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Voices - how deep do you like them?

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

I love that girls like Karla Nelsen, Nikki Fuller and Angela Salvagno are big muscle babes but still have soft, feminine voices.

couldn't agree more. excellent examples too

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

Colettes Guimond & Nelson & Heather Armbrust have relatively soft voices. Some of the deeper-voiced ladies I dig are Lora Ottenad, Sheila Bleck, Valentina Mishina and Katka Kyptova.

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

I love that girls like Karla Nelsen, Nikki Fuller and Angela Salvagno are big muscle babes but still have soft, feminine voices.

Don't forget Kristy Hawkins! I don't know how that super-strong beastwoman managed to have zero detectable virilization in her voice, but here we are.

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

I prefer more feminine voices but I it doesn't matter when she is ultra muscular it's a very minor flaw. a lot of fbbs have a strange nasally voice that is neither feminine or masculine. I think it's fine most fbbs don't sound manly and those that do have such powerful sexy bodies it really doesn't matter. and they look feminine enough in terms of appearance

I feel the same way.

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

This is weirdly specific, but the hottest for me is a deep, roided voice with a "valley girl" accent. Like a hyper roided sorority girl.

Perfect example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7FMvmtxVgA

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

> Why must high pitched be associated with a negative term like "shrill"? > > I like girls who sound like girls, not men.

Same lmao. Surprised to see how many people here like them deep

Yeah that's a huge turn off for me. Always has been. I don't want a girl to sound like Minnie Mouse either, but if it's a choice between that annoying bimbo baby voice and a gravelly sounding low voice, I'll take the baby voice every time.

I guess I'm weird like that. I love the muscles on girls. A little muscle, or a lot. But I don't like masculine traits, they're a huge turnoff. I just don't see the muscles as masculine (to a point).

I like moist, supple untanned, un-tattooed, youthful skin with powerful muscles. Love that contrast. The dried out beef jerky look, over-tanned, hard mileage women with scars and tattooed and shit make my dick soft (sorry). I like GIRLS who feel like girls, smell like girls. Long silky hair, soft skin. Julia Vins is one of the closest things to perfection I've ever seen. Erica Darago (AKA 'Dolly'), Vladislava Galagan are some other favorites of mine.

I just can't even get my head around liking dry rough pockmarked, tatted up skin like an old suitcase or rough-ass gravelly smokers voices. Does not compute. Even a woman with a great, muscular body who has too much of that other stuff is a "no" from me. I just can't even comprehend it.

But different strokes for different folks. That's what keeps the world interesting I suppose.

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

I really don't like roid voices at all, so I mostly watch fbb videos with the sound off. Even if there are some women out there who can make a contralto sound sexy, but I probably would've still preferred their pre-working-out voices.

Me either. The women with the especially bad "roid voices" sound like gay men to me. Works like Vigara in reverse for me LOL. Same as rough, nasty skin, back acne, 5 o'clock shadow, male pattern baldness. Any of that shit.

I like strong and muscular --- but HEALTHY. Some of these women just look and sound like they've ABUSED their bodies to the extreme and that is no turn on for me at all. When their skin is rough and the voice is deep, you just know their genitalia is gonna look like an Arby's roast beef sandwich that's been left out in the sun for two days and they're gonna have a dick-clit on top of it. Sorry for being graphic, but when I see that shit, I really feel like I am not on the same page as any guys who find ANY of that remotely attractive. It's repulsive to me.

Not saying my way is "right" and others are "wrong". It's more that I don't get it at all, in the same way that I can't relate to men who are attracted to other men (not saying guys who like roided out women are gay either --- they're just into something that I can't imagine being attractive to anybody.

I'm not 100% anti-PED. I just like the HEALTH part of health and fitness. you can get away with small-moderate amount of careful PED use without destroying your health or compromising your femininity. But I imagine putting on muscle is also like an addiction for some of these ladies and they just lose perspective after a point and can't stop pushing the envelope, or they just want to. It's their body though.

Aug 06, 2024 - permalink

tina lockwood had a nice feminine voice to go along with that ridiculously muscular body too

Aug 07, 2024 - permalink

I don't know about you guys but to me the best part about muscle girls is the contrast between their imposing physiques and their feminine, motherly personalities. A muscular young girl or woman who acts feminine and has the voice of a regular girl/woman is one of the best things in the world for me.

Aug 07, 2024 - permalink

Tomoko Kanda has the most wonderfully deep, womanly non-roid voice. I've compared it to Kikuko Inoue, an anime voice actress known for playing femmes fatales or "mommy" types.


Wow she's absolutely stunning. Asian muscular women are the perfect balance between muscular and feminine.

Aug 10, 2024 - permalink

Voices can be such a toss up for me. On one hand Lora Ottenad's deep voice gets me going. It may have something to do with that video she did way back in the day with that guy (you know the one), but when it comes to voices like Sarah Williams or Sheila Bleck then that's when I check out. I couldn't sit there with a straight face and act like I'm not hearing the sound of a man's voice. When I first heard Valentina Mishina's voice it kind of took me by surprise because I wasn't expecting it to be THAT deep. Just look at that workout video she did with Kai Greene and you'll see what I mean. My God is the sound of her voice jarring! Sheeesh! Feminine voices are just a given for me. Susan Marie Smith, Paula Suzuki, Karla Nelsen, and Tracy Gillespie with that super cute country accent are definitely some stand outs.

I have a feeling that Angie Salvagno may be speaking with a fake voice. I say this because if any of you have seen some of her adult content you would know that she can actually get her voice to go REALLY low! So that makes me wonder if she actually speaks in a fake voice (possibly speaking over her larynx so that the pitch of her voice is higher). That would be a really hard thing to pull off because you can imagine the level of concentration you would have to have to speak with an unnatural tone every time you get in front of a camera. You're bound to slip up at some point.


To put more nuance into the conversation. In this Youtube clip, at surface level her voice seems very normal. Nothing to write home about. It isn't particularly high pitched or shrill and it's definitely not deep, but if you listen closely you can detect a bit of a southern accent in there. Just like with Tracy Gillespie, I feel accents can definitely enhance the appeal of the voice. It's all relative to what you like. The slight accent mixed with her respectful tone towards the interviewer creates a perfect storm for a very appealing voice when it comes to GMW (enhanced or not). Her cadence is very telling too because she speaks like someone who has experience in an occupation that is of service to civilians (as she mentions in the interview). A very firm and direct tone and she speaks very clearly. It's not void of emotion like a robot but you can tell she knows how to speak to somebody when she has to "flip that switch" and be formal. I don't know why, but I think that is so hot!!

Aug 13, 2024 - permalink
Aug 13, 2024 - permalink

I don't know about you guys but to me the best part about muscle girls is the contrast between their imposing physiques and their feminine, motherly personalities. A muscular young girl or woman who acts feminine and has the voice of a regular girl/woman is one of the best things in the world for me.


Aug 13, 2024 - edited 14 hours ago - permalink

A lot of fbbs have a strange nasally voice that is neither feminine or masculine.

So true. It's tough having masculine traits as a woman, but if you try (and fail!) to mask a deep voice it just brings more attention to it. You would expect muscular women to be more confident and self-assured, but I guess it brings out new insecurities aswell.

I think deep voices are ok if they fit the physique. Bikini girls with deep voices doesn't work for me!

It feels sad in general whenever a smaller girl is really virilised. Obviously steroids aren't healthy at any size, but the size definition and strength that bodybuilders have is kind of the "reward" for putting up with all that. For me atleast, virilisation can enhace the sexiness of just how much these women are willing to transform themselves. In comparision a bikini girl who is really roided out just feels a little pathetic...

Aug 14, 2024 - permalink

She has one of the deepest voice I’ve ever heard

Aug 18, 2024 - permalink

This is weirdly specific, but the hottest for me is a deep, roided voice with a "valley girl" accent. Like a hyper roided sorority girl.

Perfect example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7FMvmtxVgA

Brooke Walker has a sexy roid voice I'll give you that. I can listen to her all day lol

Aug 18, 2024 - permalink
Aug 18, 2024 - permalink

The ace in the hole:

Aug 19, 2024 - permalink

The ace in the hole:

that is amazing

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink
Sep 28, 2024 - permalink


Yes! The nasally roid voice. Would love to hear that with her engine revved up

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink

Love em deep , lol but always have my sound turned off incase my wife hears

Nov 18, 2024 - permalink

I love Sarah Villegas’ voice; I can’t control my horny level 🥵😩😶‍🌫️😴 https://youtu.be/PPxKQSoWBhs?si=t1H--CVoLQ-Pr8gT

Nov 18, 2024 - permalink

I love Sarah Villegas’ voice; I can’t control my horny level 🥵😩😶‍🌫️😴 https://youtu.be/PPxKQSoWBhs?si=t1H--CVoLQ-Pr8gT

Probably my favourite voice at the moment.

Nov 18, 2024 - permalink

Love em deep , lol but always have my sound turned off incase my wife hears

Never underestimate the benefits of headphones!

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