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The more I get into muscular women, the less I like them.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Bit of a clickbait title, but I've noticed something recently. I used to LOVE hyper muscular women that (online) still looked feminine. Recently, however, I've had a couple of real-life sightings of some juiced girls and have found that in-person, they look much more masculine than I prefer. The more I've developed a fetish for jacked women, the more I've come to think a natural girl with good curves and abs is the pinnacle of beauty (see attached.)

Has anybody else experienced this?

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Well, you basically just pointed out the difference between seeing images of girls on social media (muscular or not) vs. seeing them in real life.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Fitburn I understand where you are coming from. In pictures a lady could be presented with good makeup and hair prep. Also a picture can be altered. In person it is easier to see any fault, even small ones. Fact is the more muscular the lady the more likely she has used steroids and/or human growth hormones. When a lady uses these substances she will become more masculine. Hair loss, skin changes, beard growth, body odor like a man, deeper voice and clit growth (I have seen some that are over 2” long, get hard and have a head). It’s just the reality.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Well, you basically just pointed out the difference between seeing images of girls on social media (muscular or not) vs. seeing them in real life.

That's it. In real life the bar is much lower.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Have Met some big fbbs, and in That Moment (especially in the end) i felt like they are a Bit too masculine for me… But afterwards i always have to think about these women and they were fantastic. I still like the really Big women on this site. Of course there is a difference in real life…

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

I am not sure because muscular women are so rare maybe you just saw the types that don't appeal to you as much. I personally saw only a handful of muscular women and only for a very short time. I thought they looked stunning but they went by so fast I wasn't sure what I was was looking at and their faces weren't ugly but quite mediocre. one was quite old looking but she could do things that even most young people can't and those abs and biceps and calves made me wild. they were always jogging and don't look as glamorous as most pics on here but that is quite normal.

I am not sure if I am idealizing these women or not since most women look more attractive in person than in pictures. because you see them in unlimited detail and can hear them and so on. but at the same time with normal women while they looked better than in the pictures when I first had sex I overhyped them and I was underwhelmed by the sex and seeing them nude. they looked great but my body didn't react like I hoped. so if I meet fbbs will it live up to the hype or not.

also it's not really related but when sticking to online I kept getting more and more impressed with fbbs in the 2000s. like when I learned about fbbs that are also doctors and rich I was like these women are super human. but with the rise of Instagram and me no longer being unable to get laid at all and having hopes of getting a wife. I noticed the behavior of many fbbs online and was quite underwhelming. they have the same downside a lot of women have and men too. like being submissive and materialistic and having very bad music taste. not a big deal but I thought they were some how above that.

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

I'm in the same boat lately. But there are lots of classic FBBs that I am certain would be just as attractive and feminine in person: Ericca Kern, Nikki Fuller, Sharon Bruneau etc when you hear them speak and watch their mannerisms, they are clearly feminine. I guess smell and small imperfections could still be factors in person.

The gloss of social media obscure things more than the old VHS footage of course. Interesting topic though and something worth considering!

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink


Also here's my contribution of an example in addition to fitburn's.

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

The power of filters. I've never seen a roided woman in person, so I can't say.

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

I used to LOVE hyper muscular women that (online) still looked feminine. Recently, however, I've had a couple of real-life sightings of some juiced girls and have found that in-person, they look much more masculine than I prefer.

I suspect you've just described most of the people on this site - enamored with the idea of being with what you think is your fantasy woman, until you find out it's different than you thought.

There are a couple of life lessons here: You can't have it both ways, in the real world you've gotta take the shit along with the ice cream. Never meet your hero...

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

Two things. The overwhelming difference is photos & touched up videos vs. the detail for real life. Very muscular women are getting that look by using more testosterone than any natural male. So they are going to be masculine. Some of it is good, beautiful body, some bad, hair where they don't want hair, losing hair where there should be hair, not sure why the face changes other than the muscles in the face and maybe the intense diet. It is too bad. But if you are selecting based on looks alone, time is going to destroy looks one way or another.

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

Bit of a clickbait title, but I've noticed something recently. I used to LOVE hyper muscular women that (online) still looked feminine. Recently, however, I've had a couple of real-life sightings of some juiced girls and have found that in-person, they look much more masculine than I prefer. The more I've developed a fetish for jacked women, the more I've come to think a natural girl with good curves and abs is the pinnacle of beauty (see attached.)

Has anybody else experienced this?

Nah, I actually didn't need to see them in real life to know that I prefer the less juiced up look. I just don't personally find them all that attractive. I most definitely prefer the more feminine look with biceps no more than 14", toned legs and abs.

Aug 24, 2024 - permalink

Hating the object of one's desire....

Aug 24, 2024 - permalink

I dunno... I've always liked the big, thick muscular women but certain traits immediately turn me off. Like back in high school, we had a co-ed P.E. class with a new coach who was a big female bodybuilder. I thought I was really going to be into that, but she ticked just about all my boxes for "not what I was hoping for". For starters, she had a really vascular look, and I just never find it sexy seeing veins all over a woman's neck, arms, etc. But even her attitude was just "bleah" when it came to her strength. I remember one of the bigger guys in my class who was on the football team tried to get her to show us how much she could bench press. She wasn't having any of it, and just acted like, "I don't really know, or care... and this class is about you, not me."

I think a lot of the videos or pics you see online are situations where they went to a lot of effort to show a woman in the best possible light, too. Like they might mist her body with some water or they used tanning lotion or spray -- and the photographer is only showing footage he/she liked best out of a lot more they took that day.

But yeah, the women taking drugs to grow more muscle is one of those area where I think a little is ok, but it's easy to go too far. I mean, even naturally, you're going to have some women with higher testosterone levels than others and some with a genetic predisposition to growing a little more muscle than others. If a woman is "juicing" to a small extent, to bump herself up into that range because she's not naturally blessed with those attributes? I get it... But going to extremes, even if it's just for the sake of the sport? I can't fault a woman who wants to go down that path -- but it doesn't do anything for me sexually.

Bit of a clickbait title, but I've noticed something recently. I used to LOVE hyper muscular women that (online) still looked feminine. Recently, however, I've had a couple of real-life sightings of some juiced girls and have found that in-person, they look much more masculine than I prefer. The more I've developed a fetish for jacked women, the more I've come to think a natural girl with good curves and abs is the pinnacle of beauty (see attached.)

Has anybody else experienced this?

Aug 25, 2024 - permalink

But yeah, the women taking drugs to grow more muscle is one of those area where I think a little is ok, but it's easy to go too far. I mean, even naturally, you're going to have some women with higher testosterone levels than others and some with a genetic predisposition to growing a little more muscle than others. If a woman is "juicing" to a small extent, to bump herself up into that range because she's not naturally blessed with those attributes? I get it... But going to extremes, even if it's just for the sake of the sport? I can't fault a woman who wants to go down that path -- but it doesn't do anything for me sexually.

I feel like a common misconception is that the "smaller" muscular women, like bikini and figure competitors, are only on "a little" bit of PEDs. The reality is that they (including even the "smaller" ladies on this site) are on a LOT more than you think.

Aug 25, 2024 - permalink

I have always said the muscles are nice to look at, but they should never be the #1 reason to like, date, or go further with someone. They will disappear at some point/

Oct 03, 2024 - permalink

Here’s the reality, painful as it might be to those men who prefer their FBBs to have a more feminine look… the personality that you need to have to get really big is going to be a masculine one. There’s girls on this site with godtier genetics that grow by looking at the weights that are traditionally very feminine, they’ll do the bodybuilding thing for a few years and then quit. Too many cases that it’s sad to even think about it.

Oct 03, 2024 - permalink

Bit of a clickbait title, but I've noticed something recently. I used to LOVE hyper muscular women that (online) still looked feminine. Recently, however, I've had a couple of real-life sightings of some juiced girls and have found that in-person, they look much more masculine than I prefer. The more I've developed a fetish for jacked women, the more I've come to think a natural girl with good curves and abs is the pinnacle of beauty (see attached.)

Has anybody else experienced this?

Worth mentioning you've still provided an example of a girl that's more muscular than 99.9% of women out there

Oct 03, 2024 - permalink

It's the other way around for me

Oct 03, 2024 - permalink

There truly is a gap between Internet and real life.

In most of these cases, the difference between photos and real life is astronomical. For images on the Internet, the more dramatic, the better. Look at how most Olympic athletes are rated on this site. They exceed the normal capability of most of the population, and have a physique to match, yet they accumulate relatively fewer likes/favorites. However, a real life body in motion: completely different experience. In real life, most guys are blown away by women who achieve musculature that is only considered mediocre when viewed on a site like this.

Oct 03, 2024 - permalink

My ideal is a muscular girl like Tetsuko: really muscular and really feminine. We don't currently have the technology to actually produce this and, as I've gotten older I realized that I prefer femininity to muscularity, though I love both. So I kinda feel the OP. I'm definitely not one of those "oh yes, I want a hairy, smelly, deep-voiced muscle stallion to rape me and impregnate me with her seed" types. But a big girl who somehow manages to get that way with not that much virilization can be profoundly sexy. Megan Abshire and KO in her early years come to mind; they are as pretty as their photos. They had some good genetics and shrewd judgement about drug regimens on their side.

At the end of the day, my rule is... they're just women. No better or worse than any other person. And plenty of women, even attractive ones, find ways to mess themselves up. Drug addiction, abusive relationships, unwanted pregnancies... women who've made bad choices are very common. Steroid overuse is just another version of that.

Now Kristy Hawkins, on the other hand... she may be the closest this world has to a real-life Goddamn superwoman. World-class strength and size, and yet her skin looks fantastic and her voice still sounds like she's never come within whiffing distance of a steroid. And she's been at it for nearly 30 years.

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

I think there is a huge difference between what a body looks like in a pic vs real life. For example, a woman I know got into fitness competition. In her pics she looked kinda fit with a bit of muscle. Would not even get to much interest here. But when I saw her in that same shape in real life I couldn't believe her size. Sitting next to her those legs were longer than mine, bigger by quite a bit, and her ass was huge and muscular. What you see here on this site pales in comparison to how these women look in real life.

Oct 27, 2024 - permalink

I once met a 5`8, 190lbs woman for a session. Crazy broad shoulders, wide hips with a huge butt. It was just like standing next to a female Bear. Yes, I know that feeling when you start to question your own muscular beauty standards ;-) Nontheless, the urge for huge bodys is stronger than my fear. I wonder what life as her bf would look like... but thats another topic....

Oct 27, 2024 - permalink

I share the same sentiments/. It has everything to do with the drugs and the look. I am an absolute fan of the 90's bodybuilders or a current Fitness type. I can even deal with Wellness and their over exaggerated walking and hand movements and ass pointing. But past that, these Physique and FBBrs are mainlining more T than a high school locker room and they are just one injection shy of being a man and at best resemble a drag queen. The Tats ldon't help the look either......Some dig on that but more and more, I am realizing that the more the juice, the less interested I am.....

Oct 27, 2024 - permalink

What you see here on this site pales in comparison to how these women look in real life.

This is very true, mostly because the pictures are usually of them by themselves or surrounded by other bodybuilders. It isn't until you see pictures of them standing next to non-bodybuilders (or in real life) that you realize how large they are. My wife is by no means a "large" bodybuilder by any stretch of the imagination, but even she is huge compared to "normal" women.

I mean, her forearms are larger than most women's biceps.

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