> Old School gam actionDammn !! Who is she ? You gotta name ? Yvonne Mccoy
Not bigger than anyone listed here, but Wendy Jeal had great shapes
She wasn't the biggest but her legs had cuts you don't see many other places.
Does anyone know whose calves have measured the largest?
(not off-season shape)
Who is she? Ielja Strik,from Holland is my guess.
Yh, its in the first pic, im blind, thx
With so many classics I can't pick a best ever. But Franciely Kawashima is making a strong showing lately
With so many classics I can't pick a best ever. But Franciely Kawashima is making a strong showing lately
Her legs are far better than that dude behind her 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Jill Diorio