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There seems to be something going on, but no info given to people?

May 19, 2010 - permalink
I keep seeing the main photo site giving these errors
"You must be registered and logged in to access this page."
And another error sometimes comes up, even if you login it still does this.

I was intermitant now its always there, anyone have a clue, my mesage in the other topic was deleted and others were trimed, no info is being posted as to whats going on or if anyone is trying to fix it or the site is just down for good or what?? ???
May 19, 2010 - permalink
From the front page: "Recently the images have been restricted to members only; please register if you want to see them. Remember that registration is free; this is simply an attempt to reduce the load on the server."

May 20, 2010 - permalink
From the front page: "Recently the images have been restricted to members only; please register if you want to see them. Remember that registration is free; this is simply an attempt to reduce the load on the server."

I must not of explained things well, what I was trying to say is, no matter weather you login or not it still gives the same mesage.
May 20, 2010 - permalink
I think I've fixed this now. Let me know if you ever get that message again when you're actually logged in.
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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