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What is your sexual orientation?

Jun 27, 2024 - permalink

Love all ladies, but especially muscular ladies. Steroids is not at all a turn-off, but androgenic features are a big no-no. Male pattern baldness and man jaw are not at all attractive.

Please note...personal opinion. No offence intended.

Abby Domit's build and look is almost ideal fyi.

Daria Shuer has crossed the line into unattractive imo.

Good poll. Kinda expected the answers.

STRAIGHT. Sexually only turned on by women with muscles. Guys do nothing for me.

Jun 27, 2024 - permalink

So, you DO consider intention

If I get bitten by a spider in the hope of turning into a spider-man, I will not turn into a spider-man but I do get bitten by a spider.

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

My answer: Straight - I'm strictly into non-virilized women; any kind of virilization is a complete turnoff

I love muscular girls because those big and curvy muscles emphasize more feminine bodyline, NOT because they look like men!

I really like very GIGANTIC STRONG muscular girl.... But I want their faces and bodylines to be beautiful as women. For example...

This is one of my own recent artwork. I know, this never represent anatomically correct human body, but you may understand what I want to say through this drawing. Bigger muscle mass makes her much more WOMAN.

so your answer and reference was a woman that doesn't exist?

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

I am bi,I came out back in 2010. Buff girls turn me on,but really hot beefcake guys turn me on too. It's kinda sad,because only like a small percentage of people are actually attractive to me. I might be shallow,but most buff people are simple,vain,easy to please. Flex and I feel you up,bringing you pleasure is simple,rub rub you flex and moan. You flex in the mirror and your vanity turns me on,you pose in the mirror while I worship your huge hot muscles? Whatever,fucking junkie posers as if I don't know how to get you off.

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

Straight - I'm strictly into non-virilized women; any kind of virilization is a complete turnoff

Chest hair (recent discussion), facial hair, square jaw, etc. are complete turn offs. I don't view this answer as saying I don't like Natalia Trukhina. Wtf chest hair? Just crank it to gay porn at that point

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

I chose straight with virilization to an extent. I used to like the mass muscled women when I was younger, but I much prefer the softer off-season look because it’s easier on the woman’s hormonal system.

I once knew an absolute cute buff girl in the gym and I had a crush on her. A few months of knowing her at the gym, she called my name when I wasn’t looking and I swear I thought it was a guys voice for a split second. I turned to find out it was the same buff girl but she was in competion prep. I’m sure it was her new stack of PEDs for the completion that caused for a deepening of the voice. I was just shocked because her voice prior was not anywhere near as deep.

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

> I am sexually attracted to big, ripped muscles and bodybuilders who have high level of testosterone. So I answered Bisexual since both manly fbbs and mbbs make me cum hard

I voted bisexual, but consider myself androsexual. I am attracted to big massive, roided muscles. I don't care whether they are mbbs, fbbs, or trans, as long as they have manly muscles.

I'm bisexual too. I'm attracted to both men and women. It's great because it allows me to appreciate and connect with people regardless of their gender

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

I’m not sure which to vote for, love women from swimsuit models to the most muscular female bodybuilder and all in between, men don’t do any for me but I do love Asian she males for what reason I don’t know why some are absolutely stunning, so I guess I’d have to say Bisexual

Jun 28, 2024 - edited Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

For many people muscles themselves are "virilization". I have met people who consider a six-pack to be a male feature. In the context of this site, that definition seemed pointless, so I chose to interpret it as non-muscle changes: facial structure, voice, hair.

I dislike tons of body hair. (I have no issues with legs, armpit, crotch, forearms). I dislike odd hairlines. I dislike hyper-masculine faces. Note that this is consistent across male and female -- the subset of guys I find attractive are generally "swimmers build" smooth guys, and not balding. This has remained consistent as I have aged into a balding hairy man. :)

I semi-dislike a ton of vascularity. Forearms, sure. On abs? It starts to look unhealthy to me -- this is not a health comment, that's just the reflexive aesthetic reaction I have, that "this doesn't look right". Purely subjective like all the other comments, it just manifests oddly. But for some reason my brain manifests it as a "health issue", which it does not for body hair for example. Brains are weird.

I'm fine with short hair. I prefer it to consistently messy hair.

I actively enjoy broad shoulders, big arms, small waists OR broad-but-flat waists, big legs. I somewhat prefer a more "male-shaped woman" (shoulder-waist-hips proportion.) In reality I'd be agog at a fitness model with great legs and tiny biceps, but on this site I'd probably turn the page looking for bigger upper body.

I have no issue with a penis, at least in fantasy. A trans woman who fits my "criteria" and has a bulge in the pants? Turns out that is not a problem for my libido.

In real life, I am attacted to a ton of women, but only fantasy-level guys. All of my non-muscular lovers have been female.

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

There are women I find attractive in spite of incipient signs of virilization. This is akin to the "heap" paradox going back to ancient Greek philosophers. When is someone considered "bald"? If you have a penny, you're not rich, but how many pennies does it take? Then, whatever number you regard as rich, subtract one penny -- is that rich? I can compartmentalize and overlook certain things -- like Yankees hats.

Jun 28, 2024 - edited Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

For me I like woman of all kinds as long as in my eyes they are attractive, muscles on a woman is top tier, but honestly I'm in to normal body types too, love big bootys and natural big boob types to. Personally I find muscle woman who really start to look like men a turn off those it's mainly when the facial features start becoming questionable I get put off.

Jun 28, 2024 - edited Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

When is someone considered "bald"? If you have a penny, you're not rich, but how many pennies does it take? Then, whatever number you regard as rich, subtract one penny -- is that rich?

That's a pretty good observation. How many hair follicles would she have to lose before it is considered a "receding hairline?"

Continuing with this line of logic, you could say that there is a specific day when they reach that turning point, where the virilization becomes so much that they begin to lose many of their schmoe admirers. This day would vary from woman to woman, but there is always a tipping point. This presents another way of interpreting this poll (perhaps a simplified view)... "Do you prefer women before, up to, or past that tipping point?"

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

I voted gay. I'm sexually attracted to men, but I admire the women on here and use the pics as body inspiration when working out.

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

Dudes like hot buff chicks, uhm I have like bunches of photos,why is there ai section for big buff ai girlz? As fake as half the girls are,fake boobs,butt implants,

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

Pedo 🙃. According to some sexual therapists and moral experts in this forum. Because a muscle girl like Emma Lawson gave me a boner when she was about 16 year old (The video that got deleted on this website at least a dozen times. Where she wears a green bikini and fake sunglasses.)

Jun 29, 2024 - permalink

Continuing with this line of logic, you could say that there is a specific day when they reach that turning point, where the virilization becomes so much that they begin to lose many of their schmoe admirers. This day would vary from woman to woman, but there is always a tipping point. This presents another way of interpreting this poll (perhaps a simplified view)... "Do you prefer women before, up to, or past that tipping point?"

When assessing virilization, I think it's difficult to bracket out a woman's starting point. You have some women who started off as uber-feminine, but the side-effects become increasingly noticeable. There are just vague thresholds and tradeoffs. If a woman's voice deepens, as it often does on steroids, then that's virilization. The tradeoff is that she gets awesome muscles. So, let's suppose we had a woman who looks and sounds like Halyey Allyn does now, but before juicing she was skinny-fat and her voice was an octave higher. I'd strongly prefer the one that has "signs of virilization" (as someone said earlier, muscles are a sign of virilization). If we had a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ultra-feminine and 10 is ultra-masculine, someone who went from 1-4 virilized more than someone who went from 4-6.

It seems to me that the vast majority of women interested in bodybuilding want to maintain their femininity, and they talk about it when asked. They get breast augmentations, hair extensions, and hair removal. They paint their faces and their teeth. All other things being equal, I don't like short hair, or flat, furry chests or a jaw like the Iron Giant.

Jun 29, 2024 - permalink

Virilization takes different forms for different women. I needed to check out Gentry Manley's early images to determine that she was a woman. Others like May Liza just look better to me in their pre-bodybuilding phase. And others like Brooke Walker took things too far IMO. But there are beholders who still worship them as muscle goddesses.

Jul 01, 2024 - permalink

"I am only sexually attracted to women, and I have not attraction towards men at all"

Just wondering - why wasn't this offered as an option for straight male responders?

Jul 01, 2024 - permalink

Just wondering - why wasn't this offered as an option for straight male responders?

There’s literally two options that cover that….

“Im into females regardless of virilization” and “Im into women that don’t have any virilization”

Either way. You’re straight in either option with no attraction to men

Jul 01, 2024 - permalink

There’s literally two options that cover that….

There's even a third one, where you're a straight male but definitely want your female bodybuilders virilized.

Jul 01, 2024 - permalink

I only feel sexually attracted to female muscles BUT I also have aesthetic appreciation for male muscular bodies (like a work of art, and also like 'Damn - I wish I looked like that')

As for women, the more shredded the better - but only if they have decent muscle mass (eg: Veronica Valentyne is too skinny for me)

And I don't care too much for virilization, but if their face is too 'masculine', I will just zoom in on the body and hide the face.

Jul 04, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Serotonin
Jul 04, 2024 - permalink

If I get bitten by a spider in the hope of turning into a spider-man, I will not turn into a spider-man but I do get bitten by a spider.

Yes, so why if someone who has been bitten by a spider is considered a spider-man and is not featured here anymore? Why someone who keeps having a vagina despite he has a beard is no more featured on this site?

Jul 04, 2024 - permalink

I’m in between 1 and 2. I find the extremes of muscular development very compelling, and in photos and videos virilization rarely puts me off, but in-person I prefer minimal virilization.

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