It just keeps 'loading' ... and 'loading' ... and 'loading' ... and never completes the process.
'S'up with that?
*I'm trying to post some more Cyndie Meintzer ...*
UPDATE/EDIT: That particular batch did eventually upload, so unless the mods decide that, for some reason, they don't qualify, we should be seeing at least some of them soon. I currently have another lot struggling to fight its way upstream ... we shall see.
I guess it's all down to the amount of traffic on the servers -- mine and the forum's -- at any given moment.
Must confess to being a trifle confused about the acceptance criteria round here -- I uploaded a whole bunch of stuff a while back which hasn't appeared even though it contained no nudity, infants, steroid monsters, pirated stuff from other sites' members' sections or anything else explicitly barred ...
May be they're in queue to be approved....How much time has passed? It usually takes...dunno..about... from 2 days to some weeks (don't think more than 2).
I tried yesterday to upload some pics but without successful ???