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Image tagging changes (custom tags!)

Sep 30, 2024 - edited Sep 30, 2024 by chipperpip - permalink

Also, side note unrelated to the above, I've merged the tags for "big biceps" (which I created) and "boulder biceps" into "huge biceps" instead.

The idea is to mostly reserve it for shots showing really huge biceps, a few good examples:

The thinking being that normal-sized biceps are covered by either the regular "biceps" tag, or also "peaked biceps" if they're particular shapely and sharp.

Note that some "huge biceps" also deserve the "peaked biceps" tag, Charla Sedacca has some nice examples:

Could we do the same for calves, to help separate the truly massive from the ones that just happen to be in a pic? Huge instead of Big?

Sep 30, 2024 - permalink

An active tag redundancy is "taller" vs. "height difference." I think the former is preferable because it's more intuitive (and shorter).

Sep 30, 2024 - edited Sep 30, 2024 - permalink

Could we do the same for calves, to help separate the truly massive from the ones that just happen to be in a pic? Huge instead of Big?

Yeah, I've merged both "big calves" and "wide calves" (that distinction isn't really enough to differentiate it) into "huge calves", along with untagging a few I didn't think belonged (or just switching their tags to "calves" if they didn't already have it).


An active tag redundancy is "taller" vs. "height difference." I think the former is preferable because it's more intuitive (and shorter).

I went with "height difference" for the tag because it was a little more popular, and sounds more like tags I've seen elsewhere, which will hopefully make it easier to find. I'm open to changing it to "taller" if people prefer that though.

6 days ago - permalink

Can you also make it so that we can search an image only including the set of tags we filtered with. Lets say I put in forearm and abs and use the exclusive filter, it should only throw out images with only the forearm tag, abs tag or both but no other tag.

6 days ago - edited 6 days ago - permalink

Noticed a 'roids' tag on this pic ... is this libellous and could therefore potentially generate legal action against the site?

6 days ago - permalink

I've deleted that, as no good can come of it.

6 days ago - permalink

And some people still don't know the meaning of the word "sleeve"


Exactly its so annoying

6 days ago - permalink

I've deleted that, as no good can come of it.


6 days ago - permalink


Thanks for deleting, presumably you can ban certain words or phrases.

6 days ago - permalink

Yep, tags that are deleted(rather than merged) can't be recreated.


Does anyone have any suggestions on what poses like this should be tagged?

Wide pose? Wide stance? A-pose? Standing legs spread? Standing legs apart?

6 days ago - permalink

I think if the field for a model is selected, only the relevant tags should be shown (suggested), based on how many there is. Or if it would limit the workflow for some (like editing the tags before editing the model), just show them below with different style.

5 days ago - edited 5 days ago - permalink

Muscle angels is currently a tag, though the image has been deleted. presumably we shouldn't have tags to paysite material that shouldn't be on here in the first place?

5 days ago - permalink

I think if the field for a model is selected, only the relevant tags should be shown (suggested), based on how many there is. Or if it would limit the workflow for some (like editing the tags before editing the model), just show them below with different style.

Not sure what you mean by "relevant tags". Just the most common ones tagged on other pictures of the same model?

5 days ago - permalink

Should sidewinder glutes and glutes from the front be merged too?

2 days ago - permalink

I went with "height difference" for the tag because it was a little more popular, and sounds more like tags I've seen elsewhere, which will hopefully make it easier to find. I'm open to changing it to "taller" if people prefer that though.

Now there's a tag for "taller than him" https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/?tags=...

If we take all of the "taller than him" pics and combine them with the original "taller," then that's a little more popular than the cumbersome "height difference." I suppose one could say that "taller than HIM" is distinct as a non-trivial number of members specifically fantasize about relatively larger females, but this could overlap with the "bigger than him" tag, which, obviously, does not necessarily mean taller. All of which is to say "bigger than him" works reasonably well in conjunction with "taller" -- if she is, in fact, taller.

2 days ago - permalink

Is there a chance to add a column to sort by "date last tagged" to the tags page?

By this I think it works be a good way to sort by tags that have recently been added to an image if that makes sense. It helps to know which new tags may have been added to an existing image, aiding new discoveries I feel.

Alternatively maybe add an option to the drop down in the search, along with "recently commented"?

2 days ago - permalink

Can we have a pure/natural pecs tag? Like no implants and stuff...

2 days ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

Can we have a pure/natural pecs tag? Like no implants and stuff...

The whole point of the custom tagging system is that if you have a good idea for a tag you can just start adding it, no need to ask. They'll either be adopted by others, merged/deleted as needed, or languish in obscurity.

2 days ago - permalink

Who did this lol

2 days ago - permalink

I appreciate the effort but I deleted those tags.

1 day ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

I appreciate the effort but I deleted those tags.

For context, that one was tagged:

adductors, gastrocnemius medial, hamstrings, iliotibial tract, latissimus, tibialis anterior, trapezius, triceps, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis

Yeah, that's a little much. The important parts in terms of large muscle groups for that picture are pretty much covered by delts and quads. Maybe calves, but I think they ran out of room for that, lol.


EDIT: Unrelated note, I've merged "stage" into the more-popular "competition" tag, since they were almost entirely redundant.

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