Ashley Sebera has a new onlyfans, but it's not very good, even at the low rate. She charges over $7 just for a single pic. She makes promises but doesn't follow through. On her live stream she wanted $4000 in tips to show much of anything. When a guy asked her why the extremely high charge she got pretty snotty about it.
Ashley Sebera has a new onlyfans, but it's not very good, even at the low rate. She charges over $7 just for a single pic. She makes promises but doesn't follow through. On her live stream she wanted $4000 in tips to show much of anything. When a guy asked her why the extremely high charge she got pretty snotty about it.
Probably still banking on her WWE fame.
Speaking of which, her getting released sucked. I could see that WWE didn't know what to do with her character, but she is still very talented. Hope she is doing well in TNA.
She just finished up another live stream, unannounced. She wanted $2000 in tips to show anything but could only get $130 and was very snippy about it. So she goes home with free money. I thought about tipping but decided not to because I'm not going to pay for a one second flash. For whatever reason she just doesn't get it and probably never will.
@rubyelizabeth is a scammer, don't bother... Clearly run by an agent too.