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Sep 26, 2016 - context
I know its a old movie...but I count with you guys and of your expertise....tks anyway
May 05, 2015 - context
  Kelly Lynch actress has big muscles.  She is in lifetime movie dark desire. Man her arms are very big for an actress. She has a shapely sexy calves. Anyone have videos of her flexing?
Apr 30, 2015 - context
The entire franchise of Nemesis (four movies) is going to be available on blu-ray (May 2015): http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00TS7U5RY/

Nemesis 2 in particular features excellent footage displaying Sue Price's breathtaking physique (see image). Nemesis 4 shows even more, but it's... well, kind of an awkward movie to say the least. Not that the others should have won any Oscar, anyway... but Sue Price is spectacular and for her presence alone these movies are well worth a vision :-)

Feb 28, 2015 - context
I'm also a fan of female celebrity biceps. I wish more of them would flex on camera.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorites over the years:

Jessica Biel
Katie Couric
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Angela Bassett
Linda Hamilton
Sarah Jessica Parker
Kaley Cuoco
Brooke Shields

Linda Hamilton for sure.  The second Terminator movie.  Obviously not steroid big, but in great shape long before the fitness wave crashed on the beach and it became fashionable.   
Jun 26, 2014 - context
Kat Connors belly punching clip:


If you don't feel like buying the movie, you can still download the sample clip. There used to be a longer clip of this fight on youtube, but I can't find it anymore.

Also, fbb Liang Yue Yun taking some belly punches in this clip:


The latter reminded me of something that is really bothering: why is it that they can't give female bodybuilders better roles than just villaneous cameos who appear for at most 5 minutes? I don't mind seeing them being beaten up, even by skinny girls, but why do the world fear and hate their image so much?
Jul 14, 2013 - context
I've been consumed with lust for muscular women ever since I saw "Skin Deep" way back in the 80s in the movie theatre and had a throbbing hard on for the next ten minutes after seeing Raye Hollit's magnificent back and hard biceps. I've only told ever told very few people, and I didn't even tell my wife until one day she checked out my browser history (she later apologized) and saw that I was checking out Yvette Bova's site. (side note: I love really big muscular black women most of all.)

But it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to us. From me admitting my desires we ended up discussing our own sexual preferences in greater detail, and eventually opened up our relationship and started swinging. Sex parties, private orgies and fun with other couples has actually made our relationship stronger and or sex lives amazing. Unfortunately I still haven't experienced a muscular woman, but she's always on the lookout for me, and I've no doubt it'll happen eventually. :)

But would I tell people at work that I love giant biceps, huge thighs, and hard abs on a tough, hot female bodybuilder? Not on your life.  :)
Nov 13, 2012 - context
"the desire to create the perfect woman"
Most of the morphs I've seen seem to be almost comical and ridiculously exagerated "over morphed" I can't think that when they look like that that someone was setting out to make the perfect women.

Well, you should. Those who do that kind of morphs clearly like the unrealistic overly built looks. Everyone has their own opinion on what perfection is. It doesn't have to be achievable in flesh.

I know what it is I just don't get why some people like it, I mean you know it's fake when you see it so what's the point. Or is it to make realistic people look sort of toony? If that's the attraction I guess I could understand that since there are more kinds of fetishes then I can even imagine nowadays. And whatever floats your boat I'm not one to judge. I was just curious to what the atrraction is to morphed images.

It's a fantasy.

Why do you watch movies not based on true stories, or why do you read novels? Don't you know their stories are made up? So how come you enjoy them?
Oct 24, 2012 - context
I think there is a shift on what we think the role of a man and a woman is in society as to what it was like before and when you take into account that and some other factors you see an overall de-emasculation of men and more accepted for woman to act masculine.

What I mean is that looking at popular culture you can tell more femine traits are being sought after in guys with the rise of singers like Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, and One Directions (Music taste and preference aside these are popular culture.) who are younger, emotional, artistic, and have less masculine features overall facially and in muscle but this is the norm as opposed to the action movie era of the 80's/90's. Now there are exceptions to the norm and woman who will always be in the minority but from my observations this is the way it has gone.

Woman on the other hand are going the other way with it albeit with limitations. Woman are can be more sexually open then once before and have more authority in relationships. There is not a sport in my province that does not have a female equivalent and ones that dont allow woman to play on the same teams are guys, hell I know woman boxers/wrestlers who due to weight classes fight guys and won (Usually using speed over strength). There has been a higher interest in things such as Crossfit and fitness in general and when I go to the gym there are way more woman overall then men although free weights are still male dominated.

Im not an expert but Im just going off my own observations. As men are lucky as we can act more femine then woman can be masculine overall. More woman are seeing being fit and showing some muscle as sexy and more men seem to be accepting of it but I think it has more to do with our societies current focus on health and fitness in this decade and higher fat diets that leads to more naturally muscular woman now then in the past but its a fine line for a woman before being shunned by men for being "too muscular" even at the fitness level.

As each generation passes I think we will actually see a shift in this role more so but not so much that we will see a complete reversal but more of an evening out and that will not be anytime soon but over the coarse of a few generations. Woman who work out now also have better supplements then use to be available to put on size easier but if the trent increases then who is to say each generation of woman wont have an easier time putting on weight/muscle density and if men keep going at their trent we may see a generation of men who have a harder time putting on muscle which seems like it would come sooner then the opposite.

I also heard somewhere that in the Y chromosome that makes a baby male as each generation goes by it is getting smaller. I have heard things disproving and for this so it may play an overall factor but if thats the case it is not something we can help and emasculation is gonna happen but I think even it is a case that the Y chromosome is shrinking Im thinking it caused by our actions rather then on its own but I aint no scientist, just a man who likes woman with big muscles.

Im actually not in favor of this whole role reversal thing as Im just kind of a masculine guy who things a man should be a man but to each their own. I also do not want to say its getting easier for woman to put on muscle to a noticeable degree or not because I dont wish to take anything away from the current generation of female atheletes who worked hard for their results but when I see that 17 year old girl from the UK and Haylee McNeff at 21 and hear they are natural (Which I do not doubt at all.) it makes me think of these things.

Sorry bout the short novel guys but I mum this idea in my head quite a bit haha.
Sep 07, 2012 - context
I posted 10 screenshots of Raye Hollitt from the movie Skin Deep, and again they didn't get approved.

It's really annoying to have pics rejected without knowing the reason and being ignored on the forum :)
Aug 31, 2012 - context
This site is worse than movie bootleg sites. Viruses, and Malware are everywhere.
May 06, 2012 - context
 hi brian since your from the uk,i wonder if you can remember katy hill from the blue peter shows if not check her out ,and see what you think..also nomai rapace from the girl with the dragon tatto fame..theres the scene in that movie were,shes making love to another woman and both girls are buff n muscular.now thats a rare sight
Apr 19, 2012 - context
Hey, anon-e-mouse!

That's an excellent conspirousy theory! Wanna draw up plans for a movie about it?:)
Mar 23, 2012 - context
To the Chief-  I can actually respect your 8.3 average rating.  Although much higher than I would assess all of the girls/all of the images, etc., at least you use some discretion in your voting.

To Sthenolagnia-  Ok, let's try this ... If one votes 16,000 times (which I've shared with you below by another member), and the average is "9.99", then what possible meaning does a "10" have?.  Frankly, it is an insult those very few, special girls who deserve a "10".  Again, "10" means perfect, the very, very best.  Some girls are a 9.7, some an 8.1 and yes, some might only be a 5.4.  <<<  OH THE HUMANITY!  How is voting on 16,000 images and rating virtually every one of them a "10", courteous or positive?  Seriously, is every movie you've ever seen, a "10"?, every TV Show you've ever seen, a "10"?, every book, every car, etc., etc. I think not.

Your thoughts?

I'm sorry, this IS retarded.
   V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  

Sr. Member
Email: hidden
Images uploaded: 195
Images favorited: 3745
Average Rating Received: 8.6
Number of Ratings Given: 16892
Average Rating Given: 9.99

Time Registered: Jun 04, 2011, 12:34 pm
Last Activity: Mar 23, 2012, 9:54 am

Once again, my opinion, not yours.

Nov 20, 2011 - context
hey i just wanted to know if you could help me get this muscle celebrity ....there was a pic of her of the red carpet on the site and really cant find it now...she had huge biceps .. and has acted even in movies..Do you have any idea what her name is??
Sep 20, 2011 - context
Has anyone ever seen muscle woman on tv shows ?? Muscle woman are rae in these categories like movies or tv shows i have hardly seen them in movies or tv shows!!

Does anyone know if there are any tv shows or movies with muscle woman?
the brucester
Aug 25, 2011 - context
First the good news. By now, most of you have seen Cameron's "Top Gear" flex on "youtube" and/or pics from the TV show. I remember telling you all about it when I first saw that vid in the beginning of 2011. What a treat!!!  Anyhow, so much for the good news. Now you better sit down and get hold of a cold compress. You're gonna need it!!!

In the movie "Bad Teacher" Cameron Diaz says to somebody: "I'm stronger than I look..." and then FLEXES her muscle!!! Trouble is, the camera man does NOT show us the FLEX !!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ????????? They should give that camera guy a DETENTION !!! I can't remember being this frustrated watching a movie since Pussy Galore flipped James Bond in "Goldfinger" but never showed him her muscles!!!

Ironically, "Bad Teacher" is still a pretty good flick, and I can think of worse things than staring at Cameron Diaz. Too bad nobody on this site was the camera man, eh?  ;D

- Brucester

Aug 24, 2011 - context
This site appears to be hacked by a movie/ gaming page. If you open multiple tabs, they are overridden by this annoying site, bog down the browser, and eventually I have to bail. I may have to leave the page if it continues. Sorry man, cuz I love the site. skeez
Jun 04, 2011 - context
Are there any movies with female muscle other than the nemesis series?? pls share
Sep 30, 2010 - context
One user in the comments wrote: back up dancer in green is Rachele Brooke Smith and is in 2 straight to dvd movies: Center Stage Turn It Up and Bring It On Fight To The Finish
Sep 14, 2010 - context
Thanks so much for post man, i was thinking of joining but i already got most of their movies, but was hoping that if i joined the new site i would have access to their newer DVD selection, i was hoping it would be like Awefilms, lots of HD films to download, but its sounds like its just plain shit from your post, :( dam it looked so enticing from the front page too... 
May 20, 2010 - context
Heh.... A lot probably just depends on how often a person gets out and runs into different people.
Honestly, with my current job, there's only a small group of people who all seem like they've worked here for many years.  No female muscle to be seen here.  And as I've gotten older, I just don't have friends inviting me to big parties and events like I once did.  (The last time I tried to organize one at my own place, only about 6 people showed up out of like 50 I invited.  Everyone's too busy with family, kids, other commitments, a planned vacation, or whatever.)

College was the best time for finding women with muscles, really...   I remember when I was going to the area community college, one of the required courses to graduate was a physical education credit, which most people got by going to the gym on campus.  I wound up making friends with one gal who got out of the gym at the exact same time I finished with my last class for the afternoon, so we'd often run into each other as I was heading toward the parking lot at the end of campus.  She was all into the idea of lifting weights and building some muscles.  She wasn't really anyone you'd consider more than "average looking".  She was about 5'4" with dirty blonde hair and pale skin, and didn't wear any makeup.  But she was kind of the "tomboy" type, happy to flex for you any time you asked and let you feel her arms to comment on any progress you might have noticed.  And without even asking, she used to go up on her tiptoes and ask me to check out her calves.

I met another girl, a little younger than me, who I dated a few times, briefly.  She was a cute blonde, kind of skinny but had noticeable bulging biceps when she ran her hands through her hair or anything like that.  I told her I really liked her muscles, and she admitted that she was "pretty strong", and said something about getting her muscles from helping her dad work on cars and carrying around a lot of heavy stuff.  I asked her to try picking me up and without even acting like it was a big deal, she scooped me up in her arms and carried me around a little bit.  (I told her I was probably 50 or 60lbs. heavier than her and she just nodded and grinned, kind of tossed me up in the air and caught me again a couple times, and said I wasn't too hard to carry.)

I remember hanging out with some of my friends one night too.  We went to this clubhouse at an apartment complex because one of my friends had a key to it.  This girl my friend knew had some really massive legs.  (She was a big broad-shouldered gal anyway, but her legs were definitely up to the task of supporting all her weight and a LOT more.)  She ends up sitting down at the leg press machine and asks my friend to put the key in it.  He starts it at about 340lbs. and she presses it once and says "Give me some more weight!"  He sticks it at around 500 and she presses it again, with ease, and says "I can do 900 or so.  Set it for that."  So he puts the key in the second to the bottom slot and she cranks out 5 or 6 reps with the full stack of weight, minus the one plate.  She claimed her dad was a bodybuilder and won some kind of state title one year, and that's how she got into weightlifting herself.

Then I used to know this other gal, Di, who was really strong too.  She didn't really look it, except her legs looked a bit more muscular than normal (kind of like you'd expect a cyclist to have or something).  But she was really solid.  (Her brother was all into amateur wrestling and used to wrestle with her all the time.  He was bragging one time about how tough she was, and how she could pick him up, holding him upside down, and do pile-drivers on him, even though he weighed 250lbs.)  To my surprise, she blurts out "Yeah, but you're not THAT much bigger than me anyway!"  Later on, I questioned her about that and she just shrugged, and said "Yeah.. I mean, I'm probably 190... 200.... somethin' like that.... maybe a little more.  I carry a lot of weight in my legs."  She *really* didn't look like she was more than maybe 140-145.  So I got her to hop on my scale at home, and sure enough .... the dial zipped around and stopped at 205!  I told her I was impressed and showed her I wasn't even more than about 180 myself.  After that, I asked her for a piggyback ride and she happily gave me one for a good 5 minutes or so.  I kept laughing and saying how easy she was making it look, so she actually offered me a shoulder ride after that!  She was going to have me stand on a chair but instead, I said "Here... just squat down and let me climb on.  Let's see if you can do that!"  She squatted down but mostly because I was trying to make it hard on her at this point, I said "No... squat lower!  Lean forward some and put your hands on your knees."  She did, leaning further forward than I really expected her to, so her arms were bent.  I figured this was *really* going to make things a challenge for her ...  I straddled her neck and tucked my legs back up against her chest.  To my surprise, she gave a little grunt and pushed on her knees, straightening her arms out, leaned back a little, grabbed my lower legs with her hands and stood right up.  She proudly asked "How was that?!" and proceeded to shoulder carry me around a bit.

I got a couple other good piggyback rides from her at parties after that, too ... and she even let me use her as human furniture one time, when we were goofing around watching a movie and drinking with some of her friends.  She got on her hands and knees and invited me to have a seat on her back, and just held me up there for a while, after some of us got on a discussion about how strong she was.

(Too bad we just didn't really "click" in things beyond the physical...  She wasn't the brightest person around and our conversations just got boring and hard to continue when we hung out -- so I just kind of lost touch with her after a while.)

it could be an explanation, please people, comment on your thoughts about this :)
Oct 28, 2009 - context

Im looking for some Dani Ross movies.. does anyone have any they can upload or tell me where I can view them?

the brucester
Apr 17, 2009 - context
Speaking of Marilyn Chambers. In the mid-70s she was in Montreal and Toronto making a horror movie called "RABID". Not a porn flick - but a mainstream Canadian motion picture. At the time, she was trying to break away from the adult industry. Marilyn looked incredible and had beautiful muscular arms. She was a pretty good actress too- no matter what movie she was in!!! I'm sorry to hear Marilyn Chambers passed away.   :(  - Brucester
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