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Apr 03, 2010 - context

A year ago disappeared two videos from youtube, both on Carla Gore. A fitness girl from 80-90s. Does anyone know where i can find pictures or videos of her?

I have searched like an idiot for a long time now but have not found anything.

Thanks in advance :)
Feb 17, 2010 - context
mzdevious. she is on dailymotion.com. a super sexy muscle entertainer/bodybuilder. Any other places we can find her free videos?
Nov 18, 2009 - context
Howdy all,

Anyone know where I can get hold of any Quaren vids?  Isn't much around on youtube, veoh etc these days.  Does anyone have any or know if any of her DVDs are still for sale?
Nov 03, 2009 - context
FemFlex.com has some vids from Dec. of '04 of her bicep flexing. 'Course you got to be a member to see them. I thought WPW had some of her from way back but I couldn't find them on their site or Ray Martin's either.
Nov 03, 2009 - context
Nov 01, 2009 - context
 Who is Dani Ross? Interwsted
Oct 31, 2009 - context
Did Dani ever show any flexed-up abs?

If they were anywhere near as spectacular as her legendary biceps, I'd like to see ...
Oct 31, 2009 - context
I have a VCR tape that has some highlights of her.  I have NO idea how to convert it
Oct 28, 2009 - context

Im looking for some Dani Ross movies.. does anyone have any they can upload or tell me where I can view them?

Aug 02, 2009 - context
Does anyone know any good websites that focus on the ab's and/or belly button of women/muscular women?
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