This change has made site much less user friendly. I understand that people want to use other tags than the limited ones, I think body comparison and progress should be split, but this free for all is making searching a nightmare.
Please restore the old tag system before it gets completely out of hand.
Are there plans to consolidate tags at regular intervals? I'm seeing a lot of similar tags with slightly different spelling (ex. "shoulders" and "delts/shoulders"). Could be an automated job that checks for synonyms.
Also props to the absolute madman who tagged 528 pics with "greek". This is what the site needs, no sarcasm.
The Greek tagger is a real one
Please restore the old tag system before it gets completely out of hand.
I like the new system. I think the old system had its share of tag misuse as well, such as biceps, teen, and sleeve.
It is completely out of hand. I appreciate some more tags, but 6 whole pages of tags, half of which are redundant or too specific seems too chaotic!
It is completely out of hand. I appreciate some more tags, but 6 whole pages of tags, half of which are redundant or too specific seems too chaotic!
This is exactly what it means to be! I wanna see a russian buff girl in white bra on the bed that is flexing biceps with barefoot
So this tag system is the best imo
Those essential tags :
It matters to the extent that I wonder what goes through someone's mind that they feel the need to add them. Are they planning to compile a collection of food pictures?
Some of them can seem like dumb tags, but I can understand the value in having some sort of unique identifier for someone to more easily find an image. I can't presume to know why people create certain tags, but I can assume it's because it is something about that picture that stuck out for them; something easy to remember and later lookup.
Loving the changes so far, and I'm sure the community will filter the useful tags with time.
That said, I did notice something strange: According to the tag list, there is one image with the tag "hammer", but clicking on that image does not give any results. Does the tag list count images that are not visible to normal users?
This is awesome! is it possible to add a feature where we can follow certain tags? For example, "glute flex" is extremely important to me
Those essential tags :
These are hilarious though
And some people still don't know the meaning of the word "sleeve"
I thought it was established that "sleeve" had been a catchall for body-hugging/compression clothing. So, while arms might be bare, a six-pack poking through a tight top would fall under "sleeve" or tight pants that can't contain a big ol' ass would be a "sleeve."
I thought it was established that "sleeve" had been a catchall for body-hugging/compression clothing. So, while arms might be bare, a six-pack poking through a tight top would fall under "sleeve" or tight pants that can't contain a big ol' ass would be a "sleeve."
When was that ever "established"? Where is the reference to that definition anywhere else on the site? A search elsewhere suggests no one outside this thread ever considers that word as you define it.
Why tag searching have been removed I want to type and search I want to see quad workout of specific Then I have try multiple tags of quads And workout,working out to see specific video
If everyone going to different tags what is the purpose of tag when you can't search using it
Please restore search on basis of body parts or type of cloth activity Reduce tags to 25 or 30 Multiple tag for one things
Quad veins , bicep veins, Why to different Quad, veins can be combined to see results
Search basis of tags had become difficult I don't upload image But I tag many image everyday Now same task will take 40 sec instead of 10 to 20 second to tag muscle groups