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You need to give TikTok a chance

May 24, 2021 - permalink

By the way there was a girl from Tik Tok named Libby Weixel who was posted here, but she quickly asked to be removed from girlswithmuscle and also set all her accounts to private and removed all the calf content she posted from the internet.

That is probably and sadly a clear case of guys from here sending her disturbing messages and acting like creeps, probably telling her they would like to worship her calves, rub them etc etc...

That's why we people have to be precautions when posting those regular unknown young girls here who aren't models, who just flex for fun and don't particularly want the attention from male adults who are into muscles or muscle fetish etc....

Deltz? Is that you? 😂

Oct 03, 2021 - permalink

Anyone know this Tik Tok muscle girl? Wait for the pop

Oct 03, 2021 - permalink

TIK TOK is the dumbest thing on top of dumbest things.....

Oct 03, 2021 - permalink

Yes the muscle pop was very surprising, didn't expect to see that pop out, love how she knows how good it looks

Oct 03, 2021 - permalink

I agree with Sluggo but I cant say I'm on GWM for my PHD either if ya catch my drift.

Oct 03, 2021 - permalink

Yes the muscle pop was very surprising, didn't expect to see that pop out, love how she knows how good it looks

Yes. Very impressive

Oct 04, 2021 - permalink

I agree with Sluggo but I cant say I'm on GWM for my PHD either if ya catch my drift.

lol.....point taken Dave

Oct 05, 2021 - permalink

TIK TOK is the dumbest thing on top of dumbest things.....

Eh I think it’s much better than Facebook actually and pretty much the same as Instagram. Especially now. Facebook is mostly middle aged moms talking about their expensive vacations and commenting on literally everything anyone ever puts up and old guys complaining every four seconds. At least Tik Tok is a lot of funny and witty videos that hasn’t been taken over by the same Facebook complainers.

Nov 26, 2021 - permalink

Does anyone still have pics or videos of Libby Weixel from her old tiktoks please ?

Nov 26, 2021 - permalink

Kat.Lowell17 is a good one to follow

Nov 26, 2021 - permalink

By the way there was a girl from Tik Tok named Libby Weixel who was posted here, but she quickly asked to be removed from girlswithmuscle and also set all her accounts to private and removed all the calf content she posted from the internet.

That is probably and sadly a clear case of guys from here sending her disturbing messages and acting like creeps, probably telling her they would like to worship her calves, rub them etc etc...

That's why we people have to be precautions when posting those regular unknown young girls here who aren't models, who just flex for fun and don't particularly want the attention from male adults who are into muscles or muscle fetish etc....

Maybe in her comments but you cant DM anyone on TikTok unless you guys are friends.

Nov 26, 2021 - permalink

Ya, on there you can only say stuff like: "Oh, I didn't expect that - Cool Trick!"

Nov 26, 2021 - permalink

I think it's great. It's like instagram but all video. Those who hate it, just need to try it.

Nov 28, 2021 - edited Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

Just a reminder that if you want the best quality when downloading TikTok videos you can use something like https://snaptik.app to grab the originally-uploaded video file, before TikTok recompressed it to put their logo on it.

EDIT: https://tikdown.org is a little easier to use.

Nov 28, 2021 - permalink

Does anyone still have pics or videos of Libby Weixel from her old tiktoks please ?

Merry Christmas

Nov 28, 2021 - edited Nov 28, 2021 - permalink

Merry Christmas

Wow, her calves are huge!

Nov 28, 2021 - permalink

That is probably and sadly a clear case of guys from here sending her disturbing messages and acting like creeps, probably telling her they would like to worship her calves, rub them etc etc...

That's why we people have to be precautions when posting those regular unknown young girls here who aren't models, who just flex for fun and don't particularly want the attention from male adults who are into muscles or muscle fetish etc....


This note should be pinned at the top of this website. So many of these guys post idiotic creepazoid "bobs and vagene" level comments and THAT is why these girls disappear. Just shut up and enjoy. Don't comment or post at all. They don't want to hear about how you want to be throat lifted or asked if they can lift a car. Grow up.

Nov 28, 2021 - permalink

[Merry Christmas]

Omg man thank you very much your a life saver love you

Nov 28, 2021 - permalink

I disagree with that. They are on TikTok because they WANT attention. I really dislike the notion that somehow we are they only den of wolves and we need to protect society from us.

Yes, but they don't want attention from 43 year old computer programmers from Bangladesh asking them about bobs and vagene or weirdo incels asking if they can lift them overhead or saying shit like "cool biceps, can you put some chocolate syrup on them and lick it off???"

That isn't the attention they want and unfortunately that's what about 80% of the comments from our ranks look like. Just shut up. Nothing is surer to shut them down than creepy middle aged dudes awkwardly flirting with them or acting super interested in very specific parts of their anatomy.

Best case scenario they find it odd and funny and laugh it off, but by the 19th comment like that they stop flexing and by the 34th comment they just make their account private.

Is it really that hard just to NOT comment at all?

It makes me and a lot of other guys reluctant to share their best finds I'm sure because we know some idiot will ruin it for everyone.

Just STFU to the girls.

Nov 29, 2021 - permalink

Imagine being a teenage girl posting some flexing videos for fun.

And then having several creepy 30 / 40 year old guys, sending you messages telling you they would want to lick your abs, to get crushed by your biceps, they they want you to squeeze them with your legs, give them a bear hug, telling you they want to worship your muscles get dominated by you

Telling you what they would do to you, talking about their fetish etc etc....

That definitely happens at least 10 times a day. And the usual annoying questions. "How strong are you?" "How big are your biceps?" "How big do you want to get?" "Could you lift a 120 pound guy?"

But yes, any girl or woman that goes online has her inbox full of messages and all kinds of monetary offers for sex. Heck, my 60+ year old mom signed up for facebook and joined a local group for her city, and within minutes there were creeps asking if she's single or looking for a date. And one moron asking for foot pics. She was disturbed, and I just shrugged 'welcome to the internet'. Which isn't to say that it's right, but it's just a fact of life as much as getting cat called. Only way to avoid creeps is to socially isolate, and that's not really healthy either.

Jan 19, 2022 - edited Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

As an update to my earlier recommendation of https://snaptik.app for downloading, it and a number of other watermarkless-download sites don't seem to be working currently (I'm guessing tiktok changed something with either their API or how they store the originals of the videos), but I found out that https://tikdown.org seems to still be functioning fine (and as a bonus is a little easier to use, since you don't need to reload the page for a new link).

EDIT: snaptik seems to be working again now, still prefer tikdown.

Jan 19, 2022 - edited Jan 19, 2022 by chipperpip - permalink

As an update to my earlier recommendation of https://snaptik.app for downloading, it and a number of other watermarkless-download sites don't seem to be working currently (I'm guessing tiktok changed something with either their API or how they store the originals of the videos), but I found out that https://tikdown.org seems to still be functioning fine (and as a bonus is a little easier to use, since you don't need to reload the page for a new link).

+ it preserves the filename of the poster

Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

Well I never thought that I would give tiktok a chance. My wife started with tiktok got about 1,5 years ago and at the beginning we were watching videos together. She told me to get my own account so I could watch more stuff that interests me. Now I'm having tiktok since a year and I was amazed about how many fit/muscular girls there are. Most of these girls do their videos for fun, there is a small minority which uses tiktok to make advertising for eg supplements. You shouldn't be afraid to write these girls as long as you don't ask weird questions. I mean, my wife is also used to have some special question over the time because shes pretty activ on tiktok with her videos. I think that as a girl, you get used to it and don't let it bother you. The big advantage is, that these girls are sometimes live which means that you can communicate with them. I once could ask a girl called Jessica (which also has photos here) many questions and got all of them answered. By the way, my favorite is she https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLdNuyVb/

Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

Wow, her calves are huge!

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