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First image of Love Lies Bleeding {warning: some spoilers]

Mar 16, 2024 - permalink

at least the marvel movies have strong women even if its pure fantasy super power stuff with little muscle .and while i was already getting sick of them in 2014 they were still relatively fresh compared to now

Mar 16, 2024 - permalink

Funniest reaction yet

Mar 16, 2024 - permalink

Just saw it. Good movie, not great. I like how the cartoon foreshadowed the event at the ending a bit. I also admit that i also liked seeing some male bodybuilders in the movie.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

Funniest reaction yet

I'll be curious to see how more female bodybuilders react to this movie.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

Yet another totally boring and dull movie.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

I’m dead

Mar 17, 2024 - edited Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

I watched her follow up video. I’ve seen her around TikTok before she is VER anti the fetish scene. I have two points.

If you want to get academic with it movies are about gaze. People complained for years about movies being outlets for a strictly male gaze—objectifying women mostly, romantic subplots that are mostly for the guys to imagine being with whatever type of woman. It’s a little more diverse these days, but a a movie about two lesbians directed by a woman should be getting more attention. Anyway my point is that most movies are glorifying or fetishzing something. They’re escapism from real life. The fantastic. Not everyone can be a jet pilot but we all feel the thrill of top gun and wish we were maverick.

My second point: if you’re looking for something and you already have a view about it you’re gonna be sour when you find it. She’s already anti muscle fetish. I’ve seen her replies to stuff. I’m not sure what she’s expecting out of this movie given the subject matter (the scene she talks about nonwithstanding) but I’ve talked to plenty of bodybuilders who were 100% unaware of the fetish side of things, many people are unaware. So yeah, maybe the scene is rooted in the fetish but you were already on alert for it.

I’ve yet to see it but I’ll let it stand (or fall) on its own merits. The big question will be is the scene consistent and appropriate given its context to the movie? If it’s unrelated or feels like it was thrown in because someone really really wanted it to be in there. But given the movie was directed by a woman and was written by, surprise, two women, it seems a little inconsistent to blame the fetish crowd which is mostly driven by men.

I will say they likely got someone who may be a little into it to help bankroll but idk there’s a lot of odd indie stuff out there, and this isn’t something that’s like “wow totally mainstream cash grab”

Edit: also btw 50 shades was actual fetish content, and no one complained. And twilight turned j to that too

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

My thing is, what was she expecting? The marketing of the movie has been practically selling sex and steroids.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

My thing is, what was she expecting? The marketing of the movie has been practically selling sex and steroids.

I really take reviews from people like this with a stack of salt. It’s no different from a rage tuber complaining about woke movies and then finding all the evidence they can to support their complaints.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

Bummer that there are so many prudish people. it's like me calling the old Schwarzenegger movies gay porn and all the fans are gay

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

I really liked it, but I also felt like it ran with some common stereotypes about female bodybuilders. It's not as obvious or as dumb as Kris Murrell's cameo in Grown-Ups 2, but still...

For one thing, is it realistic for steroid use to make a person hallucinate like that? Roid rage was literally a plot point.

Even a film like this treats the hypermuscular female character like some kind of mentally unstable oddity or sideshow freak. To my knowledge, there's not a female equivalent of a movie like Stay Hungry.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

> Just saw the movie in an early screening. I really like A24 films and bodybuilding, so watching it was a no brainer. It is a good movie with some very sexy scenes all throughout and some people will enjoy the ending as it scratches a specific adjacent itch (I’ll be ambiguous as I don’t want to spoil anything). However, if you are expecting a very bodybuilding focused movie, I’m sorry to disappoint you but it isn’t. It’s a good and entertaining thriller that just happens to have a FBB that wants to compete in a show as a protagonist. > I’ll give it a 4/5 as a movie

Are there many muscle growth scenes?

Back from watching it, I didn't feel there were many but they were fitting and simultaneously tasteful & erotic by keeping it to the roid rage. The movie is basically sort of about venting a fetish without being a fetish movie by also being a story about not fitting in. I think the choice to set the movie in the 80s wasn't just about conveying the advent of bodybuilding as a backdrop, but also showing to a now mostly online audience that the feeling of not belonging remains even if you aren't spending all your time in a virtual space instead of a physical one. It also was very upfront about the consequences of the main characters' actions in a way I truly felt sad about, especially at the last scene. I'd personally rank it an 8/10, but for normies it's probably closer to a 7 because some of Stewart's acting in the climax felt a little overbearing. O'Brien carried the film because she truly seems like someone who has the mind and body of her character IRL, and this is the first media I've seem with either of these actresses.

Last note, I feel this was the FMG story I wish I could have written but never had the time, merit, or experience to produce, as I wanted to know more about the psychology of muscle girls and female muscle growth underneath the physical process. For me, it provided some of that and I felt I could relate to Jackie's dysmorphia, myself once being a chubby boy and now trying to work it off but never feeling sufficient still.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

I think the choice to set the movie in the 80s wasn't just about conveying the advent of bodybuilding as a backdrop, but also showing to a now mostly online audience that the feeling of not belonging remains even if you aren't spending all your time in a virtual space instead of a physical one. It also was very upfront about the consequences of the main characters' actions in a way I truly felt sad about, especially at the last scene. I'd personally rank it an 8/10, but for normies it's probably closer to a 7 because some of Stewart's acting in the climax felt a little overbearing. O'Brien carried the film because she truly seems like someone who has the mind and body of her character IRL, and this is the first media I've seem with either of these actresses.

I felt like the twist with the bodybuilding competition and Jackie's breakdown was a conscious rebuttal of the pipe dreams people have about easily becoming fitness influencers or just going in and winning a competition. If that happened today, her misfortune would be captured on multiple smartphones in 4K for the whole world to see.

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

Interesting takes. Will have to see what to think but I am absolutely sure anyone under 26, or even 30, would find that impossible to relate with.

Maybe not embarrassing or roast worthy but if you show up meh at a show there’s tons of people going to see it. In the 80s you’d be an afterthought and people wouldn’t even know it existed. Very limited scope experience

Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

Kids today think that a Movie actually represents Reality --- when no movie ever has in fact. Have any of you actually read a particular book (several times) and then watched the Movie Version? I think not.

Mar 20, 2024 - permalink

I am the type who prefers physical media, but I really might jump the gun on this early if it comes to digital.

It's so rare for a movie to linger this long in my mind. The last time was when I watched the Cronenberg version of The Fly over a decade ago in college.

Mar 20, 2024 - permalink

...Have any of you actually read a particular book...

Read? Are you calling us nerds?

Mar 20, 2024 - permalink

Reddit reviews seem to be positive which is something. Nothing negative about the bb aspect

Mar 21, 2024 - permalink

Reddit reviews seem to be positive which is something. Nothing negative about the bb aspect

Yeah, I see a lot of praise for Katy O’Brian’s acting which I agree with. I saw the movie and thought it was great.

Mar 21, 2024 - permalink

One of y’all didn’t behave: https://variety.com/2024/film/news/man-arrest...

Here is the beater https://www.thenewsherald.com/2024/03/20/sout...

And woof, that’s a ROUGH 33 years old.

Mar 21, 2024 - permalink

Here is the beater https://www.thenewsherald.com/2024/03/20/sout...

And woof, that’s a ROUGH 33 years old.

Fella needs to shave, wash his face, and hit the gym, lol

Mar 21, 2024 - permalink

And hop off the drugs, he looks beyond faded

Mar 23, 2024 - permalink

It's hard to say how well this movie is doing since no one has disclosed the budget, but it feels like it came and went. I'm friends with movie buffs, and they haven't even mentioned it. I seriously thought this movie would make a bigger splash than it did, given how exciting the trailers looked.

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

Funniest reaction yet

She's anti fetish, but her IG it's literally FULL of thirst traps of every kind.

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

The movie was awful. Bizarre. Unwatchable. Extremely disappointing.

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