If anything, I actively avoid thumbnails where I can see the model wearing a mask. To me, they are a sad and frustrating reflection of that bloody pandemic that inconvenienced us all. I didn’t necessarily agree on any health benefits with wearing them due to lack of evidence so they are just a reminder of how we are far better without them and that we can let our faces be free to express.
i dont mean like face mask for the pandemic, i mean like this https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/85/03/04/360_F_38... where its like a badass strong woman wearing a mask
i dont mean like face mask for the pandemic, i mean like this https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/85/03/04/360_F_38... where its like a badass strong woman wearing a mask
muscular girls wearing face masks as in the type that only cover the bottom half of the face, sorta like a covid mask. you'll get the idea.