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Your favorite (probably) natural women?

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Apr 09, 2024 - edited Apr 09, 2024 - permalink

I think she is. Not a competitor or athlete. Has pecs though.

Out of curiosity, what is your experience in strength sports?

Edit: I also saw the pic before it was deleted. Not natty.

Apr 09, 2024 - permalink

Out of curiosity, what is your experience in strength sports?

None really; but I want to learn more on how to spot the non natty even if it’s slightly like her.

Apr 09, 2024 - permalink

It’s hard to “spot” one these days. I usually look at their training history as part of it. Did they start lifting last year? Were they a gymnast for a decade? A friend I trained with is natty. Good physique. You can tell she lifts but she’s not piping out. Her shoulders are not bulging when she is relaxed. They’re nearly flat, in fact, but when she’s working things pop. Her prs came in small small increments. 5-10 lbs usually unless it was a long time between attempts. And this was in her physical prime. she didn’t start lifting heavier and out 50 lbs on her bench.

Shaped legs but not cut. Not as lean as her upper body—nice abs but not ripped, a softer look overall. She could get leaner but it was hard to maintain even if we were training 2-3 hours daily.

A lot of these girls got big fast, and for strong fast. I’m wary of ones that had no athletic background. Less wary of run of the mill athletes. Gymnasts and track and field athletes from high school or before a bit harder to tell. Lots of training focused on power and strength

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

Did they start lifting last year? Were they a gymnast for a decade?

A more controversial but nevertheless suggestive heuristic is "does their boyfriend/husband juice?" So many guys have bragged about getting their partner on gear (and how it's made her "horny as hell"). Also, look at her friends and siblings. Social science repeatedly demonstrates that behavior is contagious. If somebody in one's friend circle divorces, everyone else is more likely to divorce. The same has been found for weight gain.

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

A more controversial but nevertheless suggestive heuristic is "does their boyfriend/husband juice?" So many guys have bragged about getting their partner on gear (and how it's made her "horny as hell"). Also, look at her friends and siblings. Social science repeatedly demonstrates that behavior is contagious. If somebody in one's friend circle divorces, everyone else is more likely to divorce. The same has been found for weight gain.

thiu too. if they're dating someone that lifts OR on the flip side they are looking for a huge dude, tehy are more likely to dabble IMO

the strength tehy pick up on their own shifts things. all of a sudden a "normla strong" guy doesn't cut it and tehy gotta find a dude that reps 3 plates on bench,m and most guys aren't doing that natty

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

> > Definitely not but she’s cute! I love her look

Why not?

One of my favorite girls I cam with on HBC looks natural. As in, she doesn't look really jacked by any means, but she's strong and definitely has good muscle tone on her. If she told me she was 100% natty, I would have believed her. But she volunteered that she's been off the gear for 2 years (she used to compete years ago).

My point is, I think any girl who's on the internet showing their muscled body will have to be one some type of PED. If they're serious about fitness, and showing off their bodies knowing they'll be judged, then they'll be using. The question isn't if, but what are they taking or have taken, how much, and for how long.

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

One of my favorite girls I cam with on HBC looks natural. As in, she doesn't look really jacked by any means, but she's strong and definitely has good muscle tone on her. If she told me she was 100% natty, I would have believed her. But she volunteered that she's been off the gear for 2 years (she used to compete years ago).

My point is, I think any girl who's on the internet showing their muscled body will have to be one some type of PED. If they're serious about fitness, and showing off their bodies knowing they'll be judged, then they'll be using. The question isn't if, but what are they taking or have taken, how much, and for how long.

I'm not sure about this. There are definitely women who are interested in bodybuilding but not interested in PEDs. Some people just don't want to take drugs.

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

One of my favorite girls I cam with on HBC looks natural. As in, she doesn't look really jacked by any means, but she's strong and definitely has good muscle tone on her. If she told me she was 100% natty, I would have believed her. But she volunteered that she's been off the gear for 2 years (she used to compete years ago).

My point is, I think any girl who's on the internet showing their muscled body will have to be one some type of PED. If they're serious about fitness, and showing off their bodies knowing they'll be judged, then they'll be using. The question isn't if, but what are they taking or have taken, how much, and for how long.

And I think something to also take note of is once you use PEDs, if you get off them, while you obviously won’t have the same physique, you’ll still have an “enhanced” physique that you probably wouldn’t have if you never took them. The effects of PEDs can last long even after you cycle off.

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

Possible lifetime natty:

Except for the silicone.

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

And I think something to also take note of is once you use PEDs, if you get off them, while you obviously won’t have the same physique, you’ll still have an “enhanced” physique that you probably wouldn’t have if you never took them. The effects of PEDs can last long even after you cycle off.


That's one of the main things that makes them awesome, especially for me.

Certain PED's do an amazing job at targeting muscle groups with a higher number of androgen receptors. Traps, lats, and shoulders respond REALLY well to them. They assist in building more muscle nuclei.

Muscle nuclei take a lot of effort to build, but once they're there.. they are relatively long lasting and easy to maintain. A great example of this durability is "muscle memory." There have been cases where pro bodybuilders get in a car crash, miss a whole year of training, their muscles atrophy, and they quickly bounce back to their former size once they're able to get into a routine. That's muscle nuclei at work.

Ever look at a pic of a woman and see an amazing V-taper? Tiny waist going up to thick flaring lats, strong wide shoulders, and powerful traps? Yeah.. that's not natural. EVER. It's straight up not possible for 99.9% of genetic women to build those muscles to that extent naturally. Goes for bodybuilding, physique, and bikini.

Now add in some PED's, and those exact areas will benefit the most. And even when they cycle off, it's possible for them to retain much of that mass when it's built.. and retain the potential to very quickly regain what's lost when they get back on.

I know this all first hand. I'm a guy but those areas (shoulder, traps, lats) were always hard for me to develop. I did a few light cycles and boom... I have a great v-taper. Would have taken me forever if I was natty, and I would never have achieved anything close to it if I was a woman. These drugs are a gift.

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

She claims to be natty. Got that body 1-2 years of training

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

Until the cut I thought you were talking about the first girl in the video, and I was like, yeah that's definitely believable natty!

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

Until the cut I thought you were talking about the first girl in the video, and I was like, yeah that's definitely believable natty!

It's the same girl 🤣 2 year difference

Apr 12, 2024 - edited Apr 12, 2024 by [deleted] - permalink

I think just Low BF [this is the second time ive removed this girl for being blacklisted, don't post her again - fp]

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

It's the same girl 🤣 2 year difference

shes not natty dude

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink
Apr 12, 2024 - edited Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

Any clues on whether Beth Phoenix is natty or not?

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

Febe Marine

Francia Arvizu

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

She claims to be natty. Got that body 1-2 years of training

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Ok, that's funny! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

She claims to be natty. Got that body 1-2 years of training

You know in a way i find it pretty disrespectfull to both natural women and men that these people claim that such transformations are achievable natural

I worked out for 5 years and havent even come close to being at such a size ever and probably never will, ofcourse genetics can help but im gonna be honest i feel quite offended that women like this claim natty, same for men who are obviously on gear and claim natty

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

I looked up Ms. Ross and the first hit was that Goob guy who got it her to admit that she edits her pictures.

A commenter observes: "The part I’ll never understand, is all of these people look amazing without the edits… I just don’t understand the narcissism." If people lie about editing their pictures, then what makes anyone think they wouldn't also lie about taking illegal drugs?

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

You know in a way i find it pretty disrespectfull to both natural women and men that these people claim that such transformations are achievable natural

I worked out for 5 years and havent even come close to being at such a size ever and probably never will, ofcourse genetics can help but im gonna be honest i feel quite offended that women like this claim natty, same for men who are obviously on gear and claim natty

It sets unrealistic expectations which, at best, leads to self-disappointment, but at worst, I think it can lead to serious body image issues.

We’ve heard time and time again how body dysmorphia runs rampant on social media, but stuff like photoshop and lying about drug use adds to that. It’s also bad faith when these influencers say shit like “comparison is the thief of joy, your only competition is yourself” when at the same time they’re lying about how they achieved their idolized physiques.

I’ve been lifting for years and I love fitness, but the industry and community can be cringy and so fake.

Apr 12, 2024 - permalink

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