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R.I.P. Alison Brundage

Jul 15, 2024 - permalink

I have some sad news.

Alison Brundage, who competed in the very early days of women's bodybuilding and who was active here on GWM for about 4.5 yeas last decade, passed away last Sunday week. Alison had a heart attack and then had follow up surgery but subsequently died. She was in her 70s.

I only knew Alison online in this cyber world and through the mail but as much as can be without knowing her in person we were definitely friends. Enough so that her husband sent me an email last Friday to let me know the very sad news. Before posting this I sent him an email and asked if I could post this sad information.

Alison very much lived life including, as I said, being part of the very early days of women's bodybuilding. Among other things she competed in the first women's bodybuilding contest in Hawaii, I think that was 1979 but could wrong.

R.I.P. Ms Alison Brundage. ❤ You will be missed.


Jul 15, 2024 - permalink

At least she lived a long life and she was still strong and ultra beautiful recently. when most women of her generation had become weak. she was a very inspiring woman and a pioneer and I wish she could live forever

Jul 15, 2024 - permalink

My sincere condolences to the passing of your friend.

Jul 15, 2024 - permalink

Very sorry to hear this. She was on saradas a lot.

Jul 15, 2024 - permalink

I remember seeing her in the magazines a lot in the early eighties. RIP.

Jul 16, 2024 - permalink

Very sad news, may she rest in peace. And her family and friends be comforted on this momento of loss...

Jul 16, 2024 - permalink

A pioneer, and respected advocate for women's fitness..

Jul 16, 2024 - permalink

And another angel has joined the Heavenly Host... 🥺

2 days ago - permalink

so sad

2 days ago - permalink

RIP Alison. You were a trailblazer and what you did took courage to do. Standing out from the crowd. Godspeed my dear.

2 days ago - permalink

I am really sorry for her family's loss. I am also sorry for the people who were friends with her on this site. She will be missed. RIP.

2 days ago - permalink

RIP :(

2 days ago - permalink

So sorry to hear this news, Greg. She was a fine lady, and a true pioneer. May she rest in peace.

1 day ago - permalink

So sorry to hear this news, Greg. She was a fine lady, and a true pioneer. May she rest in peace.

Thank you Nyt. I only knew Alison online and through the mail but she certainly was a fine lady, and a true pioneer, as you so nicely put it.

1 day ago - permalink


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