The Movie is currently available for streaming for free until 18th of January 2024.
You have to be within Germany or use a VPN. Once you have access to it is easy to download (gotta love the german public television ;)
Available languages are: German and Hungarian + French Subtitles
It portraits the life, joy and struggle of a female bodybuilder very well and seems very realistic - I would recommend it.
From IMDB:
It turned out to be a deep, emotional drama showing us the inside struggle of the protagonist. Every gesture and sentence has a meaning. It shows how pressure and the desire to live up to her husband's expectation (who is also her coach) affects her everyday life. It is very different from other sport-related movies like Rocky. It is not an inspirational film about persistence and discipline. If you love unusual, deep psychological drama that makes you think, you should definitely watch it!
There seems to be a growing trend of female bodybuilder movies about competing. Kristen Stewart’s might end up being the most popular one.