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Forehead veins?

Oct 07, 2021 - edited Oct 19, 2021 - permalink

Maybe this is too niche, but anybody else think it's hot when an FBB has big protruding forehead veins?


Oct 07, 2021 - permalink

I love it! But you don't see it much...

Oct 13, 2021 - permalink

When I started this I thought I'd have way more examples lol

Oct 13, 2021 - permalink

When I started this I thought I'd have way more examples lol

Try reposting this to the "image themes" section. That may help.

Oct 13, 2021 - permalink
Oct 27, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by Plagueis
Oct 27, 2021 - permalink

Oct 27, 2021 - edited Jul 16, 2022 - permalink

fixed broken thumbnail
Oct 27, 2021 - edited Oct 27, 2021 - permalink

I think it's really hot! The intensity it shows and the texture it gives a facial expression on these women drives me insane! And for me it's the sight in general and how prolific; they don't have to be prominent or truly "bulging". It didn't use to turn me on as much until my own fiancë* began to prolifically show veins in her noggin about a couple of years ago after she started to get back in shape postpartum from having our daughter.

She is not a bodybuilder and doesn't even partake in social media (been trying to get her to 😔) due to her past governmental obligations, so I will not be posting pics of her even though I want to! Sorry!

Rio already has the LMS one that I love, so barring that here are some of my recent favorites:


And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head... See what I did there 😉

Oct 27, 2021 - permalink


Oct 27, 2021 - edited Oct 27, 2021 - permalink

Here's my little showcase of some by athlete:

Oana Marinescu


Minna Pajulahti

Those two have that temple/orbital area vein(s) that drives me nuts!

Jenna Homsey

My first random favorite

Isabell Jackson. (One of my faves!)

Ashley Hromyak

My blonde bombshells! And no matter what their state or activity there always seem some vein action on those domes!

There are so many more pics that even are better (even from some of those women) on and off the site, that I can't recall all of them.

Oct 27, 2021 - permalink
Oct 27, 2021 - edited Oct 27, 2021 - permalink

Here's more:

Barbara Moojen

Carol Alves

Brazilian Bombshells that are just veiny everywhere and happen to also be cute (to me).

Sarah Hayes

Melissa Teich

Julie Boley

Random (but all time) favorites. While they are the types whose foreheads are not always pulsating with veins, when they do come out, they come out to play!! And always there enough underneath the surface to where it looks as if they just want to come out of their bodies even when those ladies are simply standing there. I love it! 🥰

Oct 27, 2021 - permalink


Yes! @Uber... Autumn's forehead details are OG's as far as what caught my eye with the faces of these women in or [out of] contest shape. And so verile!

Oct 27, 2021 - permalink


Brooke's are also worthy. So thick! My only misgiving is that her hairstyle slightly obstructs full view of her cranium. But it's a cute hairstyle that that she's known for so I don't hate! 🥰

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