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What type of muscular women are you into?

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

Give me sexy, but not psycho.

I love the ones who are into the fact that the muscle is the "thing", but a big turn-off for me are the ones who - despite being wildly active on social media that's open to the entire fucking public - are like "yo', yeah, I'm posting, but this is only for me and girl-bros".

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

Give me sexy, but not psycho.

I love the ones who are into the fact that the muscle is the "thing", but a big turn-off for me are the ones who - despite being wildly active on social media that's open to the entire fucking public - are like "yo', yeah, I'm posting, but this is only for me and girl-bros".

Yeah. Me too. Attitude plays a very large part of it.

Jul 03, 2023 - edited Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

Was she stronger or more powerful than you? Most women can’t stand it when their man is the weaker, less powerful one. It may thrill some of them in the beginning but, eventually, the majority will grow weary of it.

@leglover...I've written about her several times. Yes, Sheryl was stronger than me. Much stronger. Way back then I was a skinny, guitar player, in a local rock band. I was also the lead singer of our band and I guess, that's what drew her to me. As much as she enjoyed being strong, I think you are correct. After awhile, she got tired of our role reversal and looked for other men. She went through a lot of men, for damn sure.

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

it really depends, i actually like all kinds. but i dont like overly huge, roided women though; has to look somewhat natural to me

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

For me it’s anything from „thicker“ women to powerlifters to bodybuilders with a thick/off-season type look. Examples:

Not a big fan of leaner looks, but some exceptions are Tessa Boyea, Slava Galagan and Brittani Parish for example


Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

That's a really hard question. Cuz one day I see a bikini competitor and say "Wow, she looks great", then I see Anastasia Leonova who is in the biggest class (bodybuilding ofc) and say "Omg I want my gf to be like her", then I see MDJ who is basically just working out cuz she likes it and wants to be active. But recently I'm more into some wellness competitors, especially Latina kind cuz they legs look LOADED as fuck. But if I do want my gf to be big/buff/curvy or whatever, I would say that my type of muscular woman is Aline Dessine. Not too big, not too shredded, has some size and veins, but not and extreme case. So if I get lucky enough to find a girl who would be buff for me, I would show her all the types of muscular women but I would be more than satisfied with Aline Dessine kind of build. Big booty, big quads, has pretty abs, decent biceps and visible veins in them and could hip thrust a truck.

Jul 05, 2023 - permalink

For me it’s anything from „thicker“ women to powerlifters to bodybuilders with a thick/off-season type look. Examples:

I second this

Jul 05, 2023 - edited Jul 05, 2023 - permalink

Natalia Kovaleva at the NY Pro this year is exactly what I like.

Jul 10, 2023 - permalink

For me it’s anything from „thicker“ women to powerlifters to bodybuilders with a thick/off-season type look. Examples:

Not a big fan of leaner looks, but some exceptions are Tessa Boyea, Slava Galagan and Brittani Parish for example

I third this.

Jul 15, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by rackt12
Jul 15, 2023 - permalink

Big and ripped. Height makes no difference. No implants preferred but not a requirement and the less tats the better. Prime examples for my ideal type are as follows.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

I like very large, virilized women. Take a look at my favorites to get an idea.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

I like all woman with muscle but the bigger and more vascular they are the better.huge muscle is what I love

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Large with extreme definition and vascularity.

I also like some big fake breasts.

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

My taste in muscular women varies, but generally one that are big, but still look feminine. However, by far my favorite are ones who look like smaller, sexy fitness competitors but when you measure their biceps, they are 14" or more and can lift very heavy.

Measured on a HB video, she had 14" biceps after a pump and was able to hammer curl 60lbs!

I'm in love

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

My type is whoever correlates the highest to two different factors: 1) size & musculature and 2) femininity in spite of or because of size & muscularity. It's a delicate balancing act. I feel like a lot of bigger Asian models pull it off better than others, so my highest ranked models are disproportionately Asian.

Jul 21, 2023 - permalink

I prefer heavily virilized type. Square jawline, deep/raspy voice, masculine sort of physique with wide shoulders. Breast implants are optional. Monia Gioiosa is a prime example. But feminine, cutesy sort is fine too.

Jul 21, 2023 - permalink

I like them as huge hulks big biceps and traps

Jul 21, 2023 - permalink

Roided UP and massive but with some femininity remaing. Pecs only; no boobs.

Dec 19, 2023 - permalink

Roided UP and massive but with some femininity remaing. Pecs only; no boobs.

Wow. I'm speechless.

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