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Mar 17, 2024 - context

My thing is, what was she expecting? The marketing of the movie has been practically selling sex and steroids.

Mar 17, 2024 - edited Mar 17, 2024 - context

I watched her follow up video. I’ve seen her around TikTok before she is VER anti the fetish scene. I have two points.

If you want to get academic with it movies are about gaze. People complained for years about movies being outlets for a strictly male gaze—objectifying women mostly, romantic subplots that are mostly for the guys to imagine being with whatever type of woman. It’s a little more diverse these days, but a a movie about two lesbians directed by a woman should be getting more attention. Anyway my point is that most movies are glorifying or fetishzing something. They’re escapism from real life. The fantastic. Not everyone can be a jet pilot but we all feel the thrill of top gun and wish we were maverick.

My second point: if you’re looking for something and you already have a view about it you’re gonna be sour when you find it. She’s already anti muscle fetish. I’ve seen her replies to stuff. I’m not sure what she’s expecting out of this movie given the subject matter (the scene she talks about nonwithstanding) but I’ve talked to plenty of bodybuilders who were 100% unaware of the fetish side of things, many people are unaware. So yeah, maybe the scene is rooted in the fetish but you were already on alert for it.

I’ve yet to see it but I’ll let it stand (or fall) on its own merits. The big question will be is the scene consistent and appropriate given its context to the movie? If it’s unrelated or feels like it was thrown in because someone really really wanted it to be in there. But given the movie was directed by a woman and was written by, surprise, two women, it seems a little inconsistent to blame the fetish crowd which is mostly driven by men.

I will say they likely got someone who may be a little into it to help bankroll but idk there’s a lot of odd indie stuff out there, and this isn’t something that’s like “wow totally mainstream cash grab”

Edit: also btw 50 shades was actual fetish content, and no one complained. And twilight turned j to that too

Mar 17, 2024 - context

Yet another totally boring and dull movie.

Mar 17, 2024 - context

Funniest reaction yet

I'll be curious to see how more female bodybuilders react to this movie.

Mar 16, 2024 - context

Just saw it. Good movie, not great. I like how the cartoon foreshadowed the event at the ending a bit. I also admit that i also liked seeing some male bodybuilders in the movie.

Mar 16, 2024 - context

Will there be more mainstream acceptance?

I think a little bit more than today but it will not be very mainstream

Will there be more pressure to reject athlete participation who clearly use PED's in pro sports? (bodybuilding, crossfit, Olympics, team sports, etc.)

No I think there will be more steroids and more advanced ones and they will make them legal in more countries too Will we see more of them in movies/TV? And even there, will they have more prominent roles outside of the typical comedy or super niche arthouse studio production?

Maybe but I think it will come in waves and there will be periods with a lot of female muscle in movies and periods were it's rare

Will they be among the most popular social influencers/content creators?

I think there will be a few very mainstream fbbs that will be famous but it won't be common

Is popular culture shifting toward not only acceptance, but preference toward more muscular women?

I think people are now more honest about their preferences so it seems like there are more now in the past people only shared this stuff with their best friends If it exists, how fast is the shift happening? Is it even noticeable?

There is a shift but I think it's just because of technology giving non mainstream things more attention and allowing us to find like minded people around the world

Mar 16, 2024 - context

at least the marvel movies have strong women even if its pure fantasy super power stuff with little muscle .and while i was already getting sick of them in 2014 they were still relatively fresh compared to now

Mar 16, 2024 - context


It wasn’t even a sexy movie, it was a Marvel movie, lol

Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy came out in 2014. Scarlett Johannsen was in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but Karen Gillan who I say looks way better was in Guardians of the Galaxy, but she was in heavy makeup.

Mar 16, 2024 - context
  • Will there be more mainstream acceptance?

Given the rise of muscle mommies online, and movies like Love Lies Bleeding, it will move a bit closer to the mainstream. The question is how far it will move.

Will it move closer to mainstream then move back and become more niche? Or will it permanently become more mainstream?

Mar 15, 2024 - context

well some people don't need much. these days i would never do this and i don't think i ever had the balls to do it in public but when i was a young teenager and i saw the 1996 movie striptease on tv (in 2007 not 1996 i was way too young in 1996) i couldn't take it anymore and started jacking off .there was really only a few minutes of sexy moments in there but it was enough. nowadays i have high standards and i don't bother watching movies just because they have some sexy moments. but i used to watch movies just because they had sexy characters even if the movie was lame like i used to get hyped up for james bond movies just to see who james bond would fuck. ok james bond movies are good so not the best example but that was my main focus the action and story was just bonus.

Mar 15, 2024 - context

This just makes the above incident sound even more embarrassing.

From what I've gathered, the top themes of the movie seem to be:

  1. Love between 2 partners
  2. Revenge


10,000. Muscle fantasy catering to a mostly ignored schmoe audience

Mar 15, 2024 - context

Here's my impression of Love Lies Bleeding... it's a good movie but not the greatest. Spoiler (sorry).

And if your looking for female muscle growth there's little on that matter. Jackie takes steroids every often in the movie before she is having sex with Kristen Stewart's character Lou, during the film when she is training, before a competition, and it comes to a head in the form the giant woman that she turns into very near the end of the film. Again it's not a great movie but if you guys want a superior female bodybuilder scene than just buy Skin Deep on bluray with John Ritter and Raye Hollit. A bigger and beautiful in Raye gets John in bed. Not to say that Katy O'Brian isn't beautiful.

Mar 15, 2024 - context

I worked in a movie theater in 2014. Funniest thing was two teenagers, maybe 14-15, who had apparently just met that day, were having sex in the back row of the brand new IMAX theater. They were caught, the cops were called, the parents showed up, the dads threatened to fight each other, the girls mom threatened to press charges, and it was a great day.

It wasn’t even a sexy movie, it was a Marvel movie, lol

Mar 14, 2024 - context

I scrubbed through a bootleg version of the movie online. Most of the muscle growth shots from the trailer are all you see in the movie. Unless I skipped over something, you're not going to see anything hardcore like out of a DeviantArt comic.


Mar 14, 2024 - context

Yea the movie isn't porn the muscle is just bonus. I am not sure if the actual movie is good I am too busy to watch it any time soon.

Mar 14, 2024 - context

Recently saw the movie. As stated before in this thread, it's just a movie with a FBB as a protagonist. If you're expecting a muscle fetish movie, I recommend you to go to a XXX site, choose your video of preference and that's it. There are some little yet amazing muscle worship scenes tho.

I'm not a film critic by any means (very far from it), I just love movies and have always enjoyed them, and this one is very entertaining, with some interesting (yet subtle) plot twists that will keep you engaged. However, the ending was... very unexpected.

And, oh my God... Katy nailed her role. I don't want to spoil anything, so imma keep my review short and straightforward by saying that she was the one that surprised me the most.

How much flexing was there?

Mar 14, 2024 - context

Recently saw the movie. As stated before in this thread, it's just a movie with a FBB as a protagonist. If you're expecting a muscle fetish movie, I recommend you to go to a XXX site, choose your video of preference and that's it. There are some little yet amazing muscle worship scenes tho.

I'm not a film critic by any means (very far from it), I just love movies and have always enjoyed them, and this one is very entertaining, with some interesting (yet subtle) plot twists that will keep you engaged. However, the ending was... very unexpected.

And, oh my God... Katy nailed her role. I don't want to spoil anything, so imma keep my review short and straightforward by saying that she was the one that surprised me the most.

Mar 14, 2024 - context

I scrubbed through a bootleg version of the movie online. Most of the muscle growth shots from the trailer are all you see in the movie. Unless I skipped over something, you're not going to see anything hardcore like out of a DeviantArt comic.

lol, I did the same thing, the very brief muscle growth shots I saw makes me frustrated knowing what Hollywood is capable of but we will most likely never see it

Mar 13, 2024 - context

I scrubbed through a bootleg version of the movie online. Most of the muscle growth shots from the trailer are all you see in the movie. Unless I skipped over something, you're not going to see anything hardcore like out of a DeviantArt comic.

Mar 13, 2024 - context

I'm not sure you've seen a lot of movies since the time of Tony Curtis and such, but outside of Arnold, you also have Dwayne Johnson, John Cena, of course Arnold, Sylvester Stallone... honestly there are a LOT of very muscular guys who have played a decently wide range of roles,

Their physique is often a focal point of their character... but if you're going to have way bigger muscles than most people.. your physique is going to be a defining part of you.

When it comes to women though, I do think you have a very valid point. Muscular women are pretty much always cast as a brute, a bully, a sexual foil, or a joke.

Yes, it's still lopsided for FBBs. I'm sure there are several other exceptions, but one of the best ones is Joanie Laurer on 3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN.

Mar 11, 2024 - context

I'm not sure you've seen a lot of movies since the time of Tony Curtis and such, but outside of Arnold, you also have Dwayne Johnson, John Cena, of course Arnold, Sylvester Stallone... honestly there are a LOT of very muscular guys who have played a decently wide range of roles,

Their physique is often a focal point of their character... but if you're going to have way bigger muscles than most people.. your physique is going to be a defining part of you.

When it comes to women though, I do think you have a very valid point. Muscular women are pretty much always cast as a brute, a bully, a sexual foil, or a joke.

Mar 11, 2024 - context

I don't know it at all, but evidently in the movie STAY HUNGRY he plays a sympathetic part, and that's a very early role.

Mar 10, 2024 - context

Arnold Schwarzenegger played in a lot of movies were he wasn't just a fighter .

Ahhnold is a very funny man, in addition to his heroic strength.

Mar 10, 2024 - context

Arnold Schwarzenegger played in a lot of movies were he wasn't just a fighter .

Mar 10, 2024 - context

Apart from obvious things like "Peplum" movies and Conan and so on, male bodybuilders have always been a part of entertainment, but just like FBB's, they've ended up in very stereotyped roles a lot of the time. They're henchmen in adventure stories and bullies in non-violent ones, or at least comical "dumb jocks." Or some mixture. But I'm always interested in exceptions to those rules.

One good example is an odd comedy called DON'T MAKE WAVES. It has Tony Curtis as the lead male character, and Sharon Tate and Dave Draper as a couple that he's determined to break up with a big scheme, and does for a while. And without being dumb, Draper's character is a "gentle giant" who's also naive enough to let it happen. And a lot of other comedies would be okay with that - they'd just have the "normal" character come between the hot girl and the "dumb jock" bodybuilder. But this one doesn't look at it that way.

Anyway, it's a very general question, but what are some other movies and shows and so on that picture MBB's in a pretty good light?

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