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Strongfat babes

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Oct 19, 2022 - edited Oct 19, 2022 - permalink

I have to say while I am a contributor to this thread and have a love for the big ladies; the fantasy stuff is pure comedy gold. 300lbs at 5-foot-nothing just means they'll roll away and have heart-attacks when/if someone pushes back. There is definitely a point of diminished returns when it come to bodyweight. Sure, moving a 75lb thigh takes strength but there isn't much beyond momentum after that.

The beauty of some of the women featured here is that they're in the upper percentiles of strength, but still appear as human-shaped beings. This big-eyed, long-lashed female standing next to her yellow friend is strong as well, but attractive? Perhaps to some.

Oct 19, 2022 - permalink

Events to look forward to Official Strongman Games in November - different weight classes for the women - including an open class dominated by the heavyweights . Definitely worth watching the previous years finals - available for free World Weightlifting Championship in December - again different weight classes - great to watch elite athletes with functional muscle .

Oct 21, 2022 - permalink

This is Danielle Curry. There's a youtube vid of her out there mashing a Captains of Crush #2, which is something that even quite strong men can't do.

She's kind of the perfect woman, as far as I'm concerned. The girl who turned up at the gym, and thought "I wonder how much I can lift" and then proceeded to flabbergast everyone with her natural strength.

For me, I've been into BBWs ever since I can remember, but I only found out that I liked strong girls when one of my girlfriends, many years ago, was helping me and a friend lay a patio. The patio slabs were about 28kg each. She was picking up 2 of them at a time. I will always remember saying to her, "jesus christ, you're strong", to which she replied, "yes" and giggled in a very girly way. That night we had amazing sex as I realised it was also her incredible strength that was turning me on. Anyway... Danielle Curry reminds me of her!

Is there video of the 2nd pic?

Oct 22, 2022 - permalink

And she is freakishly strong!! probably can destroy even a big male bodybuilder

What a ridiculous thing to say. She's not even close to doing that. The average serious male crossfitter is stronger than she will ever be. She's not that amazing, even for a female. Some of you guys are living in fantasyland full time LMAO.

Oct 22, 2022 - permalink

Do we even know her lifts? She's natty, so it's going to be difficult for her to be as strong as a male bodybuilder.

She's not even close.

Oct 22, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by ronmexico
Oct 22, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by ronmexico
Oct 22, 2022 - permalink

Having said that, here’s Katie Crayton Andes, who definitely fits the bill for this topic…

She still looks like a person. A few of the others posted here are off the rails.

Oct 22, 2022 - permalink

Having said that, here’s Katie Crayton Andes, who definitely fits the bill for this topic…

A powerlifter. These girls are all in strength sports. They are not in it for the look necessarily. They could care less what people here think. I love this thread.

Oct 23, 2022 - permalink

Having said that, here’s Katie Crayton Andes, who definitely fits the bill for this topic…

Nice, how tall is she and what is her weight

Oct 23, 2022 - permalink

Reading the title of this made me think that it would make a great name for a band

Oct 23, 2022 - permalink

Emili Philips

Oct 26, 2022 - permalink

The beauty of some of the women featured here is that they're in the upper percentiles of strength, but still appear as human-shaped beings. This big-eyed, long-lashed female standing next to her yellow friend is strong as well, but attractive? Perhaps to some.

if they are fat and demonstrably strong, then they fit the description of what's required to be featured here. 'attractiveness' isn't a qualifier, partly because it's not an objective reference point. your complaint is basically that you don't find some of them attractive in spite of their relevance to the thread's topic, which sounds like a personal preference issue that has nothing to do with the thread to me.

if you're a grownup, you'll focus on the ones you like and ignore the ones you don't; a solution that could solve most of the 'problems' people have to complain about regarding their reaction to site content.

Oct 26, 2022 - permalink

if they are fat and demonstrably strong, then they fit the description of what's required to be featured here. 'attractiveness' isn't a qualifier, partly because it's not an objective reference point. your complaint is basically that you don't find some of them attractive in spite of their relevance to the thread's topic, which sounds like a personal preference issue that has nothing to do with the thread to me.

if you're a grownup, you'll focus on the ones you like and ignore the ones you don't; a solution that could solve most of the 'problems' people have to complain about regarding their reaction to site content.

You again White Knight?

I'm gonna say "no evidence of strength" + plus a lot of wishful schmoe thinking = hilarious thread that I have no desire to censor. But it is fun to call it out occasionally.

Oct 31, 2022 - permalink

i don't know where else you think you know me from since i'm pretty sure this is maybe the second time (on the same thread) i've ever reacted to anything you've written, but if you're going down the route of 'namecalling as argumentation', then Twink Knight is probably more accurate to what i am. i assume you'd have known that by now if i'm familiar enough to you. personally speaking, i'll always take it as a compliment as long as you're the one making WK accusations, which you should keep in mind if you plan on staying familiar.

'schmoe' is a generic insult, and in the spirit of calling things out, it's easy for me to conclude that your need for someone to appeal to your standard of what you think is presentable before more credible attributes can be considered as factors is what qualifies you as one. making strength comparisons with Mr.Olympia contestants when little to no proof is provided is hugely speculative to say the least, i'll grant you that much, but don't try now to pretend that this has anything to do with your concern over their alleged capabilities in the message i responded to.

that aside, i'd rather be browsing through more examples added of actual strongfat ladies over doltish Muppet picture analogies if that's okay by you. 🤷

Oct 31, 2022 - permalink

There is plenty of evidence of strength. I would ignore the troll who wrote that. He spends his time here looking at pictures and making comments. There are trolls all over the internet and this is no different.

Nov 09, 2022 - permalink
Nov 10, 2022 - permalink

Ohhh daaamn!!what a find!! impressive physical specimen 🔥🔥🔥🔥😳👀

Nov 14, 2022 - permalink
Nov 15, 2022 - edited Nov 15, 2022 - permalink
Nov 16, 2022 - permalink


Nov 16, 2022 - permalink

Who is she

Nov 17, 2022 - permalink

Who is she

Wouldn't call her "fat", exactly.

Nov 17, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

probably can destroy even a big male bodybuilder

Wonder what would be left of him after she's finished.

Nov 18, 2022 - permalink
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