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Crossfit drug testing policy

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink
Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

i don't see how this is relevant to anything. unless you have a discussion point to bring up in the very near future, the thread will be locked.

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by yotv
Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

The site itself isn't malicious (it's just Amazon) although I can't speak as to the PDF itself. Regardless, I also don't see the point of this post...

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

Document is from 2016. Just as useless as Crossfit drug testing itself

Jun 06, 2022 - edited Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

Apologies - I forgot to include the latest policy update so that interested individuals can see whether there has been a progression what CF is trying to do:


i don't see how this is relevant to anything. unless you have a discussion point to bring up in the very near future, the thread will be locked.

I'm not really that vested. I saw the usual posted on this Mal O'Brien pic today and since I had never seen any text here regarding that company's drug testing policies, I shared the links. I don't care who uses what, but since the accusations flow non-stop, I think discussions of any organization's practices or policies should have some identifiable basis. If the same accusers want to argue that there's still a zero-basis for legitimacy of the drug-testing program because they police themselves, that's fine, too.

https://games.crossfit.com/article/complete-l... - Even if one doesn't think the program is very comprehensive, I personally think the transparency of who's been sanctioned and why and for how long gives Crossfit at least some modicum of legitimacy. That doesn't mean thousands of competitors are not 2 steps ahead at all times, but a possible 4-year suspension has to be a deterrent for some.

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

Not getting busted in Crossfit is a simple IQ test. Most of the testing happens at the Games, and OOC tests happen so rarely and with a 24-hour notice that people can juice pretty much as much as they want during off-season, yet still reap the benefits of that come Games. Furthermore, as long as one stays within certain limits, the tests don't even come back positive. Micro-dosing does require proper programming, however.

People need to remember that first and foremost, Crossfit is a business. As such, Crossfit has no real incentive to out their athletes, which are selling a product. Would people be as inclined to take up Crossfit if all off their athletes were 50% smaller and less shredded? Their athletes performing 'superhuman' feats is in Crossfit's best interest, which is why their drug-testing policy is designed to look legit without actually being legit. If catching people was the goal, they'd have to dramatically ramp up testing frequency, fully comply with WADA and NADOs such as USADA, and run a full ABP. Yet, they are doing none of that, because it would be utterly stupid to do so from a business perspective.

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

yeah, CrossFit is full of drugs, there is no way around it. The amount of abuse those athletes go through would definitely require something to help them recover. Some of the women are now crossing the line of mainstream appeal. it is a sport that almost anybody can do and they market it that way but when you get some of these women all juiced up, we are at the bodybuilding problem. Too much PED usage and it turns off fans, sponsorships and money.

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

CrossFit Games athletes are to CrossFit what Tom Cruise is to Scientology. They're there to get people in the door. They're going to have a bodybuilding-like regimen which is not what you get when you join a box. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the Games athletes also trained at a regular gym like Gold's.

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

If there's money involved, there're drugs involved.

Some fans, though...I don't understand why anyone has to put up a natty pedestal to worship at. Professional sports are full of drugs. Big deal: move on and enjoy the show.

(Not getting into the subject of fake natties as a sales vehicle for product, of course)

Jun 06, 2022 - edited Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

Great points have already been made, and the funny thing is that it is much easier to get busted for marijuana than it is for PEDS. It’s not that hard to beat drug tests.

Also, you will never see a figurehead name in CrossFit get busted. The most prominent athletes who got popped were Ricky Garard and Emily Abbott, but I highly doubt you’ll ever see anyone else near their levels get hit. The odds of Tia, Mal or Justin getting hit with a failed drug test are practically nil

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

I have a little experience with high level athletes in several sports include track which is a sport deservedly notorious for PED use, even with super strict testing, especially for US athletes.

Just like cycling with blood doping, there is a no other performance sport with a higher benefit for PED use than crossfit-style competitions. PEDS help you train harder and RECOVER FASTER, which is a prerequisite for doing well in a multi-day crossfit comp. And you don't have use them day of, if you end your cycle a few weeks before the competition you are probably good. Anything past a local competition and a majority of the elite participants have taken PEDs with the past 3-6 months. Its one reason why I doubt crossfit will even become an Olympic sport, no one wants the out of contest testing requirement.

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

I saw a doc where I think the founder or CEO (or whatever) of CrossFit basically walked around the PED question. They test day of. Stop taking them weeks prior and you’re fine. Off season..game on. All sports either use them or come very close and sit on the line. Your job is to perform physically. Anything that gets you an advantage will be done

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

alanna fisk was a "name" that got popped a few years ago and she got a 4 year suspension, to which she takes issue (of course). it probably wasn't even that much of a trace but they "did their due diligence" and someone got in trouble to make a dog and pony show of it

Jun 06, 2022 - permalink

I have a little experience with high level athletes in several sports include track which is a sport deservedly notorious for PED use, even with super strict testing, especially for US athletes.

Just like cycling with blood doping, there is a no other performance sport with a higher benefit for PED use than crossfit-style competitions. PEDS help you train harder and RECOVER FASTER, which is a prerequisite for doing well in a multi-day crossfit comp. And you don't have use them day of, if you end your cycle a few weeks before the competition you are probably good. Anything past a local competition and a majority of the elite participants have taken PEDs with the past 3-6 months. Its one reason why I doubt crossfit will even become an Olympic sport, no one wants the out of contest testing requirement.

I mean, hell, Weightlifting was removed from the 2028 Summer Olympics due to issues concerning doping. If the Olympics is having issues with drugs in Weightlifting, especially given that Olympic testing is much stricter than CrossFit, there is no chance it will ever rise to anything more than where it is at)

Jun 07, 2022 - permalink

I think the only real benefit to significantly increasing testing frequency would be increased billing for the labs. Would CrossFit be more profitable if they eliminated their testing program altogether? Or is the appearance of propriety a requirement for the corporate sponsorships they seek?

I'm at a loss as to why weightlifting was booted from the Olympics. Sometimes, we just need own our hypocrisy and roll with it.

Jun 08, 2022 - permalink

Part of me wants to say, fuck it. Just stop testing. Drop the facade. Pro athletes juice and the more money they make the more they can juice.

Jun 08, 2022 - permalink

It's been around for so long that trying to do anything about it now would be too costly and destructive. You'd have to rebuild everything from the ground up and erase the record books. And even then, given enough time, the athletes will find a way to sneak the PEDs back into their regime.

Jun 21, 2022 - permalink

Part of me wants to say, fuck it. Just stop testing. Drop the facade. Pro athletes juice and the more money they make the more they can juice.

The problem with saying fuck it that means athletes who want to stay clean get screwed over, but thy are not gonna win anyway as it is now so i say fuck it too. Its not the drug use that bothers me its the bullshit.

Nov 01, 2024 - edited Nov 20, 2024 - permalink

It's a tough balance since casual fans want to see these impressive feats, but there’s always that underlying question of what it takes to get there. I recently stumbled across an article, "Quick Fix Plus Synthetic Urine Reviews Are Wrong! Here’s The Truth: Does Quick Fix Work?" which digs into some misconceptions about testing hacks that athletes in different sports (not just Crossfit) might try. It's a pretty wild read if you’re curious: https://ccwrc.org/does-quick-fix-work/. It’d be interesting to see if they ever tighten up their policy—or just keep things business as usual.

Nov 01, 2024 - edited Nov 01, 2024 - permalink

In current labs of the molecular biology type today that are used to test for PEDs etc in athletes, any such drug use will show up even after a year or so of non-use as residual factors in the samples taken. It is a pipe dream to think otherwise. If the org does not test using the properly equiped labs, then it is the organisations which are at fault for cherry-picking labs that they know are ill-equiped to do the necessary test protocols. And FYI, Blood Doping is one of the simplest cheats to test for.

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