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Creepy schmoes ruin it for all of us fans

3 hours ago - edited 3 hours ago - permalink

Michaela Aycock posted this on her IG story. I'm glad she's ok, that must've been a scary moment for her.

WTF is wrong with these people?

3 hours ago - permalink

what a massive piece of shit...glad she is ok.

2 hours ago - permalink

Unfortunately this is what all women have to worry about on a regular basis. It is a creepy experience. I’ve been followed before by an old man and for the record I am a guy. The old man was eyeing while I was shopping for a phone in a store. I could tell he was eyeing me because the vibes felt weird so I did what she did and walked into another place to lose him.

I feel sympathy for women in general because they experience this kind of crap on a more regular basis. That’s why I advocate that if you think a muscular gal is hot, just introduce yourself to her and compliment her. Don’t follow her and don’t stare like an idiot. There’s too many creeps here in this world so don’t be part of group.

2 hours ago - permalink

I've seen Michaela at my gym in tampa FL b4. Didn't realize it was her. She looked like a girl that's just starting college but is hugely jacked. Very cute too. Idk why guys act like this. If you want a muscle woman, go to the gym and talk to them when they're not busy. Don't follow them around. That's how I met a gorgeous FBB that i made out with and who actually competed against Michaela that weekend. The gym is also where I met my bodybuilding Wife too. Guys they're women just like all of the other women. Expect they're jacked, and most of the time are attracted to guys who have muscles too. Just be normal. Dont ask them about their muscles or competing. I usually let them know that they have a very beautiful face or gorgeous eyes. Something like that, then we exchange numbers and start getting to know each other on a date or something. I dont mention anything about muscles unless she brings it up. Or we've been together for a bit. Guys like this probably don't even lift. So what are you expecting to happen when you follow them in a creepy manner?

1 hour ago - permalink

Unfortunately there are people who lack that part of the brain that prevents you from acting this way. The few bad apples will always exist.

1 hour ago - permalink

Unfortunately this is what all women have to worry about on a regular basis. It is a creepy experience. I’ve been followed before by an old man and for the record I am a guy. The old man was eyeing while I was shopping for a phone in a store. I could tell he was eyeing me because the vibes felt weird so I did what she did and walked into another place to lose him.

I feel sympathy for women in general because they experience this kind of crap on a more regular basis. That’s why I advocate that if you think a muscular gal is hot, just introduce yourself to her and compliment her. Don’t follow her and don’t stare like an idiot. There’s too many creeps here in this world so don’t be part of group.

The girls who are ok with you approaching them will let you know. She's assuming the worst but you need to be safe. A hotel is not a place to follow muscle girls around.

1 hour ago - permalink

First off, I'm glad she's safe. Also, this is why everyone, especially women, should carry something with them at all times. Be it a gun, mace, knife, or whatever.

It sucks that this is a reality in western society, but it is.

Secondly, we should stop acting as if creepy behavior is somehow only, or more, prevelant with schmoes. It's not. Do you see what female wrestlers go through? One female had her home broken into because a crazed male fan wanted to date her. Certain popular female streamers can't go out in public without security. This isn't something that only FBBs have to deal with, and I'm tired of them, and others, generalizing people with a female muscle fetish.

1 hour ago - permalink

Prudence is one of God's graces. You need to be smart about how you act in each given unique situation. The girls have issues with many things far beyond this example. The man obviously lacked self-awareness.

26 minutes ago - permalink

...One female had her home broken into because a crazed male fan wanted to date her.

??WTF?? How the hell did he imagine breaking into her house would make her more likely to date him? There's some insane MFers out there.

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