Just one I haven't seen listed yet, damn when she's in shape, what a flawless physique with crazy ass DELTS.
Melinda Mercz, she's an IFBB PRO (@melindamercz_ifbbpro) and I believe she lives in Hungary.
When you are in Switzerland:
Martina Lopez https://www.instagram.com/martina_lopez_fbb/
Belinda Achermann https://www.instagram.com/belindaachermann_
And Jay Fuchs of course https://www.instagram.com/jayfuchs4
In Switzerland :
Andrina Tinner, Jelena Knoll, Dunja Bitar, Cindy Landolt, Stephanie Bonvin, Fanny Clavien, Sally Eigenmann, Martina Lopez, Belinda Ackermann, Mariella Moggi, Amandine Kolly, Julia Fory and Jay Fuchs ( the last are not natty of course)
In Lausanne, I saw several times, a pretty muscular girl, blond, tattooed, 1m65-70. Probably natty. But I don't know her name.
I can't understand which part of "provide athlete profiles on Instagram" some users didn't understand...
I will be heading to Europe this summer to do TONS of shoots for herbiceps. (UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland) Which competitors would you love to see me shoot?
Please provide their Instagram name if possible.
Tiffany Ritter would be awesome (bigger than on her Instagram nowadays) https://www.instagram.com/_tif_funny/
And also AnnaMlGottschalk but I think she changed gender.
Tiffany Ritter would be awesome (bigger than on her Instagram nowadays) https://www.instagram.com/_tif_funny/
new address: https://www.instagram.com/tif_van_schraenkle/
Hmmm.... will we see those in Herbiceps+?
I mean Sean Nelson's website still doesn't say he's in Europe and May is ending...
Birgit Andersch
guess she would be the first Austrian model on the site
I second that.