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May 05, 2024 - context

Brooke Ence is an actress, funny enough. She plays an Amazon in Wonder Woman and Justice League. I would cast her as the lead Amazon in a movie about Themyscira.

May 04, 2024 - context

Saw the movie yesterday. She looks so good

May 04, 2024 - context

Anne Hathaway's abs in her new movie, The Idea of You.

May 03, 2024 - context

I look forward to you dating an inflatable doll. See how much more practical I am.

The ability to consider something is unrelated to seeing it as either feasible or ultimately desirable.

The fact that I can picture something in my mind, like in a cartoon or a movie script, does neither make nor prove it possible.

Repeating the word "progress" like some mantra does not mean you know a thing. This is no less silly than going around asking people to admire your penis (a far saner request because at least it probably exists).

I'd very much like you to just stop derailing the discussion by trying to make things personal out of some dumb envy, spite or one-upmanship. You have offered zero evidence for your fantasy, whereas I have already explained why it's nonsense. Which you have then totally ignored.

I have offered all the substance here. You have offered antics trying to get under my skin. I'm done with the substance. Only thing left to see is if you're done with the antics.

I'll say this; I've revealed my profession, and though I don't know yours, I am virtually certain you're no lawyer.

"envy, spite or one-upmanship"..."trying to get under my skin"

My God dear fellow, HOW you misread me. And that's me being polite, a part of me thinks "...malign me". There's a lot of ongoing sport I could make from that, honestly Zelensky would be jealous of me for the amount of ammo you gift me, but yeah, back on topic. Long overdue. Grand reset, if you're willing? :)

Earlier I said a woman with muscles is more attractive because strength and size are associated with health/fertility, and that the healthy male mind seeks out such characteristics (among others). I also remember saying a man attracted to smaller, weaker women would be thus likelier to himself be mentally weaker.

You rather quickly dismissed that idea as having been debunked frequently here. Says you...I'm fairly new here so I have not seen these alleged refutations.

And that, quite simply, is where we are on this topic. :)

May 02, 2024 - context

Like a few people above, I definitely don't go in for non-fictional violence.

My other answer doesn't entirely belong here for two reasons. First, it doesn't involve FBBs (or other athletic women all that often - at least not very obvious ones). Second, it isn't about a woman winning a fight.

Instead, I have an attachment for male / female showdown scenes, but ones between the male protagonist and the female villain, not the opposite. Especially when he doesn't use a gun. That's partly because they're so rare - for every one of the scenes I just described, there are just about a hundred scenes of the other two kinds - "female good guy vs. male bad guy" or "female good guy vs. FEMALE bad guy." In fact, countless adventure story scenes actually SET UP a big confrontation between the hero and the femme fatale of the story, and at the LAST SECOND, the heroine of the story appears and stops her, which gets very predictable. (I know people love to see women fighting in stories, but it's still predictable!) So for all those reasons, I like scenes where the man gets rid of the femme fatale, including fatally.

But also, it's ten times better when there's been sex (including off-screen sex) between them, making her a kind of "black widow" who gets stopped by the victim himself, but AFTER the romantic stuff. Which is ANOTHER thing that should be obvious, but one that countless stories leave out, even ones with great "seductress" type villainesses.

Nearly the best movie example of what I mean is the Bond film THUNDERBALL - there's the big "steamy" scene between Bond and the femme fatale, and in the next scene - even though the story HAS a heroine - Bond himself puts her out of the way, and without using a gun (except indirectly). So that's the "pattern" that I mean. And again, hundreds of adventure stories - including big "sex and violence" ones - seem really, really timid about using it. So when a story DOES use it, that's part of the attraction.

Again, this has nothing to do with FBBs, but that's my obvious attachment when it comes to female characters and violent scenes.

May 01, 2024 - context

For me just about 100% of movie or tv violence involving blood, gore, guns, knives, whacked out aliens and explosions isn't a turn on for me but I'll watch those movies w/no problem. Now, if we're talking certain sexual domination stuff in adult films or certain websites..depending on who it is and what they're doing that can definitely be something I like.

Apr 30, 2024 - context

I think you missed my point about chaos. This thing is like predicting weather. I hope you know the difference between precision and accuracy. When it comes to chaos, it does not matter how precise you are, because after enough steps, you will not be accurate anymore. Any initial conditions will lead to the whole spectrum of all possible outcomes, which I referred to as the envelope, after enough time passes.

You don't need to "prove" anything. You will have a certain distribution of outcomes from certain initial conditions, if this is what you're referring to by patterns, and this may also be what chaos theory calls the basin of attraction.

What you're suggesting about the predictive power of an individual's genome is plain silly. This is like saying that the make, model and vehicle identification number of a car are the sole cause of the owner visiting certain places, and that known with good enough precision, can be used to predict those places.

Predictions do not create information. Predictions attempt to extract information that is already there in some form. Conversely, you can not extract something that doesn't exist.

This is like saying that if I trained myself to punch hard enough, I could punch through solid rock. Ignoring the fact that at some point I would just break my fist or my arm. All your predictions are based on what you don't know, not on what you do know.

To get back on topic, attraction to female muscle is best understood not in terms of direct cause and effect, but in terms of envelope. Nobody is always, without fail and totally attracted to something he's known to be attracted to. Whatever a person is attracted to, he may experience the attraction or craving depending on his state of mind and his circumstances, in some form or another, strongly or weakly, or not at all.

For example, at the moment I am unable to feel any attraction or craving towards any woman on this site. Tomorrow may be different. As much as I have no idea what will happen tomorrow, neither do I know how strongly or to whom I will be attracted if I decide to visit this site, what time of day it will be and what event, if any, will trigger it.

Let's say we take a thousand members of this site and expose them to some extreme sadomasochistic practice they've never seen before. Some will feel repulsed and remain that way. Some will be initially shocked and then, shortly afterwards, feel strangely fascinated by it and seek it out. Some will immediately feel both fascinated and grossed out. And finally some will instantly know they like it.

There is no way to predict the event of exposure, unless you intend to kidnap them and force them to watch. There is also very little accuracy in predicting their reactions, because part of it will depend on what have they been exposed to previously. I get why someone might be a masochist and wish to be dominated by a muscular girl, or a girl who knows martial arts. But candles, ropes, clamps, high heels, electric shocks, nipple torture and ballbusting I don't understand. I just know people do those things too.

It works like the escalator in a fun house. You go back and forth and every step depends on some immediate previous step. But there is no way to clearly say when the previous step has been taken, until the next one suddenly happens.

Like Critical Drinker often likes to say, stuff like this happens in movies because the plot needs it to happen. It is quite sad if the victory of machines over men or CIA over Joe Average depends on the latter sinking to their lowest possible level. I have no doubt it is happening. You only need to look around. But that is no evidence of how wonderful and incredible computers and three-letter agencies are becoming. I'd say the exact opposite. They're going to shit with everyone and everything else.

I didn't say you ONLY needed the genome and all it's connections mapped, to determine a given targets attractiveness to the subject. You'd still - for a while, until the tech catches up - need an equally deep database of the environmental variables to which the subject was exposed over the last 30 seconds, 30 days, 30 years etc.

However, with enough biodata about a given human, we'll know how much exposure and what kind of exposure, if any (suffices), is needed to bring him around to enjoying a Domme's spiked heel in the cleft between his balls.

Again...if this tech hasn't already been developed.

Predictions do not create information. Predictions attempt to extract information that is already there in some form

Nope. Predictions ARE information, albeit speculative, and predictions attempt nothing; they are the result of analytics, i.e. attempts to extract conclusions from existing data.

Apr 30, 2024 - context

Fake violence like movie scenes or comic book scenes certainly can be turn on, and even very rough ones... I won't pretend I don't like the fatalities of Mortal Kombat or Fist of the North Star for example. It's the result of extraordinary strength, skills of combat and pure power... exciting and intimidating (and maybe little disgusting at same way). But violence in real life?! No way! Even Box or MMA is ugly for me. There are so many useful things in real world how to use muscles and strength without hurting someone.

Apr 29, 2024 - context

I kind of love this thread.

Instead of a list of natty women, it's more a fascinating window onto how much enhancement will be perceived as "natty" by people outside of the bodybuilding world.

I'm saying this without any judgement. If you've never tried gear before and you're not curious about bodybuilding/fitness as a whole, then you don't really have any benchmarks to judge people as natty or enhanced. That's a intentional on the part of the fitness industry. I remember seeing people like Jay Cutler and just thinking that I needed a lot of protein powder and flax seed oil and the right workout routine to look just like him. That's what bodybuilding media put forth back then.

Anyway, if a girl is uploaded to this site and you can easily link to her pic, then there's like a 99% chance that she's not natty.

There is one guy who frequently defends elite CrossFit competitors as natty (especially Mal O'Brien) and also posts encyclopedic knowledge about an athlete's performance history, but he reminds me of that one character in the movie The Menu who is obsessed with fine dining and acts like a critic, but when challenged by Ralph Fiennes's character to come up with his own dish, makes something extremely crappy. Would be curious to see how he does on a CrossFit benchmark workout like Fran, Helen or Grace. I don't think it's even enough to be curious about bodybuilding or even watch it outside of having a fetish for muscular women: I think you have to actually be a participant in a strength sport or at the very least be seriously into training and are around an actual fitness community.

But yeah, while I love this site it definitely leads to warped expectations. Awhile ago I posted a picture of a woman who definitely lifts and has muscle, but had a natty physique, and one comment said "I wouldn't consider her muscular at all, just fit." when, again, I know natty women who have been lifting for years and finally got a physique like that. One of the coaches at my former gym was a former Games athlete, and despite that being many years ago still seriously smokes everybody in the workouts that we go and is STRONG as hell for her size, but if I were to take a pic of her and post it here, she wouldn't probably get passed on for "not having visible muscle".

Apr 29, 2024 - context

I'm not "rambling". And the huge success of "fifty shades of grey" - a movie about a submissive woman - contradicts modern feminism in many ways. But from a psychological standpoint it's no surprise. Women have these tendencies. And you would be surprised how many have even fantasies about getting raped by a physical superior person (you can google it, there are several research papers about it). Like many of us have these fantasies. That's the similarity I was talking about.

Then you really don’t understand what modern feminism is, buddy. Feminism is the about the empowerment of choice not the dynamics of submission/ domination. It would be nice if you could provide citations to support your position on your assertion that women tend to fantasize the act of non-consent. I would agree if you proposed that a common theme in the fantasies are a relinquish in control to a strong and stoic partner, but that does not mean it is an act of non-consent. I do not believe you have a mature outlook on what fantasies are in relation to our sexuality.

Just because people on this forum prefer muscular women does not mean we would like to be physically assaulted by one. I’m sure the fantasy of it is the idea that these women have the capability to, which makes it all the more desirable to have a strong woman that is a “master of the universe” (made a slight wink to Fifty Shades of Grey’s original title).

Apr 29, 2024 - context

I'm not "rambling". And the huge success of "fifty shades of grey" - a movie about a submissive woman - contradicts modern feminism in many ways. But from a psychological standpoint it's no surprise. Women have these tendencies. And you would be surprised how many have even fantasies about getting raped by a physical superior person (you can google it, there are several research papers about it). Like many of us have these fantasies. That's the similarity I was talking about.

Before marriage became an institution a few thousands of years ago, rape is how we procreated for over a quarter million years. We'd see a fine woman, and just take her. That's not a popular viewpoint, but that's fundamentally who we still are.

Apr 29, 2024 - context

Oh ands it’s because of modern day feminism that a movie like Fifty Shades of Grey was made so I don’t get the point of that example either….

I'm not "rambling". And the huge success of "fifty shades of grey" - a movie about a submissive woman - contradicts modern feminism in many ways. But from a psychological standpoint it's no surprise. Women have these tendencies. And you would be surprised how many have even fantasies about getting raped by a physical superior person (you can google it, there are several research papers about it). Like many of us have these fantasies. That's the similarity I was talking about.

Apr 29, 2024 - context

I was always into lists and rankings about a lot of different things like sports and movies and stuff, and would also do stuff like rank my favorite female bodybuilders as well

Wow, never would have guessed Bill Simmons was an FBB fan!

Apr 28, 2024 - context

It' not just the aspect of violence, it's also about having ultimate power over somebody else. It's well researched that this is a strong sexual stimulus. Not just for fbb fans but also for bad people who like it very "young", if you know what I mean. The big difference is that we want to be on the recieving end. At least in our fantasy. And it's kinda interesting that a large percentage of woman has this sort of fantasies too. But in the age of modern feminism it became a huge taboo to talk about this topic. On the other hand the success of movies like "Fifty shades of gray" shows that this is realy how many "normal" women feel. So it looks like we have a similar mindset like many women have ... Or am I wrong?

What are you rambling on about? I think you are the classic example of someone who cannot see the forest for the trees. Some of us just like muscular women because they are powerful, compared to average women, and look like they can take care of themselves. I don’t know where you are going with the “bad” people example preferring young, but it’s probably better that you didn’t go into further detail. Oh ands it’s because of modern day feminism that a movie like Fifty Shades of Grey was made so I don’t get the point of that example either….

Apr 28, 2024 - edited Apr 28, 2024 - context

It' not just the aspect of violence, it's also about having ultimate power over somebody else. It's well researched that this is a strong sexual stimulus. Not just for fbb fans but also for bad people who like it very "young", if you know what I mean. The big difference is that we want to be on the recieving end. At least in our fantasy. And it's kinda interesting that a large percentage of woman has this sort of fantasies too. But in the age of modern feminism it became a huge taboo to talk about this topic. On the other hand the success of movies like "Fifty shades of gray" shows that this is realy how many "normal" women feel. So it looks like we have a similar mindset like many women have ... Or am I wrong?

Apr 28, 2024 - context

Reading novels (George RR Martin, Tom clancy, Stephen King), playing various videogames on Playstation, watch movies / TV shows.

Also, due to Playstation and their inclusion of photomode in their titles, I delve into virtual photography by taking snapshots of various moments in videogames (not cutscenes). Horizon Zero Dawn was my first use of photomode, and due to the game's photogenic gameworld, it is my most extensive use of photomode (around 160 images). Second is Cyberpunk 2077. Another excellent gameworld suited for photomode (around 120 images). Others are God Of War 2018 / Ragnarok, Ghost Of Tsushima. I have a Flickr account that I dump the photos into.

Horizon is a gorgeous game. Same with cyberpunk. Currently playing Forbidden West.

Have you played Red Read Redemption 2? The scenery in that game is jaw dropping.

Apr 27, 2024 - context

At the movie

I love it when my wife flex and let me feel her muscles in public. We went to a movie, Monster good Japanese film, at our favorite theater tonight. At this place you sit in good chairs with a table and you can order food and drinks during the movie. It has some cozy lightning as well so it is not all dark. She had a silky blouse and jeans on and after a while she started to realy flex her hard thighs and slowly also arms. My hand was there of course. I love feeling her arm muscles under the thin silky material. The contrast of the material and her absolute rock hard bicep is sexy. She bent her arm and held her hand on her head. Pressed the palm at her head and the bicep totaly fills the sleeve. I have my hand back and forth over the super hard peak. We did not think anyone saw our little moment. But after the film she went to the barhroom and there a lady 30-35 isch had told her that she sat behind ua and had seen how I admired her biceps. She though it was cool and also said that it had looked like a solid muscle. My wife thankt for the compliment and said that it had once been a little bigger but still is solid. It is now 29,5 cm flexed and 25 relaxed. Before leaving the barhroom she had put her hair back in a ponytail and as she did the woman had complimented her again and asked to feel her then flexed bicep. She abliged and let her. She was perplexed on how hard it was. I ofcourse knew nothing about this and did therefore not realy inderstand the look and the wink an unknown lady gave me as she left the barhroom. After my wife explained it on the car I got it. Love her and when she flex in public like this.

I’ll take “Things that didn’t happen” for a thousand

Apr 26, 2024 - context

Whenever I hit puberty, which was somewhere around the turn of the century. I had female muscle influences before, but Chyna is what “took my soul”. It went from watching wrestling just for her (I can’t even begin to explain how uninterested I was in pro wrestling in general, even as a kid), which I could do guilt free with family members around because I was just watching wrestling, to stealing off to the family computer to look for pictures of her. I remember it was an Angelfire site that I went to most and I’d just go through all the pics on the site. It was definitely a “soul stealing” thing though because nothing made me more excited to go off to the family computer to do that and I did it every chance I got.

And then from there, shortly after I was just looking at pictures of Chyna, it just went to female bodybuilders. It was pre-Youtube so I mostly just knew to look for pics, and the sites I remember going to most were the FTvideo sample page and AMG-lite. Developed like an encyclopedic knowledge of female bodybuilders pretty quickly. I was always into lists and rankings about a lot of different things like sports and movies and stuff, and would also do stuff like rank my favorite female bodybuilders as well (although of course always keep it to myself). Definitely think that’s the biggest sign of it taking my soul when it essentially became a hobby. Vividly remember having a “big 3” of Marja Lehtonen, Elena Seiple and Gina Davis early on.

Apr 26, 2024 - edited Aug 12, 2024 - context

At the movie

I love it when my wife flex and let me feel her muscles in public. We went to a movie, Monster; a good Japanese film, at our favorite theater tonight. At this place you sit in good chairs with a table and you can order food and drinks during the movie. It has some cozy lightning as well so it is not all dark. She had a silky blouse and jeans on and after a while she started to realy flex her hard thighs and slowly also arms. My hand was there of course. I love feeling her arm muscles under the thin silky material. The contrast of the material and her absolute rock hard bicep is sexy. She bent her arm and held her hand on her head. Pressed the palm at her head and the bicep totaly fills the sleeve. I have my hand back and forth over the super hard peak. We did not think anyone saw our little moment. But after the film she went to the bathroom and there a lady 30-35 isch had told her that she sat behind ua and had seen how I admired her biceps. She though it was cool and also said that it had looked like a solid muscle. My wife thankt for the compliment and said that it had once been a little bigger but still is solid. It is now 29,5 cm flexed and 25 relaxed. Before leaving the barhroom she had put her hair back in a ponytail and as she did the woman had complimented her again and asked to feel her then flexed bicep. She abliged and let her. She was perplexed on how hard it was. I ofcourse knew nothing about this and did therefore not realy understand the look and the wink an unknown lady gave me as she left the barhroom. After my wife explained it on the car I got it. Love her and when she flex in public like this.

Apr 26, 2024 - edited Apr 26, 2024 - context

Sometimes in fantasy or fiction it can turn me on, but real violence is always a turnoff for me. I don't even enjoy carefully choreographed wrestling. Just like other things such as movies or novels: Sometimes a violent story is entertaining, but real-life violence is dismays me every time. Resorting to violence is a failure of intellect, and the aggressor is hard to sympathize with. It's only the victims of violence who get my compassion, so a strong woman behaving violently is acting like a loser, to put it bluntly.

The poll makes no distinction between reality and fantasy, so I assumed it meant real violence.

Apr 23, 2024 - context

Lynda Carter was the ultimate to me. The show came on just as I was hitting puberty and she had my hormones raging. When it became available on DVD via Netflix I watched the whole series. Forgot how cheesy it was but Ms Carter was spectacular. IMHO she is still the most beautiful woman on TV ever (Sofia Vergera runs her a close second)

Anyone remember the TV movie in the early 70’s with Cathy Lee Crosby?

Apr 23, 2024 - context

Reading novels (George RR Martin, Tom clancy, Stephen King), playing various videogames on Playstation, watch movies / TV shows.

Also, due to Playstation and their inclusion of photomode in their titles, I delve into virtual photography by taking snapshots of various moments in videogames (not cutscenes). Horizon Zero Dawn was my first use of photomode, and due to the game's photogenic gameworld, it is my most extensive use of photomode (around 160 images). Second is Cyberpunk 2077. Another excellent gameworld suited for photomode (around 120 images). Others are God Of War 2018 / Ragnarok, Ghost Of Tsushima. I have a Flickr account that I dump the photos into.

Cool!, wats your account?

Apr 20, 2024 - context

Hey guys, im searching for a very hot video that was on yt some years ago but i cannot find it anymore...the girl was like Tracey Tappin or something like this and was humiliating a guy in a bar at armwrestling...it was from a movie or a TV series i think.

Thank you so much

Apr 16, 2024 - edited Apr 16, 2024 - context

For anyone who is familiar with the House Party series you may or may not remember catching this. This series is a massive cult classic (mainly among Black Americans) that was started in the early 90s. In the first movie, there was a scene where Kid from the hip-hop duo Kid N' Play, and Tisha's character Sidney were about to get down to business but they couldn't do it because Kid had a super old, dried up condom in his wallet and on top of that she notices that her parents are arriving home. In a haste to beat them to the punch, she quickly gets up and starts undressing to change into her PJs and right when she slips her pants off, you get a nice but very quick glimpse of her flexed abs as she hunches over to get her pants off and once she fully disrobes you get a nice glimpse of her slender fit physique (I can't provide a screenshot because what is available is a very washed fuzzy image of that particular part. The screenshot I did provide is from that scene though). This is back when Tisha Campbell was in really good shape so almost any production she did in the 90s if she was wearing something that exposed her stomach, you would get a nice glimpse of her soft yet slightly pronounced abs.

This screenshot of her in a cropped sweatshirt from an episode of Martin highlights what I'm talking about.

Also co-starring alongside her was AJ Johnson (not to be confused with the AJ Johnson who was also an extra in the first House Party and had a minor role in the 3rd movie that later went on to play Ezell in the movie Friday) who played the character Sharane who during the time didn't particularly have any noticeable muscularity but as the years went on became involved in fitness and developed a very impressive physique. This is a shot of her in more recent times and she is 61 now.

For those familiar with the Wayans Family catalog may not mention this movie first when recalling the productions they've put out but this screenshot was from a Keenan Ivory Wayans film called "Low Down Dirty Shame" that very briefly featured the wildly obscure and ever elusive "Pillow" in a spa scene. And if you're looking at the screenshot thinking "wait, that's not the Pillow I remember" then allow me to explain. I know underrated retro GMWs are discussed on this site but in all honesty I believe this Pillow is probably the most least known or explored retro FBB especially to be one that has actually appeared on television and in film productions. She literally has no contest history, is only credited under the mononym "Pillow" in cast listings, and is completely overshadowed by the other Pillow that was prevalent during that same era. So much so that if you google "Pillow bodybuilder" the only thing that will come up with her on it is the video that Dr. Showbiz did literally explaining the dichotomy between the two of them. It's so bizarre! Pillow has also appeared on the High Noon episode of Martin (alongside Debbie Muggli), as well as a skit on In Living Color yet there's hardly a trace of her to be found even to this day.

And lastly, circling back around to the House Party series, in the 3rd movie there's a janky record label executive played by comedian Michael Colyar who is protected by an exclusively female bodyguard fleet that do his bidding for him. They are depicted as silent enforcers that use their strength and power to intimidate the likes of those who are indebted to his character. They are seen doing everything from crushing billiard balls to restraining Kid and Play while Michael's character Showboat explains his bottom line to them. I am most partial to the one on the far right for obvious reasons and I found her to be the most attractive one. This rare dynamic was a huge anomaly to see in movies in the 90s even if done for comedic purposes.

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