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Jan 12, 2024 - context

> > I'd put my money on a fit muscular woman from this site over a 5'9 200 lb overweight guy. That's probably that guy is too slow to begin with and the woman is probably much quicker and faster. Speed and quickness does matter in a fight.

Just because they're fit doesn't automatically mean they're going to have handspeed or good reactions. But, I can give you that as well. Let's assume they're faster. How are they going to stop the guy from getting close and ragdolling them? They can't. How are they going to stop this 200lb guy from slamming them? What happens when she gets hit??

You're all over the place. Most people men don't really know how to throw a punch. This is even more true for untrained men. Knocking out somebody with a punch like in a Hollywood movie is not that easy. A 90kg overweight guy wont be able to ragdoll or slam anybody, because they're too weak to do it. Especially if their opponent doesn't want to be slammed and is in most ways stronger than the said guy.

Jan 10, 2024 - context

I know my question seems nutty, and I have a hard time putting this into words right. But I can’t shake the feeling some of these women are suddenly marked as if they’re branded by someone else, or they’re tatting up to make it impossible to be taken — too recognizable.

Last year I saw the FBB flick “Pearl”, which showed an unexpected seediness — the girls’ trainers/handlers were manipulative and exploitive in every way. Sure, it’s a movie so it’s a bit of a caricature — but it grieved me deeply. We have great respect and admiration for these muscle girls —yet there are people out there who use and abuse them. The tattoo thing has always bothered me before this—taken together I can’t help but wonder.

If a multitude of women start showing up with their coach's names tattooed on themselves or sporting slogans like "refeed me, baby", yeah, I'll join you in the wondering.

Jan 10, 2024 - context

I know my question seems nutty, and I have a hard time putting this into words right. But I can’t shake the feeling some of these women are suddenly marked as if they’re branded by someone else, or they’re tatting up to make it impossible to be taken — too recognizable.

Last year I saw the FBB flick “Pearl”, which showed an unexpected seediness — the girls’ trainers/handlers were manipulative and exploitive in every way. Sure, it’s a movie so it’s a bit of a caricature — but it grieved me deeply. We have great respect and admiration for these muscle girls —yet there are people out there who use and abuse them. The tattoo thing has always bothered me before this—taken together I can’t help but wonder.

Oh God, there's a lot to unpack with this.

Out of curiosity, do you like, are indifferent to, or hate tattoos? If you hate them, you have to ask yourself if you are constructing a narrative to deduce why something that you dislike so much has become so prominent, and that since you dislike it, it must be prominent for a negative reason.

You're seeing a lot of muscular women with tattoos because...more people are getting tattoos. I can't speak for worldwide, but in the United States, one third of American adults have tattoos: 27% of men have them, 38% of women have them, and a whopping 56% of women between the ages of 18 and 29 have them https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/202... . I have tattoos, and every woman I dated including my now girlfriend had at least one tattoo.

Trends and cultures evolve. Even back in "the day," tattoos weren't only for marking slaves. You can't assume there is some mass conspiracy of muscular women getting tattoos from "handlers" (whatever that means,) or that they are getting them as a deterrent against sex trafficking. Also, while I am not an expert on the demographics of sex trafficking victims, I highly doubt that muscular women and female bodybuilders are part of it.

To put it bluntly, your post sounds nutty because it is.

Jan 10, 2024 - context

No because I watched the Terminator movies.

Jan 10, 2024 - context

I doubt it will be very advanced and realistic in the near future. they promised me that they would have it by 2020. but the improvements in robotics are minor. it would be cool to have your own female terminator. but right now we only got dolls and I don't think it will become like the old sci-fi movies within my life. I wrote some edgy stories about them on my deviant art page . but on this site a lot of people want everything hyper realistic.

Jan 10, 2024 - context

I know my question seems nutty, and I have a hard time putting this into words right. But I can’t shake the feeling some of these women are suddenly marked as if they’re branded by someone else, or they’re tatting up to make it impossible to be taken — too recognizable.

Last year I saw the FBB flick “Pearl”, which showed an unexpected seediness — the girls’ trainers/handlers were manipulative and exploitive in every way. Sure, it’s a movie so it’s a bit of a caricature — but it grieved me deeply. We have great respect and admiration for these muscle girls —yet there are people out there who use and abuse them. The tattoo thing has always bothered me before this—taken together I can’t help but wonder.

Jan 07, 2024 - edited Jan 07, 2024 - context

The Movie is currently available for streaming for free until 18th of January 2024.

You have to be within Germany or use a VPN. Once you have access to it is easy to download (gotta love the german public television ;)


Available languages are: German and Hungarian + French Subtitles

It portraits the life, joy and struggle of a female bodybuilder very well and seems very realistic - I would recommend it.

From IMDB:

It turned out to be a deep, emotional drama showing us the inside struggle of the protagonist. Every gesture and sentence has a meaning. It shows how pressure and the desire to live up to her husband's expectation (who is also her coach) affects her everyday life. It is very different from other sport-related movies like Rocky. It is not an inspirational film about persistence and discipline. If you love unusual, deep psychological drama that makes you think, you should definitely watch it!

Jan 06, 2024 - context

Any flexing scenes in recent or older movies? doesn't have to be fbb stuff

Jan 05, 2024 - context

what does she act in ?

There was the movie Spice World...

Jan 02, 2024 - context

I think reading She-Hulk/Wonder Woman comics as a younger person and growing up seeing characters like Sarah Connor/Ellen Ripley/Alice from the Resident Evil movies shaped aspects of what I found attractive. Up through middle school, all of my real life crushes were athletes/tall girls/the oddballs in my classes. I don't know if it means anything or if it just applies to my specific life experiences.

Jan 01, 2024 - context

More of Jenette Goldstein.

She also portrayed Officer Shapiro in the first two Lethal Weapon movies.

Plus, if you go back to page 1 of this thread and start reading, I'm pretty sure I already mentioned her.

Dec 26, 2023 - context

In this new A24 movie "Love lies bleeding", apparently we're going to have muscle growth scenes??? I know nothing about this movie but, judging by the trailer, that's what it seems!

been waiting on someone to make a gif of that

Dec 26, 2023 - context

In this new A24 movie "Love lies bleeding", apparently we're going to have muscle growth scenes??? I know nothing about this movie but, judging by the trailer, that's what it seems!

Dec 26, 2023 - context

i got nothing against Japanese women but they are just like women from every other country and bodybuilding is not very popular over there compared to other countries. i think people just watch too much anime and think they can become like issei from highschool dxd if they go to japan. people used to do the same thing with America thinking it was all like a Hollywood movie. and at least if you are a fan of fbbs the us is one of the top countries .while japan is mediocre when it comes to this particular interest. i do think that if i went to japan i would have a slightly easier time dating than in my own country .but that is just because i stand out i will get the same effect in any Asian country but there are few fbbs in japan compared to south korea.

IDK dude, there are people across the world and all cultures who like Japanese women because of their look, culture, language, etc.

Stands to reason that some of the guys who like girls with muscle will specifically like Japanese girls with muscle. No sense in trying to rationalize it -- we like what we like.

Dec 26, 2023 - context

i got nothing against Japanese women but they are just like women from every other country and bodybuilding is not very popular over there compared to other countries. i think people just watch too much anime and think they can become like issei from highschool dxd if they go to japan. people used to do the same thing with America thinking it was all like a Hollywood movie. and at least if you are a fan of fbbs the us is one of the top countries .while japan is mediocre when it comes to this particular interest. i do think that if i went to japan i would have a slightly easier time dating than in my own country .but that is just because i stand out i will get the same effect in any Asian country but there are few fbbs in japan compared to south korea.

Dec 24, 2023 - context

Maybe this will be a turning point for actresses to work out more for Superhero roles and others that require it. Probably not, but one can dream.

unless someone like Katy ends up a huge star I would doubt it. but i think a smaller movie could get away with someone like her if they did something superhero-lite, or adjacent. If they aren't worreid about brining money in so much it would be a great vehicle, and there are plenty of heroes or heroes-adjacent that would be great. She could make a decent Big Barda for example, she wouldn't have to do any heavy lifting as an actress but could get significant time.

Dec 23, 2023 - context

> There’s a new movie by A24 called “Love Lies Bleeding” which has a main character that’s a female bodybuilder. Here’s the trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_J3-DmiS0

It sucks that they didn't have the balls to sign on a real FBB who's at least physique competitor size but I'll take what I can get. Katy O'Brian is still as hot as ever. If baby steps are still needed to help normalize women with notable muscle size being seen on film, or at the very least, not make it seem like such a damn taboo, I'm all for it. Honestly this film would be worth checking out just for Ed Harris's role alone.

> Aw crud. I can't stand a24 movies. May have to suck it up and go

A24 gave us Everything Everywhere All At Once so they're all good in my book. It's the leeches that act like A24 is the only studio capable of making good films that I can't stand because they've definitely got their share of duds like any other studio.

I’m excited for this!

And while I’d love to see a bigger girl too, this is a major role. They need an actress first, and a bodybuilder second.

I think the fact that a capable actress got this big and this ripped for a role is a pretty huge deal.

Dec 23, 2023 - context

I don't know much about a24. I have not watched a lot of movies recently. because most movies in the theater these days are not creative. just a mass of remakes and sequels and super hero stuff. but the movies a24 makes seem unique. I think I have stopped checking for good new movies. but I noticed a rise of movies about female bodybuilding itself and it's interesting. but to be honest I prefer action movies with strong women. or maybe there should be crime thrillers and film noir with fbb characters. it seems like that genere is not very popular anymore.

Dec 23, 2023 - context

Sofia Boutella in Zack Snyder's latest movie, Rebel Moon.

Dec 23, 2023 - context

Get her in an action movie!

Dec 23, 2023 - context

It sucks that they didn't have the balls to sign on a real FBB who's at least physique competitor size but I'll take what I can get. Katy O'Brian is still as hot as ever. If baby steps are still needed to help normalize women with notable muscle size being seen on film, or at the very least, not make it seem like such a damn taboo, I'm all for it. Honestly this film would be worth checking out just for Ed Harris's role alone.

Perhaps it's not so much "the taboo against real FBBs", but the need for someone who can actually, you know, ACT. This doesn't look like the typical FBB wankfest "Show the girl breaking some guy's neck with her thighs" type of movie, but a movie where the FBB is an actual character, with emotions and motivations beyond "flex at the camera and act tough" emoting. Then again, maybe that's just what I WANT to see, and we'll all be horribly surprised, except the dudes who just want to jerk off.

Dec 23, 2023 - edited Dec 23, 2023 - context

There’s a new movie by A24 called “Love Lies Bleeding” which has a main character that’s a female bodybuilder. Here’s the trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_J3-DmiS0

It sucks that they didn't have the balls to sign on a real FBB who's at least physique competitor size but I'll take what I can get. Katy O'Brian is still as hot as ever. If baby steps are still needed to help normalize women with notable muscle size being seen on film, or at the very least, not make it seem like such a damn taboo, I'm all for it. Honestly this film would be worth checking out just for Ed Harris's role alone.

Aw crud. I can't stand a24 movies. May have to suck it up and go

A24 gave us Everything Everywhere All At Once so they're all good in my book. It's the leeches that act like A24 is the only studio capable of making good films that I can't stand because they've definitely got their share of duds like any other studio.

Dec 23, 2023 - context

Aw crud. I can't stand a24 movies. May have to suck it up and go

I'm surprised to hear that, since everyone treats A24 like the second coming of "cInEmA".

Dec 22, 2023 - context

There’s a new movie by A24 called “Love Lies Bleeding” which has a main character that’s a female bodybuilder. Here’s the trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_J3-DmiS0

Aw crud. I can't stand a24 movies. May have to suck it up and go

Dec 22, 2023 - context

There’s a new movie by A24 called “Love Lies Bleeding” which has a main character that’s a female bodybuilder. Here’s the trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_J3-DmiS0

That looks interesting. Surprised Ed Harris was willing to do it. I do wish the FBB was a bit bigger. :-)

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