Site Discussion
2nd - You are currently the biggest offender of uploading duplicates & poor quality / undersized images.
3rd - We are currently averaging over 500 pictures a day and a large increase in traffic, nobody can honestly remember every pic out of hundreds of thousands of pictures.
So your "retouching" is not only fictitious but a complete & total bold faced lie. And of the batch I uploaded only 2 came back already existing and after the upload only 1 was found to be a duplicate.
5th- I approve based on criteria not setup by me, Nothing from Images of Venus (no matter how great it looks) No Over-Roided SheMales (if it looks too much like a guy its getting canned) No contest pictures (only a few of those get approved and none by me) No orange skin, (This one I'm kinda loose on as long as its a decent picture.) Nobody that appears to be under 14 (Total Judgment call, and I try to avoid these as much as possible)
Lastly - Someone points out something that is wrong, copy, etc. I'm more than happy to correct it. But nothing gets deleted without proof of the original post. If you know of duplicates do something about them, it can't be delete if nobody else knows about it.