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„I hate tattoos“ comments should be considered spam

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

I do not want to hurt anyone, but... In my country a few decades ago those who want to tell other people what can or can't say/write were called communist. I do not think that we need this ideology on this site. I lived in that shit. Do not let those assholes get in control in any part of your life, no matter what they called themself today. Believe me I know what this shit means.

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

“Communism is a red herring!”

Couldn’t help myself. LOVE that movie!

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

Who cares if people don't like tattoos. Just scroll past, don't censor opinions because you don't like them.

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

There is zero value in the comments under pictures. They should be removed altogether.

I disagree. An example: someone asked what wrestling show a pic was taken at. Being a wrestling fan, I was able to find it quickly and tell him what it was. Perhaps that promotion gained a new fan.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

I do not want to hurt anyone, but... In my country a few decades ago those who want to tell other people what can or can't say/write were called communist. I do not think that we need this ideology on this site. I lived in that shit. Do not let those assholes get in control in any part of your life, no matter what they called themself today. Believe me I know what this shit means.

Please run for elected office in the USA. You are needed.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

I strongly dislike tattoos. But I'm not gonna shame people for getting them. And I generally keep it to myself. That said, I DO have a legitimate question on the topic:

In certain cases, I've seen instances of overwhelmingly tattooed women scoring much lower than they should in competitions because judges legitimately couldn't grade them on certain areas such as symmetry and definition due to their tattoos. This is, of course, only applicable to some of the more heavily tattooed women. Do you really think it's possible for heavily tattooed women to be sabotaging their chances in some of these competitions?

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

I strongly dislike tattoos. But I'm not gonna shame people for getting them. And I generally keep it to myself. That said, I DO have a legitimate question on the topic:

In certain cases, I've seen instances of overwhelmingly tattooed women scoring much lower than they should in competitions because judges legitimately couldn't grade them on certain areas such as symmetry and definition due to their tattoos. This is, of course, only applicable to some of the more heavily tattooed women. Do you really think it's possible for heavily tattooed women to be sabotaging their chances in some of these competitions?

I'm honestly not sure. Do you have any confirmed examples of heavily tattooed competitors getting lower placements than they probably deserve because of that (where when given feedback judges mentioned that or by some other confirmation that that was the case?)?

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

I'm honestly not sure. Do you have any confirmed examples of heavily tattooed competitors getting lower placements than they probably deserve because of that (where when given feedback judges mentioned that or by some other confirmation that that was the case?)?

none i can cite right now. Just social media posts from competitors I follow on IG and other sites. And I couldn't point you to any specific one right now.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by tamarok
Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

Or make a filter/tag/category with 'Tattoo'. If you do not like tattoos, just do not look at those pictures? So when you upload a picture you can switch it on or off. Just like the other ones like abs, veins etc.

Just a thought

But then, where do you draw the line? A little name as tattoo wouldn't be that distracting from the muscles i think. However a whole sleeve is another story.

I do not think users will change their way of commenting. So either ignore comments you do not like or change something about the system

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

I do not want to hurt anyone, but... In my country a few decades ago those who want to tell other people what can or can't say/write were called communist. I do not think that we need this ideology on this site. I lived in that shit. Do not let those assholes get in control in any part of your life, no matter what they called themself today. Believe me I know what this shit means.

The amount of people who can’t grasp what free speech is and think it means everyone has to listen to their opinions is insane. No one is censoring you. What this thread asks for is not to give a platform to people repeating over and over again that they don’t like tattoos. You can still have this opinion, you can still voice it, there is just no right to post it under every other picture.

Also please read up on what communism actually means and what the difference between causation and correlation is.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

"please read up on what communism actually means....." I agree.

If he wants to talk about international politics, he should start another topic. I've reported his comments.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

"please read up on what communism actually means....." I agree.

If he wants to talk about international politics, he should start another topic. I've reported his comments.

Yes Shav...Szinsz has completely gone off-topic. But that's ok since Szinsz is obviously letting off steam (even though he is describing something other than Communism).

Personally speaking, as regards Tattoo's, they don't bother me except that, in some cases, the musculature / build etc is affected by the camouflage effect of the tattoo's. But that is the Lady's choice and power to them.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

like graffiti on a Michelangelo sculpture. they should be illegal. someone call a leftist they love making harmless things illegal

Jun 03, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

like graffiti on a Michelangelo sculpture.

Graffiti on anything is usually bad.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

I love your contribitions Zarkle! Always lucid, sensible, logical and reasonable. In the din of people sounding off, your commentaries always stand out --- not unlike a lone Lighthouse on a rock near the coast in very stormy seas.

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