago - edited 2 days ago - permalink

i mean that muscular women are so rare its pointless to try to hope to get a muscular girlfriend

What pisses me off is these GWM are forever complaining about men being so macho and pathetically insecure around (and quite often vicious, hostile, and hateful against) strong powerful women, thumping their chests and making loud, disrespectful proclamations of their superiority over the weaker sex in a desperate attempt to prove their manhood or something.

Yet when these same women encounter a weaker man who revels and rejoices in their glorious muscular power, beauty, and strength, they react with (just barely concealed) anger and disgust.

"Ewww, no! I need a real man, I don't want to be seen with (and embarrassed by) a creepy little wimp like you. [scoff] You're a pig."


Dear God, this community really is under the power and authority of the forces of Hell.

3 days ago - permalink

I do believe that muscular women are becoming mainstream, to an extent. You're seeing them in more movies, the occasional TV show, and video games, but they are rarely ever the main character or top billing (so to speak). The overall population will still take an established actress who went through some training over a FBB with hardly any experience, especially now that we've seen more and more martial artists / athletes on YouTube doing their thing, the audience is gonna want more than just (muscular) eye candy.

Fit is the new skinny. People want to see low bodyfat, just not the 90's anorexic look. As far as Hollywood goes it is usually easier to make an actor/actress hit the gym than it is to teach a bodybuilder how to act. You're looking for a unicorn that is big enough to convincingly play the brute/muscle/enforcer role while simultaneously having a feminine face & vocal range. Ideally who is also capable of acting beyond standing there stoically, and smart enough to not get shitcanned from their notoriously brand conscious employer with incredibly dumb Twitter hot-takes (RIP Rangers of the New Republic). Turns out that is a pretty hard combo to find.

Not every man just wants to have contacts instead of affection or companionship. Why is it men are expected to settle only for cold, heartless, mercenary business transactions with the women they love instead of love?

And not every woman is a mid-30's Catholic girl with late-stage baby fever from Bumble, who'll grill you harder than an HR rep about your employment history gaps on date 1. But pretty much all of them can smell desperation / insecurity from 10 miles away. H3rcules point being that maintaining platonic friendship/acquaintances with women is low stakes social practice so you're not left hyper-ventilating into a paper bag in mere the presence of an attractive woman. Otherwise they will pick up on it and you will violate Rule 2 of Dating: "Don't be unattractive".

i mean that muscular women are so rare its pointless to try to hope to get a muscular girlfriend

Probably. At least at the front page of GWM level. I personally love beer gardens and dislike repetitive manual labor too much to have a compatible lifestyle with a pro bodybuilder. I assume at least half of us are in that same (increasingly low freeboard) boat.

2 days ago - edited 2 days ago - permalink

Fit is the new skinny. People want to see low bodyfat, just not the 90's anorexic look.

This is one of the few improvements the last thirty years has brought to the table. Women have become more hateful and more resentful and more contemptuous of men but, at least the fit ones aren't frail and wispy enough to be blown away (or blown apart) by the slightest breeze anymore.

QUOTE :: Not every man just wants to have contacts instead of affection or companionship. Why is it men are expected to settle only for cold, heartless, mercenary business transactions with the women they love instead of love? :: UNQUOTE

And not every woman is a mid-30's Catholic girl with late-stage baby fever from Bumble, who'll grill you harder than an HR rep about your employment history gaps on date 1. But pretty much all of them can smell desperation / insecurity from 10 miles away.

Wanting something better isn't the same as desperation or insecurity. Sometimes, looking for something better is a sign of self-love and security.

H3rcules point being that maintaining platonic friendship/acquaintances with women is low stakes social practice so you're not left hyper-ventilating into a paper bag in mere the presence of an attractive woman. Otherwise they will pick up on it and you will violate Rule 2 of Dating: "Don't be unattractive".

I appreciate the value of platonic friendships with the ladies. I get it, as pleasant a fantasy it is, most men are never gonna be the hero of a harem anime, it's just the way it is. But just because a man isn't "hyperventilating into a paper bag" around every sexy, beautiful woman he encounters doesn't always mean he is going to happily settle for dancin' in The Friend Zone with the ladies forever. He very likely will settle for that if he absolutely has to but, he won't do so willingly.

2 days ago - permalink

If these stronger-woman-weaker-man romances are such a vastly celebrated thing among our beloved GWMs, why don’t these women ever honor or praise or encourage them, then? These women love and respect their frail little chosen ones, do they not? Why have I not heard these women utter a kind word about the weaker men who so passionately adore them and whom these women supposedly adore in return?

There’s something wrong with this picture.

You're concerned with public praise and acceptance of something that is - for most people - a private concern.

That's a you problem.

2 days ago - permalink

> > Men who fetishize and act socially stunted and inappropriate around muscular women are mocked and ridiculed. > > Men who are attracted to buff women who actually know how to behave around and talk to women are not


It's not the fact that you're into muscular girls that gets most of these guys ridiculed. It's the fact that they don't know how to talk to women or act around them. Or they go onto their IG or TikTok accounts and make moronic comments and creep the girls out.

i.e. "CAN YOU THROAT LIFT A MAN????" "Do yOuR biCePs eVeR RiP OuT oF yOuR cLoThEs???"

Honestly THOSE incel 14 year olds (or adults with the maturity of a 14 year old) kinda ruin it for the rest of us.

If you show you are the polar opposite of that, I wouldn't see that working against you

2 days ago - permalink

If you like FBB's / you're NOT an athletic, fit, or muscular male / and you respect their preferences and appreciate their achievements... that's great. It's even better if you go to the contests, join the Patreons, and support them.

I like Caitlyn Clark. I can't play basketball for s*** and I'm not rich. I don't expect her to fall in love with me, but I can admire her for what she does.

If you like FBB's / you're NOT an athletic, fit, or muscular male / and you spend all day bitching about how they want a muscular guy and won't give you the time of day, then you're disrespectful and pathetic.

Get off your lazy ass and go work out and improve yourself. I have zero patience for this stuff.

2 days ago - edited 2 days ago - permalink

If you show you are the polar opposite of [an immature 14-year-old boy], I wouldn't see [your attraction to female muscle] working against you.

I know exceptions exist; but women (especially strong, powerful women) don't want to be with a man weaker than themselves. Most scientists say it's a fucking lizard, monkey-brain survival thing, ooo-oooo, ahh-ahhhh. You could be the sweetest, most sophisticated, most wonderful man on earth, but if she feels you can't protecc her, she will flush you away into the Friend Zone.

2 days ago - permalink

I know exceptions exist; but women (especially strong, powerful women) don't want to be with a man weaker than themselves. Most scientists say it's a fucking lizard, monkey-brain survival thing, ooo-oooo, ahh-ahhhh. You could be the sweetest, most sophisticated, most wonderful man on earth, but if she feels you can't protecc her, she will flush you away into the Friend Zone.

Hold on a minute.

Do you mean to tell me that women are attracted to strong, powerful men? Do they like guys who are rich and accomplished too?

Are you telling me that women are attracted to men who are larger and stronger, and able to both protect and provide for them?

Damn that's crazy. When did this happen!?!?

Good thing that it's only FBB's who think this way. If the average woman started looking for partners who can provide for and inspire them, then we'd have to actually do some work to improve ourselves. That would suck so much!!!

2 days ago - permalink

I know exceptions exist; but women (especially strong, powerful women) don't want to be with a man weaker than themselves. Most scientists say it's a fucking lizard, monkey-brain survival thing, ooo-oooo, ahh-ahhhh. You could be the sweetest, most sophisticated, most wonderful man on earth, but if she feels you can't protecc her, she will flush you away into the Friend Zone.

The average strong woman is probably 5’4. The average normal man is around 5’8-5’10. If you can’t make it an effort to take care of your health by lifting a little bit, then yeah you shouldn’t have an expectation of being with physically strong woman. It doesn’t take much for a man to become stronger than a woman.

2 days ago - edited 2 days ago - permalink

The average strong woman is probably 5’4. The average normal man is around 5’8-5’10. If you can’t make it an effort to take care of your health by lifting a little bit, then yeah you shouldn’t have an expectation of being with physically strong woman. It doesn’t take much for a man to become stronger than a woman.

Whaaaat! But I thought gender differences were a superstition! And, aren't we supposed to have 87 genders like Sweden does now? What the Hell is taking us so long!

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