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Love true muscle girl stories - leave yours

Aug 08, 2023 - permalink

Lol at people here grossly misunderstanding the concept of "true" stories

Aug 10, 2023 - permalink


Aug 10, 2023 - permalink

I was in local dump to throw away some old stuff. In the gate-house there was sitting one lady, who I had to show what I brought. I saw this lady few times in our town, she was over 40, had slim figure and legs. Every time I saw her before, she was wearing regular, not very tight jeans but this day was summer an she was wearing tight shorts just above the knees and flip-flops. She went with me to the container. I walked behind her and noticed that her calves aren't as slim as I expected, I told to myself that I'd love to see them flex. When we reached the container she had to look if it wasn's very full and my wish came true. She had to stand on her toes as high as she could and her calves flexed in amazing way. They were big, perfectly defined and hearth shaped and that shape was really sharp. Even that I haven't tried them, I literally could see that they must be rock-hard. Then she went back on her feet but at the same moment she stood on her toes again and lifted one leg to lean forward so she was holding all her weight on the other leg and her calf was flexed twice hard as before. That was absolutely amazing, it looked like stone sculpture and must be as hard as that stone.

Once I was cycling and got behind one fitlooking girl who was running. Her whole figure - ass, tights, abs and even boobs was pretty good and her calves were really flexing while she was running. When I was next to her I said "good calves". She had earphones, but took one out and asked "what?" I said again "good calves". Her face looked quite surprised and she said "thanks" with flattered voice. I asked if she runs and she said she do and than "I work out too" she said. I said that it's obvious and she said "thanks" again. I was about to leave, but took all my courage and asked her if she could flex them. She asked "what?" I said "your calves, can you stand on your tiptoes so I can see them flexed?" She turned around, raised one heel and her muscle appeared. It was REALLY heartshaped and looked hard. But I wanted to see a full flex so I asked if she could stand on her toes and she did it. She raised both of her heels and her calf muscles FLEXED. They were trained, heartshaped with very sharp shape and looked very, very hard. I just said "perfect" and she thanked me, again with flattered voice. All the time while she was flexing her calves she was looking on them, I bet she really liked what she saw. After that she ran away with her calf muscles "jumping" with every step she did. Cause that was one of my first experiences like that, I didn't ask to feel them but I really wanted to. On the other hand there were some people on the path who slowly reached us and I think she didn't feel that comfortable to let me feel them, but still I'd say she was flattered and surprised. Her calves looked like that:

Nearly the same situation, I was cycling and there was a women who was running before me. She was maybe after her 30, wasn't as sporty as the girl from my last story, but still looked very fit and ran quite fast. I didn't really notice any other muscles besides her calves, they were trained and were really nicely flexing while she was running. The situation repeated, when I reached her, I said "super calves" and she smiled. Then she stopped and I asked her, if she runs, she said "yes, sometimes" with smile and flattered voice. Then I asked her "could you stand on your toes? I'd like see them fully flexed". She started laughing and said "Jesus" (with amused voice and the tone of her voice was saying 'oh, they aren't that good'), but stood on her toes and turned around. She has really sexy muscles, not as ripped as the girl from my last story, but perfectly defined and supersexy heartshaped with muscles really popped out. Again, soooo hot heartshaped. They were exactly those which I like most. Than I said "perfect" and she said "thanks" with smile on her face and her inch up (πŸ‘). And her calves looked closely to those:

Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

This week I realized that I have a classmate with big shoulders in my english class. I'm excited.

Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

Nice, she def hits the gym

Aug 17, 2023 - edited Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

This week I realized that I have a classmate with big shoulders in my english class. I'm excited.

You should definitely introduce yourself to her. You only live once, champ!

Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

This week I realized that I have a classmate with big shoulders in my english class. I'm excited.

Should be fine to see them flexed

Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

I'd like to introduce myself but I don't want to look like a weird guy either. I'm not going to force anything

Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

I'd like to introduce myself but I don't want to look like a weird guy either. I'm not going to force anything

But then you should as hr if she works out cause her shoulders are nicely built

Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

I'd like to introduce myself but I don't want to look like a weird guy either. I'm not going to force anything

You should tell her you put her picture here. Bet she would love that.

Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

You should tell her you put her picture here. Bet she would love that.


Aug 17, 2023 - permalink

Thank you, I'll have it in mind

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

This week I realized that I have a classmate with big shoulders in my english class. I'm excited.

Would love to know her stack. Wow.

Guessing just anavar though.

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

I'd like to introduce myself but I don't want to look like a weird guy either. I'm not going to force anything

Challenge her to an arm wrestle lol

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

Challenge her to an arm wrestle lol

Yeah, that would be great...Would you have a chance against her?

Aug 18, 2023 - edited Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

I don't know, the truth is that live her arms look very prominent

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

I don't know, the truth is that live her arms look very prominent

Yo buddy, you are in a perfect situation in building a natural conversation because you could use class as an excuse to talk to her. Casually bring up the gym afterwards

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

Have had a wonderful meet in a train today. Towards to me was sitting a muscular girl. Look at her thick and veiny forearms! Biceps popping by every move, brought shoulders. I think she works out or hits the gym by other sports. But truly she has wonderful genetics. Sorry for my bad English...

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

Met a nice girl and dated her many years now.

She was in good shape but I slowly got her into bodybuilding.

When we met she weighed 125, now she weighs 160. Her arms have grown 3” (14”) and she wants to be a mass monster. Hoping we break 180 by next year.

Living the dream. Plan to marry her without a doubt. So hot she was just a tiny girl with nice delts when we met. She loves growing!

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

Met a nice girl and dated her many years now.

She was in good shape but I slowly got her into bodybuilding.

When we met she weighed 125, now she weighs 160. Her arms have grown 3” (14”) and she wants to be a mass monster. Hoping we break 180 by next year.

Living the dream. Plan to marry her without a doubt. So hot she was just a tiny girl with nice delts when we met. She loves growing!

Nothing like it huh? it's amazing

Aug 19, 2023 - permalink

There's a girl who works at this shop I frequent. I noticed she often wears long sleeves but during the summer, she'd show off these vascular forearms. Today she showed off some nice biceps with a hint of a vein visible.

I'm working the nerve to ask her out

Sep 09, 2023 - edited Mar 17, 2024 - permalink

Yesterday and today

Yesterday me and my wife went to a restaurant we often visit. We know the couple that owns it a little after spending alot of time there. They on the other hand are not there as often now since they have two more places. Last night they where both there though. My wife had a long sleeved black t-shirt on. Not loose but not snug thight either. I had already complimented her on how god She looked in it. You could realy see her delts and the biceps stretched the fabric when She flexed for me. So sexy. As we spoke to the lady owner She commented inte how slim and fit my wife looked. She said that she had seen the bicep pop as my wife tucked back her hair. You mean this, she said and flexed hard. 29 cm rock hard bicep from relaxed the relaxed 24,5 cm arm just formed under the stretchen fabric. She felt it and just got so amazed. I love it when She flex in public. I also notice tha a younger woman two tables away saw it and liked it. She saw that I saw tha She liked it and She gave me a πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

The today our son had some friends over to celebrate his 13 yrs birthday. I was working so this is what She told me. They had been talking about how they stil did not have a chans in AW with their dads as our 16 yr old had said that it is their mom who has the muscles in the family and that they would not beat her either. Our son agreed but the other boys did not believe it. They Said that my wife is fit but not that strong and muscular. It ended up that they promted proof. My wife ablidged. Flexed the peak. They got silent but stil thought they where stronger. She ofc accepted the AW challenge and none of the them won left arm. Two won right. She told me over the phone and sent me un updated pic. Just so I know what to expect tomorrow when I am of my on call.

So love her and her sexy hard sleeper built peaks. πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ’ͺ🏾πŸ”₯

Sep 26, 2023 - permalink

she has serious 3d shoulders and flexes them

Sep 26, 2023 - permalink

she has serious 3d shoulders and flexes them

Nice shoulder, that delt ball is soo good

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