> He also recently called out a woman for using GoFundMe to get help with her competition. It's EXPENSIVE for women to compete.
and rightly so. competing is a privilege not a right. if you can't afford to compete, you should save money until you can, not beg for people to help fund you getting a plastic trophy/medal
Says who?
I'll guarantee you that Goob isn't gonna call out some 22yo guy who's going through the police academy and starts a GoFundMe to help with his dream of competing in the amateur Olympia. But somehow women are put through this bizarre purity test where they're required to pay everything themselves, pay more than their male counterparts, and receive less when they win.
Screw that. If she has fans who want to help pay for her competition, there's no reason to judge her or any of them for it.
Charlotte does seem like a real nice person, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s blatantly lying to her impressionable audience. It’s not just her a lot female influencers do. I can’t speak for the misogynist comments, but it’s more concerning that these women representative of the sport are willing to continue the facade to remain in good standing with their audience. It makes it really hard to root for the sport of bodybuilding with all the lies that surface.
I can't tell you how to feel, but I can advise that life is easier if you just accept these facts about muscular women:
1) They take steroids
2) They edit their photos
3) They generally prefer partners who are also very fit and athletic
4) If they sell content, then their interactions with you are strictly business. They aren't becoming your girlfriend.
I just assume that these things are the case by default. And I simply enjoy their beautiful pictures and videos.
Oh no! Fitness influencer manipulates their photos! News at 11!
Fitness influencers manipulating their photos are like MTG players at tournaments with questionable hygiene. It's really not an uncommon thing. It's not so much of an expose as is confirming what a lot of influencers are already doing (along with the fake natty thing.)
And Goob is obnoxious.
Which begs the question why this site selectively bans people for manipulating their photos. They all do it.
I can't tell you how to feel, but I can advise that life is easier if you just accept these facts about muscular women:
1) They take steroids
2) They edit their photos
3) They generally prefer partners who are also very fit and athletic
4) If they sell content, then their interactions with you are strictly business. They aren't becoming your girlfriend.
I just assume that these things are the case by default. And I simply enjoy their beautiful pictures and videos.
I appreciate the advice, brotha. I assure you it’s not something I’m losing sleep over lol.
I'm saying clearly that:
1) Popular muscular models (male and female) make their muscles bigger, their waists smaller, and their bodies more aesthetic. Women make their boobs bigger, their skin softer, and their lips larger. The image you see is not the exact image taken by the camera.
2) Many if not most of the recent photos on this site have these edits.
There's an important distinction here.
I agree that most women whose pics appear here do superficial things to make their pics look better, like take advantage of lighting/angles, apply some skin tone filter, etc.
A lot of women (Asians, in particular) also partake in head shrinking, mostly using pre-made filters for that, probably.
But I don't think all that many women literally open up their pics in Photoshop (or have their managers do it) and change their muscle shapes/sizes. I haven't heard of there being a filter for this, so as far as I know it would have to be done manually. AI can do it but currently it also leaves some glaring artifacts. It's difficult to estimate the percentage of women, on this site at least, who do this, but I'd guess it's far below 50%... maybe 5%? So in this way Charlotte Chant's edits are indeed an outlier.
This is coming from my experience looking at thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of reports of edited pics on here.
Charlotte does seem like a real nice person, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s blatantly lying to her impressionable audience. It’s not just her a lot female influencers do. I can’t speak for the misogynist comments, but it’s more concerning that these women representative of the sport are willing to continue the facade to remain in good standing with their audience. It makes it really hard to root for the sport of bodybuilding with all the lies that surface.