Agree on that one. Images are mainly 1920x880, which is less than 1080p. At least have the images in 1920x1080 format, but maybe its the way the images are cropped. Anyway, they still look fine by me.
There is a square image thingy on the top right hand corner. Clicking on that makes the image go somewhat full-screen and you can right-click to save the images onto your hard drive.
Agree with white borders. Cannot see the arrow button, and constantly need to move the mouse in circles to "guess" where it is, and then always finding it by accident.
I've been a subscriber on and off again, but every time, I've come to regret it because of how disappointing the galleries are for these reasons:
I understand that the owner is trying to protect their images, but what's the point when people can just screencap them anyway...
Another thing I'll point out is how navigation on the VOD page is very annoying. Pressing "back" on the browser doesn't do anything after clicking on a video preview.