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Feb 08, 2024 - context

Is anyone else shocked that a movie like this is being released?

A critically acclaimed movie centered around a female bodybuilder?

I honestly struggle to imagine something like this could come out even a decade ago because while "strong female protagonist" has been a common trope of action cinema at least as far back as movies like "Aliens" and "Terminator 2," we almost never see female protagonists with enough muscle mass to rival male action characters. "Wonder Women," "Atomic Blonde," "Charlie's Angels," etc. — all of these chicks were twigs with few exceptions!

It honestly shocks me how much muscular women have been normalized in only the past few years—like since 2019 or so.

I agree, like she hulk should have been super muscular!

Feb 08, 2024 - context

It honestly shocks me how much muscular women have been normalized in only the past few years—like since 2019 or so.

Yes, it's great.

I like bodybuilding and I loved watching movies with Schwarzenegger, Ferrigno, etc... but we never got to see the same with women, they always picked skinny (like, really) women to portray "strong female characters", which doesn't make sense imho.

More and more women (especially younger ones) are getting into lifting, and it's not just muscular women being normalized, people are slowly starting to accept they actually look good and that lots of straight men (or lesbians) find them attractive.

Liking strong women was basically taboo up until a few years ago, let alone dating them, nowadays we are way more open about it and most younger people don't care or approve it.

More and more people want to see actresses like Katy o Brian, characters like Luisa in Encanto, etc...

The cultural shift towards less gender roles in movies is amazing.

Feb 07, 2024 - context

There were some fbbs in 90s movies but less in 2000s movies. but most of the time they were the villain or a minor character.

Feb 07, 2024 - context

Is anyone else shocked that a movie like this is being released?

A critically acclaimed movie centered around a female bodybuilder?

I honestly struggle to imagine something like this could come out even a decade ago because while "strong female protagonist" has been a common trope of action cinema at least as far back as movies like "Aliens" and "Terminator 2," we almost never see female protagonists with enough muscle mass to rival male action characters. "Wonder Women," "Atomic Blonde," "Charlie's Angels," etc. — all of these chicks were twigs with few exceptions!

It honestly shocks me how much muscular women have been normalized in only the past few years—like since 2019 or so.

Not only Katy is one of the protags, but this is a movie with muscle growth scenes and, according to some reviews, actually into muscle fetish, it's quite crazy to see this happening yeah

"""Strong""" women in movies (when it comes to physicals, mind you) have always been just them with some definition and some abs, that's "strong" for Hollywood, I'm really glad Katy is way beyond that

Feb 07, 2024 - context

Is anyone else shocked that a movie like this is being released?

A critically acclaimed movie centered around a female bodybuilder?

I honestly struggle to imagine something like this could come out even a decade ago because while "strong female protagonist" has been a common trope of action cinema at least as far back as movies like "Aliens" and "Terminator 2," we almost never see female protagonists with enough muscle mass to rival male action characters. "Wonder Women," "Atomic Blonde," "Charlie's Angels," etc. — all of these chicks were twigs with few exceptions!

It honestly shocks me how much muscular women have been normalized in only the past few years—like since 2019 or so.

Feb 03, 2024 - context

The reviews I’ve read are generally positive, but there’s some things in it that apparently got too whacky for some critics. I remember one review mentioned that the end of the movie crosses into fantasy territory and compared it to “Attack of the 50ft Woman”, so I’m assuming they’re talking about the moment in the trailer when she explodes with huge muscles.

Feb 03, 2024 - context

Critics are likely going to shit all over it, but I doubt it was ever aiming to win awards. I'll just be seeing it for "reasons."

Why would you think that? It's an A24 movie, so those are usually pretty good. The trailer looks quite compelling actually.

Feb 01, 2024 - edited Feb 01, 2024 - context

Have you guys seen IGN's review of the movie ?

"Sex in cinema returns with a snatch and jerk in Love Lies Bleeding, a pulpy crime thriller that’s also the horniest ode to big, muscular women this side of actual fetish content."

"The first time Jackie and Lou sleep together, the veins in Jackie’s arm bulge and her bicep muscles ripple, the first hints of a supernatural element that manifests in truly surprising fashion later on."

This movie is going to be an experience for anyone attracted to some fetish stuff. Many other reviews also talk about numerous other growth scenes and steroids usage

Jan 30, 2024 - context

then why not just focus on the 20% who could overpower you?

Shortmac, you're a hero. That's a reasonable, no nonsense solution. Excellent suggestion.

Those of us with some imagination can expand that focus to 100%. I'm not trying to prove myself against a girl with or without muscle. One can easily "struggle", "strain", and "try" in a fantasy scenario.

Thanos also isn't real, but I enjoyed the Avengers movies despite that fact.

Jan 29, 2024 - context

Although RBS looked great, it has to be one of the worst movies ever made. :(

That's weird, with a name like Atomic Shark it sounded like an Oscar winner XD

Jan 28, 2024 - context

Yeah that was a photoshopped image

Editing has gotten so good but shopped photos in movies remain mediocre at best

still would like to see

Jan 28, 2024 - context

Yeah that was a photoshopped image

Editing has gotten so good but shopped photos in movies remain mediocre at best

Jan 28, 2024 - context

Rachele Brooke Smith in Atomic Shark is the best!

Although RBS looked great, it has to be one of the worst movies ever made. :(

Jan 24, 2024 - edited Jan 24, 2024 - context

Gentle (2022) - Strarring Eszter Csonka

A touching movie about a female bodybuilder. But we warned, it shows the dark side of FBB. It was available free until last week. For more info refer to my post here: https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/...

Jan 24, 2024 - context

The beach movie reunion BACK TO THE BEACH shows male bodybuilders, but mixed in with them there's a quick glimpse of an FBB also. I don't have the excerpt or a photo, but it's in a very early scene.

The earlier one MUSCLE BEACH PARTY has a lot of MBB's like Peter Lupus, and there are also two female athlete characters. Not actual FBB's, but very "buff." One is played by an actress named Alberta Nelson, who usually played a member of the biker gang in those movies.

Jan 24, 2024 - context

And when I say "pulverizes," supposedly the O'Brian character does such a job on the guy's face that it's no longer recognizable as a face! Fans of Sandi Stone stories have found their dream movie!!!

The steroids have taken her over

‘roid-rage insanity

Yeah, sounds like it'll do wonders to sway the mainstream.

Jan 24, 2024 - context

Really this sounds too good to be true. I thought it would be more artsy. but now it's starting to appear like my dream 90s/80s action movie I got to watch this now.

Jan 23, 2024 - edited Jan 24, 2024 - context

Ohh this movie sounds very promising. Here is a part from an article from Variety from the other day.

The movie creates a vision it sticks to. And that’s all about Jackie. At various points, we hear and see her muscles bulging, crackling, and growing, as if she were the Incredible Hulk, and this is not meant to be real; it’s a kind of metaphor. The steroids have taken her over, and when she goes to Vegas to participate in a bodybuilding competition, it’s both a triumph and a hallucinatory disaster. We think she’s lost it, or maybe lost herself.

But the film’s sly joke is that Jackie, in 1989, is becoming a new kind of woman, one who wears her strength on the outside. That’s why she has to pass through the looking glass of ‘roid-rage insanity to get to it. And that’s what Lou and Jackie’s love is rooted in: a new feminine power. “Love Lies Bleeding

Jan 23, 2024 - context

Whoa -- I want to see this film!

Apparently it has a revenge plot wherein the bodybuilder played by O'Brian pulverizes and kills some bad dude who's been hitting on his woman.

And when I say "pulverizes," supposedly the O'Brian character does such a job on the guy's face that it's no longer recognizable as a face!

Fans of Sandi Stone stories have found their dream movie!!!

Jan 21, 2024 - context

This looks like a show or movie

Jan 20, 2024 - context

I was probably around 15 when I started noticing women like Raye Hollitt (in the movie Skin Deep and of course the show American Gladiators). Then a few years later I started spending way too much money on those WPW and Ray Martin videos, but FUCK. I went through cases of Kleenex watching women like Michele Maroldo and Suzan Kaminga flex. And even today my soul definitely still belongs to these muscle goddesses.

Jan 15, 2024 - edited Jan 15, 2024 - context

And I'm also the first guy to dismiss the "girl boss" portrayals you see in the media or movies where these 5'3 110lb actresses beating up and throwing around 200lbs guys. It's ridiculous. I'm also one that would be realistic enough to note that, the girls on this site are not your average females. They are very strong and rare and that for me, is the allure of it.

Case in point, Karla Rodrigues.

She's 5'5 and about 135lbs and I'm pretty sure she'd wreck me in a fight. This is based on a number of videos I've seen of her. In a competition, I saw her crank out 21 pullups to win the women's division---that indicates big functional strength and endurance. In a HB video, she mentioned that she had never curled more than 30lb dumbells, but Sean had her go for max and she was able to hammer curl 60lb dumbells. and her biceps measured in at 14"

Beyond that, she also talked about how she used to be a correctional officer in a male prison and how her strength helped her in her job when she had to physically control male prisoners bigger than her.

Point is, she's small in stature, but if you think that because she's a girl and not huge, she wouldn't f up an average, untrained guy in a fight, you're delusional. I doubt the average guy can manage even 5 strict pullups without training for it. So, let's stop underestimating these girls and stop overestimating the guys.

Great example. Karla Rodrigues is a typical example of a woman in this site.

Although, don't be surprised if there are naysayers who say you're "moving the goal post" or "cherry picking", as I was told that. Lol!

Jan 15, 2024 - edited Jan 15, 2024 - context

And I'm also the first guy to dismiss the "girl boss" portrayals you see in the media or movies where these 5'3 110lb actresses beating up and throwing around 200lbs guys. It's ridiculous. I'm also one that would be realistic enough to note that, the girls on this site are not your average females. They are very strong and rare and that for me, is the allure of it.

Case in point, Karla Rodrigues.

She's 5'5 and about 135lbs and I'm pretty sure she'd wreck me in a fight. This is based on a number of videos I've seen of her. In a competition, I saw her crank out 21 pullups to win the women's division---that indicates big functional strength and endurance. In a HB video, she mentioned that she had never curled more than 30lb dumbells, but Sean had her go for max and she was able to hammer curl 60lb dumbells. and her biceps measured in at 14"

Beyond that, she also talked about how she used to be a correctional officer in a male prison and how her strength helped her in her job when she had to physically control male prisoners bigger than her.

Point is, she's small in stature, but if you think that because she's a girl and not huge, she wouldn't f up an average, untrained guy in a fight, you're delusional. I doubt the average guy can manage even 5 strict pullups without training for it. So, let's stop underestimating these girls and stop overestimating the guys.

Jan 12, 2024 - context

Is there a site where I can stream the full movie?

Jan 12, 2024 - context

You're all over the place. Most people men don't really know how to throw a punch. This is even more true for untrained men. Knocking out somebody with a punch like in a Hollywood movie is not that easy. A 90kg overweight guy wont be able to ragdoll or slam anybody, because they're too weak to do it. Especially if their opponent doesn't want to be slammed and is in most ways stronger than the said guy.

You guys keep saying men don't know how to throw a punch as if women do. We're making relative comparisons here. I'm not saying that most guys can throw a great punch, but relative to an FBB, yes the guy is going to be better.

In terms of strength, we don't have to sit here and speculate. Let's compare real numbers and determine who's stronger. What are most of the women here benching and curling? The average male can curl 50lbs. I've only seen about 4-5 videos of women curling 50lbs or more. So I think it's fair to say that the vast majority of the girls here cannot match the average male in terms of bicep strength.

What about bench? I haven't seen many bench videos at all, so I can't say.

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