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Feature Request - Sort Favorites by Model Name

May 09, 2024 - permalink

I searched to see if this was already requested or discussed and did not find any previous discussions. I apologize if I missed any previous threads on this matter.

It would be useful to sort my favorites by model name so I can see all model images grouped together as I click through my favorites.

May 13, 2024 - permalink

This is somewhat harder than it seems at first due to the fact that pictures can have more than one person in them, and many aren't labeled with a name at all.

May 15, 2024 - permalink

I’d suspect you’d need to add a new table for this? Maybe one with image id, model id and model name. Then just apply a join?

The catch is that you’d need create / update entries every time an image was renamed.

May 15, 2024 - permalink

I searched to see if this was already requested or discussed and did not find any previous discussions. I apologize if I missed any previous threads on this matter.

It would be useful to sort my favorites by model name so I can see all model images grouped together as I click through my favorites.

You can do this for single models by using the advanced search function but it will only favorited pictures of that model

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