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Real-Life Encounters

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Sep 27, 2024 - permalink

Went on vacation a few weeks ago and when I was on the beach I saw this female figure probably 50 yards away and just the way the figure moved you could tell they were fit. My luck had it that she started to walk up my way and I was able to see what I thought I was right about. Not only was she fit, she was JACKED. Huge rippling arms, toned abs, veins popping out and you could tell she didn't just "work out", she was a competitor. An insect landed on her, and she freaked out for a second and when she waved her arms, all this muscle meat was flapping around and her bicep vein was huge. Turns out that she was IFBB pro Donna Sterling and she was staying up the street from where I was on her honeymoon. All photos from her Instagram. Just to see what I saw.

Excellent detective work, gorgeous woman

Oct 11, 2024 - permalink

I was at a Clutch concert yesterday in Las Vegas. Given it's Olympia weekend there I wasn't too surprised to see this enormous woman right behind me wearing a light purple dress. Some of the biggest vascular arms I have seen outside of a fitness/competition environment. I asked her if she was competing this weekend, and she said no, and I complimented her on her conditioning. I wonder who she is because I would not be surprised if she was featured on this site.

Oct 11, 2024 - permalink

I live very close to my job so I take the bus every day instead of driving. I always see women on the bus that are holding onto the railing as the bus driver accelerates and hits the brakes and most of them have some pretty decent biceps popping out of their arms when they’re bracing themselves from falling over. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say I live in a place that’s littered with female bodybuilders or muscle girls for that matter. Most of these women probably don’t work out but it’s always great to get on the bus and have a daily view of some nice biceps flexing to and from work. Sometimes I’ll get an excellent view when I’m sitting down and one is standing right in front of me with her bicep in full view just jumping up and down as she’s holding onto the railing.

In which country do you live?

Oct 11, 2024 - permalink

I was at a Clutch concert yesterday in Las Vegas. Given it's Olympia weekend there I wasn't too surprised to see this enormous woman right behind me wearing a light purple dress. Some of the biggest vascular arms I have seen outside of a fitness/competition environment. I asked her if she was competing this weekend, and she said no, and I complimented her on her conditioning. I wonder who she is because I would not be surprised if she was featured on this site.

Sounds like an awesome experience! It’s always awesome seeing muscular women at concerts. I feel like everytime I go to a concert there are always a few

Oct 11, 2024 - permalink

Sounds like an awesome experience! It’s always awesome seeing muscular women at concerts. I feel like everytime I go to a concert there are always a few

It depends on the show. I mostly go to metal shows at small venues (like a 200-400 person capacity,) and I rarely see "fit women" at those, but if go to a medium-sized venue (the one I was at last night was I think 2000-person capacity,) I'll often see at least a couple.

But with the Olympia in town, I was not surprised to see a completely jacked woman at the show. Clutch is more hard rock than metal, though (and the opener Black Stone Cherry is Southern Rock,) so I think that almost had an impact with more women at the show as compared to most of the metal shows I go to.

Oct 11, 2024 - permalink

It depends on the show. I mostly go to metal shows at small venues (like a 200-400 person capacity,) and I rarely see "fit women" at those, but if go to a medium-sized venue (the one I was at last night was I think 2000-person capacity,) I'll often see at least a couple.

But with the Olympia in town, I was not surprised to see a completely jacked woman at the show. Clutch is more hard rock than metal, though (and the opener Black Stone Cherry is Southern Rock,) so I think that almost had an impact with more women at the show as compared to most of the metal shows I go to.

That’s fair. Whenever one of the big bodybuilding shows happens at my city, I notice there are more built women around in the public.

Oct 11, 2024 - edited Oct 11, 2024 - permalink

I don't think any fbbs like metal music only dubstep and mumble rap. so go to a consert with that kind of music if you can take it. (this is a joke)

Oct 12, 2024 - permalink

I don't think any fbbs like metal music only dubstep and mumble rap. so go to a consert with that kind of music if you can take it. (this is a joke)

I was just discussing this with someone here in my messages. I think there are many gwm that like metal. The ones that I know of Jessica sestrem, Vladi Galgan, Ariel rose, Alexis Ewrs, Shannon Courtney, Cat Dupis etc

Oct 12, 2024 - permalink

I was just discussing this with someone here in my messages. I think there are many gwm that like metal. The ones that I know of Jessica sestrem, Vladi Galgan, Ariel rose, Alexis Ewrs, Shannon Courtney, Cat Dupis etc

I think Ruby Rivera likes metal too. I’ve heard Slayer and Metallica on her reels.

Oct 15, 2024 - permalink

I don't think any fbbs like metal music only dubstep and mumble rap. so go to a consert with that kind of music if you can take it. (this is a joke)

I've mentioned it before, but I went to a gym where whoever decided the music was addicted to a kind of rap that I absolutely HATE. I finally cancelled my membership to the place - a gym with FBB members - something I never thought possible in my case!

Oct 15, 2024 - permalink

I was at a Clutch concert yesterday in Las Vegas. Given it's Olympia weekend there I wasn't too surprised to see this enormous woman right behind me wearing a light purple dress. Some of the biggest vascular arms I have seen outside of a fitness/competition environment. I asked her if she was competing this weekend, and she said no, and I complimented her on her conditioning. I wonder who she is because I would not be surprised if she was featured on this site.

You didn’t ask for a photo with her?

Oct 16, 2024 - edited Oct 17, 2024 - permalink

I don't think any fbbs like metal music only dubstep and mumble rap. so go to a consert with that kind of music if you can take it. (this is a joke)

You forgot reggaeton for the Latinas. But yeah, most muscle chicks have terrible taste in music. It's the shits. Even the rare ones who have better taste possess a very, very limited palette, usually no more than two mainstream genres at a time. And they take pride in their musical rigidity, which only makes it worse.

Oct 18, 2024 - permalink

When I was a kid or teenager, no girl had abs or nice arms, legs or anything. 😭

Nowadays there are 15-16 yo crossfit bulls with huge arms and shoulders, girls with abs like peak Rachel Scheer.

I need something like Zac Efron in 17 Again! 😅

Oct 18, 2024 - permalink

I was on a trip outside the USA. As we waited to leave the location we were at. A group of serious outdoor people started to file off this bus to go on a SERIOUS hiking part of the trip. This one woman in her mid to late 20s comes off the bus. With dark hark in a short cut. She got a huge duffel bag on. That is why I first noticed it. It was the size of a small tent strapped to her back. I wondered how she could carry it all. Then I noticed she filled out her baggy t-shirt with a wide and thick chest. A neck full of muscle cords bulging out.

But when I looked at her legs I was blown away. She had on pretty short shorts. But with each step huge muscle busts out of her claves and quads. I mean it was like a FMG come to life. Her quads and calves were thicker than most built men's legs. As she walked away I watched her. Each step was like an explosion of size and shape. Each new muscle group showed off as she walked. She was wearing hiking boots and short socks. So I could see her entire muscled-up legs very easily. As she walked about. I could see her quads were huge and watermelon-shaped! And claves that just bust open with size with every step! It was the type of muscle you only get from doing a lot of serious outdoor stuff! Of course, she was with some hippie boyfriend who was all skin and bones from walking so much!

At the gym a few weeks ago. I was into my workout when I went over to the Smith machine. As I get weight I am stopped short. A blonde woman with short hair about 5 6 is using it with her boyfriend. She has great skin. Very healthy looking. She looks a bit like Alyssa Milano in the movie Double Dragon.

As she bends down to get something. I notice her workout shirt can barely contain her thick wide chest. I mean she has built a bodybuilder. but it's all compact dense woman muscle mass. The kind you don't see unless they flex or use it, or really look for it! Her shoulders are huge, just boulder shoulders. Her only giveaway to the rest of her So as I workout. I notice she using a lot of weight. So she is strong also. But how dense and big she is mind-blowing. Her BF was built but not a BB and about 5 9. But she almost got him beat in size. He has musculars legs. She got her leg built up by not huge. If she equals the leg size to her chest size. She would be way more built than him. Never seen them before. But I got the feeling. She got him in lifting hard.

Oct 23, 2024 - permalink

Just came back from a gym class and there was this blonde girl in her 20s with an amazing body, very thick and muscular lower body, around 1.75m, probably 65kg, she was doing front squats at 70kg, and all other exercises with the heaviest weights possible. Most of women struggle with 10 pushups but she was just going on and on. She had indecridble legs visible abs and ass, i was so troubled during the class and I cant stop thinking about it now.

Oct 26, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by M01
Oct 26, 2024 - edited Oct 26, 2024 - permalink

So my aunt (she’s 44) works in construction, and has always been really buff. I’m talking 15/16 inch biceps and she is STRONG. I hit the gym with her and she was curling 50s like it was nothing. She’s from rural Florida so maybe it’s that country strength lmao. At a family gathering we were talking and she mentioned that I should put on some muscle/workout more. I said I’m fine and she challenges me to arm wrestling, says she wants to test me. We start and it is literally hopeless lol. Like pushing against a brick wall. She tells me to “put some muscle into it” and I tell her “I AM”, lol. She says “guess I just got a whole lot more muscle than you”, and slams me down in a second. Was just toying with me lol. We do another round and she lets me use 2 hands…this does not make a difference at all. She doesn’t even bother toying with me and she puts me down pretty easily. This is in front of a bunch of family members too…humbling and pretty embarrassing. I knew she was strong but I thought I would have a chance lol 😂. Like I said, country strength is just different.

Alright my friend, now I’m not saying this didn’t happen but……

15/16 inch arms are huge for a woman. I’ve met women who have been buff and even some of the competitive bodybuilders(figure & wellness) didn’t have that size. Curling 50s? So does your aunt compete in the bodybuilding division because that’s a lot of weight to curl for any man or woman?

If this did happen, then good for you. It’s just these numbers are unrealistic, given that this is a 44 year old woman who works construction and doesn’t compete. I’ve worked construction in the past and I didn’t know any guy there who did those numbers.

Oct 26, 2024 - permalink

Alright my friend, now I’m not saying this didn’t happen but……

15/16 inch arms are huge for a woman. I’ve met women who have been buff and even some of the competitive bodybuilders(figure & wellness) didn’t have that size. Curling 50s? So does your aunt compete in the bodybuilding division because that’s a lot of weight to curl for any man or woman?

If this did happen, then good for you. It’s just these numbers are unrealistic, given that this is a 44 year old woman who works construction and doesn’t compete. I’ve worked construction in the past and I didn’t know any guy there who did those numbers.

I’d imagine either a) he has no idea how big 15/16 inches and she has like 13 inch arms or she’s just that like kinda fat/thick/muscular type. Built like a lineman, kind of a big belly but just thick and muscular everywhere so her arms might be muscular and strong but there’s some fat around it. This is a story that doesn’t sound far fetched but, hey, on here, who knows? There’s tons of fakes.

Dec 02, 2024 - permalink

The other day I just found a store and there is this lady, she was like 40 to 50 years old and she was wearing a sweater. Even though I was able to see her muscle arms, they weren't that big but you could se the muscle separation. I bought something and I asked her to flex her bicep and then to flex her tricep. It was the first time that I touch a girl like that. I'm just so excited about it

Dec 02, 2024 - permalink

The other day I just found a store and there is this lady, she was like 40 to 50 years old and she was wearing a sweater. Even though I was able to see her muscle arms, they weren't that big but you could se the muscle separation. I bought something and I asked her to flex her bicep and then to flex her tricep. It was the first time that I touch a girl like that. I'm just so excited about it

The shop was selling flexes? Amazing

Dec 02, 2024 - permalink

The other day I just found a store and there is this lady, she was like 40 to 50 years old and she was wearing a sweater. Even though I was able to see her muscle arms, they weren't that big but you could se the muscle separation. I bought something and I asked her to flex her bicep and then to flex her tricep. It was the first time that I touch a girl like that. I'm just so excited about it

What a believable story, not. If you go to any store and you see a woman there who is muscular, immediately out of the blue ask for a flex pose.

Dec 02, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Dec 02, 2024 - permalink

I met lucy davis at an LA fitness last year. The intensity she trained at was insane, and she was so shameless and confident with her grunts and flexing. I grew up around crossfit and a few family friends were bodybuilders, and I have never seen anything like her physique. She is so big in person, and was super cool to talk to.

She looks like a supermodel!

I would have needed CPR if I was there 😊

Dec 02, 2024 - permalink

What a believable story, not. If you go to any store and you see a woman there who is muscular, immediately out of the blue ask for a flex pose.

Dec 05, 2024 - permalink

What a believable story, not. If you go to any store and you see a woman there who is muscular, immediately out of the blue ask for a flex pose.

Jaja. Well I didn't explain exactly how did I get there. I live in México and there is a lot of muscle girls around. I went to the store and she was watching a video about bodybuilding, I just asked her what was the video about and then I asked her if she was into it and she told me yes, you can tell (because she have a sweater and you were able to see her muscle arms, not that big but shredded). Then we talk a little bit about gym stuff and then I asked her to show her bicep and she flexed and just touch her without asking. Btw I bought a short so after the transaction I asked her to show her tricep and she just put her hand on the table between us and flexed her tricep in front of me. I was not able to stop touching I even asked her if that didn't bother her but she was ok. Also I asked for her Instagram but she rejected me I guess bc of my age, I'm 25, idk

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