Yes genetics are an essential part. But it also depends on what your hands have to do during the day. Carrying a heavy bag or suitcase every day on long walks to work also contributes to grip strength.
A example no one expect that this builds grip strength
For me it is mainly work at the pole since be a young girl , but wrote about before
> > following up on this, have you ever used Captains of Crush Grippers for grip training? and if so, what number gripper have you been able to close?
@deleted....judging from the grip result numbers Liesbsth provided. She is capable of closing a CoC "1 1/2. A #2 is 195 lbs and I believe only 3 women have ever closed a "2.
If Liesbeth is pulling 150lbs then that is an easy close on the 1.0, and should get the 1.5 (rated at 165lbs) closed to within a cm of the handles touching.
The No.2 only has 4 women who have been certified to close it, but that doesn't mean that there are others who can close it but haven't gone through the official process. There are plenty of videos on YouTube of guys closing the No.4 but that only has a single certified closure in the last 20 years (follpwing the rule change to use a credit card set).
I's a good thing to try a grip tester of some sort so you have at least a fair appreciation with some numbers to go with it. I just have a single gripper, the same type that Liesbeth showed here a while back. I got it to help with some re-hab after an injury. Today, with arthritis in both hands, I can barely squeeze it much at all with it set at 60kg, and Liesbeth, who is a lot smaller than me, was saying that she needs grippers that are heavier. I'm glad I don't have a lot of stupid male ego, lol! :)
BTW, I think I may have asked this before, but does anyone know how to compare a single gripper with a two handed type like Herbiceps uses?
Next results better maybe , but it is Ok prefekt average result for men so no need to hide