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"Why was this pic deleted?"

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Aug 12, 2024 - permalink

"Your upload below has been deleted: Low quality."

Please explain

Aug 12, 2024 - permalink

What's her name, so we can compare with her other pictures?

Aug 12, 2024 - permalink

It's Aline Dessine, and there are already hundreds of pics of her, which is probably why the mod in question felt this one wasn't worth keeping.

Aug 12, 2024 - permalink

Thats pretty ridiculous but okay

Aug 12, 2024 - permalink

Also, photos that are low contrast or too dark have a good chance being rejected. I agree there are better pictures of her on the site.

Aug 12, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by shav6789
Aug 22, 2024 - permalink


Stumbled onto this page, who did it belong to?

Aug 22, 2024 - permalink

Gergana Savova, she's on the blacklist (presumably by request).

Aug 23, 2024 - permalink

I can't understand the context behind deleting it. Yes she's a minor but the little girl ain't the main character here nor was she flexing muscles in this video..

Aug 23, 2024 - permalink

Yes she's a minor

There ya go.

Your confusion comes from your own attempt to add exceptions to the rule, which are only in your head.

Aug 23, 2024 - permalink

There ya go.

Your confusion comes from your own attempt to add exceptions to the rule, which are only in your head.

And yet the lady who posted it, didn't seem to mind. Therefore, why should it matter. She is clearly not the model nor the object/subject of the photo.

Aug 23, 2024 - permalink

A lot of guys use these videos to "get busy" to, which I'm sure is one good reason why minors aren't allowed.

Aug 23, 2024 - permalink

A lot of guys use these videos to "get busy" to, which I'm sure is one good reason why minors aren't allowed.

That's a valid point.

Aug 24, 2024 - edited Aug 24, 2024 - permalink

I can't understand the context behind deleting it. Yes she's a minor but the little girl ain't the main character here nor was she flexing muscles in this video..

It doesn’t matter whether she is the main subject or not. The “no minors” rule applies to anyone in the image. We’d simply rather avoid issues coming from minors being a photo and dealing with any negative fallout.

For models that have posted their own photos to this site, with their own kids, they have been understanding when we indicated why we were removing the photo.

Aug 27, 2024 - permalink

They deleted this pic I put up. Yet a day later. Let someone else post it.

Aug 27, 2024 - permalink

So report it? What are you whining about exactly? You think it's favoritsm? No one's bending the rules for anyone, it just hasn't been noticed or reported yet.

Jesus Christ, I feel like we need some kind of banner at the top of the site or at least this thread that says "NO ONE GIVES A SHIT WHO UPLOADED WHAT FOR MODERATION PURPOSES".

Aug 27, 2024 - permalink

I am often surprised how I spend like 30 minutes checking if someone already uploaded the Pic I want to upload. slowly checking every Pic she has on here. only to find out it was already uploaded anyway and I some how didn't see it. what is wrong with my eyes seriously am I the only one with this problem.

Aug 27, 2024 - permalink

Nah, I've done it myself sometimes, especially for women with large galleries. One thing that sometimes helps if I think a pic might already be on the site and the woman has too many to browse easily is doing a reverse image search, since those will often return the GWM page for it.

Google has made their actual reverse image search much harder to access since they try to take you through their stupid "Google Lens" service instead, but the old version can still be accessed using a browser addon like this (I use the Firefox version, apparently the Chrome one may have issues) and disabling all options except Google, or using one to disable Google Lens. Very handy for identifying unknown pics as well.

Aug 27, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by shav6789
Aug 31, 2024 - permalink

What does this mean?

Aug 31, 2024 - edited Aug 31, 2024 - permalink

The DMCA is an American copyright law. See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Mille...

Here someone would have made a “DMCA take down request”, which would require us to remove the image or contest it. Here we would have simply complied, if we believed the request was legitimate, since there is little reason to put in the energy to contest.

Aug 31, 2024 - permalink

Fair enough

Aug 31, 2024 - edited Aug 31, 2024 - permalink

What happened to the picture of Gracelynn Doogan lift and kiss her boyfriend? It was trending yesterday and now its gone

update: Its restored by Chainer (Thank you :))

Sep 08, 2024 - permalink

I got a notification this AM that an old upload of mine, from maybe 2020, of Carolynne Marquez had been merged into a duplicate, #1315315.

When I clicked on it, I found that #1315315 is on a deleted account. Not a big deal. But, I'm wondering why deleted accounts would get preference over active accounts. Thoughts?

Sep 08, 2024 - permalink

Since the images look identical, I'm happy to favor the non-deleted account (yours in this case) over the deleted one, even though that one was uploaded earlier. I've reversed it.

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